Changes fixeed

This commit is contained in:
SuriyaR 2019-08-06 20:14:27 +05:30
parent 841567568b
commit 7ff9209919
2 changed files with 61 additions and 49 deletions

View File

@ -25,24 +25,36 @@
<div class="day_filter">
<a href="JavaScript:void(0);" (click)="
Difficultyreq('', '', '1 day'); selectedItem = 6
Difficultyreq('', '', '1 day',''); selectedItem = 6
" id="6" #item6 [ngClass]="{ active: selectedItem ==, txt_primay: true }">1 Day</a>
<a href="JavaScript:void(0);" (click)="
Difficultyreq('', '', '1 week'); selectedItem = 1
Difficultyreq('', '', '1 week',''); selectedItem = 1
" id="1" #item1 [ngClass]="{ active: selectedItem ==, txt_primay: true }">1 {{'home.WEEK' | translate}}</a>
<a href="JavaScript:void(0);" (click)="
Difficultyreq('', '', '15 days'); selectedItem = 2
Difficultyreq('', '', '15 days',''); selectedItem = 2
" id="2" #item2 [ngClass]="{ active: selectedItem ==, day15_txt: true }">15 {{'home.DAYS' | translate}}</a>
<a href="JavaScript:void(0);" (click)="
Difficultyreq('', '', '30 days'); selectedItem = 3
Difficultyreq('', '', '30 days',''); selectedItem = 3
" id="3" #item3 [ngClass]="{ active: selectedItem ==, day30_txt: true }">30 {{'home.DAYS' | translate}}</a>
<a href="JavaScript:void(0);" (click)="
Difficultyreq('', '', '60 days'); selectedItem = 4
Difficultyreq('', '', '60 days',''); selectedItem = 4
" id="4" #item4 [ngClass]="{ active: selectedItem ==, day60_txt: true }">60 {{'home.DAYS' | translate}}</a>
<a href="JavaScript:void(0);" (click)="
Difficultyreq('', '', '3 months'); selectedItem = 5
Difficultyreq('', '', '3 months',''); selectedItem = 5
" id="5" #item5 [ngClass]="{ active: selectedItem ==, day3m_txt: true }">3 {{'home.MONTHS' | translate}}</a>
<div class="day_filter">
<a href="JavaScript:void(0);" (click)="
Difficultyreq('', '', '1 day','cuckatoo'); selectedItem12 = 1
" id="1" #item12 [ngClass]="{ active: selectedItem12 ==, txt_primay: true }">Cuckoo</a>
<a href="JavaScript:void(0);" (click)="
Difficultyreq('', '', '1 day','progpow'); selectedItem12 = 2
" id="2" #item12 [ngClass]="{ active: selectedItem12 ==, txt_primay: true }">ProgPow</a>
<a href="JavaScript:void(0);" (click)="
Difficultyreq('', '', '1 day','randomx'); selectedItem12 = 3
" id="3" #item12 [ngClass]="{ active: selectedItem12 ==, txt_primay: true }">RandomX</a>
<div class="explore_all text-right">
<a routerLink="/chart/total-difficulty"><span class="text-uppercase d-block">{{'home.EXPLORE_IT' | translate}} <i
class="fa fa-long-arrow-right"></i></span></a>

View File

@ -48,12 +48,14 @@ export class GraphListComponent implements OnInit {
public selectedItem9: Number = 3;
public selectedItem10: Number = 3;
public selectedItem11: Number = 3;
public selectedItem12: Number = 1;
public tInput: any;
public tOutput: any;
public tKernal: any;
public tDate: any;
public tHour: any;
public Type: any = '';
viewchartvar: boolean;
@ -376,12 +378,15 @@ export class GraphListComponent implements OnInit {
fromDate = '',
ToDate = '',
interval = '',
type = ''
) {
this.Type = this.Type == '' ? type != '' ? type : 'cuckatoo' : this.Type;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let params = new HttpParams();
params = params.append('FromDate', fromDate);
params = params.append('ToDate', ToDate);
params = params.append('Interval', interval);
params = params.append('Type', this.Type);
.apiGetRequest(params, '/blockchain_block/totaldiff')
@ -389,18 +394,13 @@ export class GraphListComponent implements OnInit {
if (res['status'] == 200) {
let DifficultychartDate = res.response.Date;
let BlocksChartDate = res.response.blockDate;
let DifficultyCuckaroo = res.response.DifficultyCuckaroo;
let DifficultyCuckatoo = res.response.DifficultyCuckatoo;
let DifficultyProgpow = res.response.DifficultyProgpow;
let DifficultyRandomx = res.response.DifficultyRandomx;
let TargetDifficulty = res.response.TargetDifficulty;
this.lg_last =
[DifficultyCuckaroo[DifficultyCuckaroo.length - 1],DifficultyCuckatoo[DifficultyCuckatoo.length - 1],DifficultyProgpow[DifficultyProgpow.length - 1],DifficultyRandomx[DifficultyRandomx.length - 1]];
TargetDifficulty[TargetDifficulty.length - 1];
@ -438,49 +438,49 @@ export class GraphListComponent implements OnInit {
difficultyChartFunc(DifficultychartDate, DifficultyCuckaroo, DifficultyCuckatoo, DifficultyProgpow, DifficultyRandomx) {
difficultyChartFunc(DifficultychartDate, TargetDifficulty, Type) {
this.linearGraphData = {
data: [
x: DifficultychartDate,
y: DifficultyCuckaroo,
text: DifficultyCuckaroo,
y: TargetDifficulty,
text: TargetDifficulty,
mode: 'lines+markers',
type: 'scatter',
name: '',
line: { color: '#ac3333' },
hovertemplate: '%{x}<br> Cuckaroo : %{text:,}',
x: DifficultychartDate,
y: DifficultyCuckatoo,
text: DifficultyCuckatoo,
mode: 'lines+markers',
type: 'scatter',
name: '',
line: { color: '#A876C6' },
hovertemplate: '%{x}<br> Cuckatoo : %{text:,}',
x: DifficultychartDate,
y: DifficultyProgpow,
text: DifficultyProgpow,
mode: 'lines+markers',
type: 'scatter',
name: '',
line: { color: '#54CFDC' },
hovertemplate: '%{x}<br> Progpow : %{text:,}',
x: DifficultychartDate,
y: DifficultyRandomx,
text: DifficultyRandomx,
mode: 'lines+markers',
type: 'scatter',
name: '',
line: { color: '#77817C' },
hovertemplate: '%{x}<br> Randomx : %{text:,}',
hovertemplate: '%{x}<br> Difficulty : %{text:,}',
// {
// x: DifficultychartDate,
// y: DifficultyCuckatoo,
// text: DifficultyCuckatoo,
// mode: 'lines+markers',
// type: 'scatter',
// name: '',
// line: { color: '#A876C6' },
// hovertemplate: '%{x}<br> Cuckatoo : %{text:,}',
// },
// {
// x: DifficultychartDate,
// y: DifficultyProgpow,
// text: DifficultyProgpow,
// mode: 'lines+markers',
// type: 'scatter',
// name: '',
// line: { color: '#54CFDC' },
// hovertemplate: '%{x}<br> Progpow : %{text:,}',
// },
// {
// x: DifficultychartDate,
// y: DifficultyRandomx,
// text: DifficultyRandomx,
// mode: 'lines+markers',
// type: 'scatter',
// name: '',
// line: { color: '#77817C' },
// hovertemplate: '%{x}<br> Randomx : %{text:,}',
// },
layout: {
hovermode: 'closest',