import 'package:firo_runner/moving_objects/moving_object.dart';
import 'package:firo_runner/main.dart';
import 'package:flame/components.dart';

enum WallState { normal }

class Wall extends MovingObject {
  int direction = -1;
  late int bottomPlatformLevel;
  Wall(MyGame gameRef) : super(gameRef) {
    List<Sprite> wall = gameRef.wallHolder.getWall();
    SpriteAnimation normal = SpriteAnimation.spriteList(wall, stepTime: 0.1);

    sprite = SpriteAnimationGroupComponent(
      animations: {
        WallState.normal: normal,
      current: WallState.normal,

    sprite.priority = WALL_PRIORITY;

      gameRef.blockSize *
          (gameRef.wallHolder.wall[0].image.width /
              gameRef.wallHolder.wall[0].image.height) *
      gameRef.blockSize * 0.35,

  // Override the update method so that this object can also move vertically
  // as an obstacle.
  void update(double dt) {
    int nearestPlatform =
        getNearestPlatform((sprite.x / gameRef.blockSize).round());
    nearestPlatform = nearestPlatform == 0 ? -1 : nearestPlatform;
    if (sprite.y + sprite.height > bottomPlatformLevel * gameRef.blockSize) {
      direction = -1;
    } else if ((bottomPlatformLevel - 2) * gameRef.blockSize -
            2 * gameRef.blockSize / 7 >
        sprite.y) {
      direction = 1;
    double velocity = gameRef.gameState.getVelocity() / 10.0;
    sprite.position = sprite.position + Vector2(0, direction * velocity * dt);