Fixed #1 such that resizing the window still keeps every item where it should be, and maintains collision on all platforms.
2021-09-16 11:38:46 -06:00 |
Changed the runner controls to be more smooth, and in line with original vision. Adjusted the obstacles to make it more fair for the user. Removed death by hitting platform.
2021-09-13 13:21:52 -06:00 |
Changed the different difficulties of each level in the game.
2021-09-10 20:39:32 -06:00 |
Upgraded the code to support Flutter SDK 2.5 and Dart 2.14. If you have previous builds please delete your build file, run 'flutter upgrade' on the stable flutter channel and also run 'flutter clean' in the project directory.
2021-09-08 15:44:12 -06:00 |