307 lines
8.1 KiB
307 lines
8.1 KiB
library impl.nip19;
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:convert/convert.dart';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:bip340/bip340.dart' as bip340;
import 'package:bech32/bech32.dart';
import 'models.dart';
import 'nip19_api.dart';
typedef TLV = Map<int, List<Uint8List>>;
class Nip19Impl implements Nip19 {
static const _bech32MaxSize = 5000;
List<int> _convertBits(List<int> data, int fromBits, int toBits, bool pad) {
int acc = 0;
int bits = 0;
List<int> ret = [];
for (int value in data) {
acc = (acc << fromBits) | value;
bits += fromBits;
while (bits >= toBits) {
bits -= toBits;
ret.add((acc >> bits) & ((1 << toBits) - 1));
if (pad) {
if (bits > 0) {
ret.add((acc << (toBits - bits)) & ((1 << toBits) - 1));
} else if (bits >= fromBits || (acc & ((1 << bits) - 1)) != 0) {
throw Exception('[!] Invalid padding');
return ret;
String _encodeBytes(String prefix, String hex) {
final bytes = HexUtil.decode(hex);
List<int> fiveBitWords = _convertBits(bytes, 8, 5, true);
var bech32String = const Bech32Codec().encode(Bech32(prefix, fiveBitWords));
return bech32String;
TLV _parseTLV(Uint8List data) {
TLV result = {};
Uint8List rest = data;
while (rest.isNotEmpty) {
int t = rest[0];
int l = rest[1];
Uint8List v = rest.sublist(2, 2 + l);
rest = rest.sublist(2 + l);
if (v.length < l) continue;
result[t] = result[t] ?? [];
return result;
Uint8List _concatBytes(List<Uint8List> bytesList) {
int length = bytesList.fold(0, (sum, bytes) => sum + bytes.length);
Uint8List result = Uint8List(length);
int offset = 0;
for (Uint8List bytes in bytesList) {
result.setRange(offset, offset + bytes.length, bytes);
offset += bytes.length;
return result;
Uint8List _encodeTLV(TLV tlv) {
List<Uint8List> entries = [];
for (var entry in tlv.entries) {
for (var v in entry.value) {
Uint8List bytes = Uint8List(v.length + 2);
bytes.setRange(0, 1, [entry.key]);
bytes.setRange(1, 2, [v.length]);
bytes.setRange(2, v.length + 2, v);
return _concatBytes(entries);
String nsecEncode(String hex) {
return _encodeBytes('nsec', hex);
String npubEncode(String hex) {
return _encodeBytes('npub', hex);
String noteEncode(String hex) {
return _encodeBytes('note', hex);
String naddrEncode(AddressPointer addr) {
Uint8List kind = Uint8List(4)
..buffer.asByteData().setUint32(0, addr.kind, Endian.big);
var identifier = utf8.encode(addr.identifier);
List<Uint8List> relays = (addr.relays ?? [])
.map((url) => utf8.encode(url))
Uint8List pubkeyBytes = Uint8List.fromList(HexUtil.decode(addr.pubkey));
TLV tlv = {
0: [identifier].cast<Uint8List>(),
1: relays,
2: [pubkeyBytes].cast<Uint8List>(),
3: [kind].cast<Uint8List>(),
Uint8List data = _encodeTLV(tlv);
List<int> fiveBitWords = _convertBits(data, 8, 5, true);
var bech32String = const Bech32Codec()
.encode(Bech32('naddr', fiveBitWords), _bech32MaxSize);
return bech32String;
String neventEncode(EventPointer event) {
Uint8List id = Uint8List.fromList(HexUtil.decode(event.id));
List<Uint8List> relayUrls =
(event.relays ?? []).map(utf8.encode).toList().cast<Uint8List>();
List<Uint8List> author = event.author != null
? Uint8List.fromList(HexUtil.decode(event.author!))
: [];
TLV tlv = {
0: [id],
1: relayUrls,
2: author,
Uint8List data = _encodeTLV(tlv);
List<int> fiveBitWords = _convertBits(data, 8, 5, true);
var bech32String = const Bech32Codec()
.encode(Bech32('nevent', fiveBitWords), _bech32MaxSize);
return bech32String;
String nprofileEncode(ProfilePointer profile) {
Uint8List pubkeyBytes = Uint8List.fromList(HexUtil.decode(profile.pubkey));
List<Uint8List> relayUrls =
(profile.relays ?? []).map(utf8.encode).toList().cast<Uint8List>();
TLV tlv = {
0: [pubkeyBytes],
1: relayUrls,
Uint8List data = _encodeTLV(tlv);
List<int> fiveBitWords = _convertBits(data, 8, 5, true);
var bech32String = const Bech32Codec()
.encode(Bech32('nprofile', fiveBitWords), _bech32MaxSize);
return bech32String;
Map<String, dynamic> decode(String nip19) {
Bech32 bech32;
try {
bech32 = const Bech32Codec().decode(nip19, _bech32MaxSize);
} catch (e) {
throw ChecksumVerificationException('Checksum verification failed');
List<int> data = _convertBits(bech32.data, 5, 8, false);
final prefix = bech32.hrp;
switch (prefix) {
case 'nprofile':
TLV tlv = _parseTLV(Uint8List.fromList(data));
if (tlv[0]?.isEmpty ?? true) {
throw Exception('missing TLV 0 for nprofile');
if (tlv[0]?.isNotEmpty ?? false) {
if (tlv[0]![0].length != 32) {
throw Exception('TLV 0 should be 32 bytes');
} else {
throw Exception('missing TLV 0 for nprofile');
return {
'type': 'nprofile',
'data': {
'pubkey': HexUtil.encode(tlv[0]![0]),
'relays': tlv[1]?.map((d) => utf8.decode(d)).toList() ?? [],
case 'nevent':
TLV tlv = _parseTLV(Uint8List.fromList(data));
if (tlv[0] == null) {
throw Exception('missing TLV 0 for nevent');
if (tlv[0]![0].length != 32) {
throw Exception('TLV 0 should be 32 bytes');
if (tlv[2] != null && tlv[2]![0].length != 32) {
throw Exception('TLV 2 should be 32 bytes');
return {
'type': 'nevent',
'data': {
'id': HexUtil.encode(tlv[0]![0]),
'relays': tlv[1] != null
? tlv[1]!.map((e) => utf8.decode(e)).toList()
: [],
'author': tlv[2] != null ? HexUtil.encode(tlv[2]![0]) : null,
case 'naddr':
TLV tlv = _parseTLV(Uint8List.fromList(data));
if (tlv[0] == null) {
throw Exception('missing TLV 0 for naddr');
if (tlv[0] == null) {
throw Exception('missing TLV 0 for naddr');
if (tlv[0] == null) {
throw Exception('missing TLV 0 for naddr');
if (tlv[3] == null) {
throw Exception('missing TLV 3 for naddr');
if (tlv[3]![0].length != 4) {
throw Exception('TLV 3 should be 4 bytes');
return {
'type': 'naddr',
'data': {
'identifier': utf8.decode(tlv[0]![0]),
'pubkey': HexUtil.encode(tlv[2]![0]),
'kind': int.parse(HexUtil.encode(tlv[3]![0]), radix: 16),
'relays': tlv[1] != null
? tlv[1]!.map((d) => utf8.decode(d)).toList()
: [],
case 'nsec':
case 'npub':
case 'note':
return {'type': prefix, 'data': HexUtil.encode(data)};
throw Exception('unknown prefix $prefix');
class Bip340Util {
static String getPublicKey(
String privateKey,
) =>
static String sign(String privateKey, String id, String aux) => bip340.sign(
static bool verify(String publicKey, String id, String signature) =>
bip340.verify(publicKey, id, signature);
class HexUtil {
static String encode(List<int> bytes) {
return hex.encode(bytes);
static List<int> decode(String str) {
return hex.decode(str);
static String generate64RandomHexChars() {
final random = Random.secure();
final randomBytes = List<int>.generate(32, (i) => random.nextInt(256));
return encode(randomBytes);