This commit is contained in:
SuriyaR 2019-08-02 18:24:58 +05:30
parent cfa2a7f0bf
commit 6652ee583b
4 changed files with 78 additions and 63 deletions

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import {
} from '../dtos';
import { Paginate } from '../utils';
const https = require('https');
const http = require('http');
var moment = require('moment');
@ -374,11 +374,11 @@ export class BlockchainKernelController {
? response.status(200).json({
status: 200,
message: 'blockchain_kernelsuccessfully fetched for given id.',
response: { ...BlockchainKernelFetchQuery },
status: 200,
message: 'blockchain_kernelsuccessfully fetched for given id.',
response: { ...BlockchainKernelFetchQuery },
: next(new NoDataFoundException());
} catch (error) {
next(new InternalServerErrorException(error));
@ -418,11 +418,11 @@ export class BlockchainKernelController {
? response.status(200).json({
status: 200,
message: 'blockchain_kernel successfully deleted for given id.',
response: { ...BlockchainKernelDeleteQuery },
status: 200,
message: 'blockchain_kernel successfully deleted for given id.',
response: { ...BlockchainKernelDeleteQuery },
: next(new NoDataFoundException());
} catch (error) {
next(new InternalServerErrorException(error));
@ -482,18 +482,18 @@ export class BlockchainKernelController {
try {
const lang = request.query.lang;
/* response.status(200).json({
status: 200,
message: 'Transaction fee chart fetched successfully',
response: {
lang: lang
}); */
console.log(path.resolve(__dirname + '/../i18n/'+request.query.lang+'.json'));
console.log("Without :",path.resolve('/../i18n/'+request.query.lang+'.json'));
response.sendFile(path.resolve(__dirname + '/../i18n/'+request.query.lang+'.json'));
/* response.status(200).json({
status: 200,
message: 'Transaction fee chart fetched successfully',
response: {
lang: lang
}); */
console.log(path.resolve(__dirname + '/../i18n/' + request.query.lang + '.json'));
console.log("Without :", path.resolve('/../i18n/' + request.query.lang + '.json'));
response.header("Content-Type", 'application/json');
response.sendFile(path.resolve(__dirname + '/../i18n/' + request.query.lang + '.json'));
} catch (error) {
next(new InternalServerErrorException(error));
@ -506,14 +506,29 @@ export class BlockchainKernelController {
next: NextFunction,
) => {
try {
https.get('', (resp) => {
console.log('resp resp respresp',resp);
let data = '';
http.get('', (resp) => {
// console.log('resp resp respresp',resp);
let data = '';
// A chunk of data has been recieved.
// A chunk of data has been recieved.
resp.on('data', function (chunk) {
data += chunk;
let dataJson = JSON.parse(data);
dataJson.forEach(function (value, i) {
value['id'] = i;
status: 200,
message: 'Peers list fetched successfully',
response: {
} catch (error) {
console.log('error 3###########', error);
next(new InternalServerErrorException(error));
@ -550,8 +565,8 @@ export class BlockchainKernelController {
"select 1 as hash, date(DATE_TRUNC('day', timestamp)) as date, sum(fee)/1000000 as fee \
from blockchain_block t1 join blockchain_kernel t2 on t2.block_id=t1.hash where " +
timeIntervalQry +
"group by DATE_TRUNC('day', timestamp) order by date",
timeIntervalQry +
"group by DATE_TRUNC('day', timestamp) order by date",
.catch(err_msg => {
@ -608,10 +623,10 @@ export class BlockchainKernelController {
"with hours as ( \
SELECT generate_series('" +
fromdate +
" 00:00:00'::timestamp, '" +
todate +
" 23:00:00', '1 hours') as hour ) select hours.hour, t1.totalinput, t1.totalkernal, t1.totaloutput \
fromdate +
" 00:00:00'::timestamp, '" +
todate +
" 23:00:00', '1 hours') as hour ) select hours.hour, t1.totalinput, t1.totalkernal, t1.totaloutput \
from hours left join(select to_char(x.timestamp,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:00:00') as hour_of_day ,\
SUM(x.input_count) as totalinput, SUM(x.kernal_count) as totalkernal, SUM(x.output_count) as totaloutput\
from ( SELECT blockchain_block.hash, \
@ -629,11 +644,11 @@ LEFT JOIN (select block_id, count(block_id) as block_id_count from blockchain_ke
LEFT JOIN (select block_id, count(block_id) as block_id_count from blockchain_output group by block_id) as bo \
ON blockchain_block.hash = \
bo.block_id WHERE blockchain_block.timestamp >= '" +
fromdate +
" 00:00:00' \
fromdate +
" 00:00:00' \
AND blockchain_block.timestamp <= '" +
todate +
" 23:59:59' \
todate +
" 23:59:59' \
GROUP BY blockchain_block.hash \
ORDER BY blockchain_block.timestamp DESC ) as x \
group by to_char(x.timestamp,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:00:00') \
@ -745,8 +760,8 @@ LEFT JOIN (select block_id, count(block_id) as block_id_count from blockchain_ou
const TransactionHeatmapChartQuery = await getConnection()
'with hours as ( SELECT hour::date from generate_series(' +
seriesquery +
", '1 day') as hour) select hours.hour, \
seriesquery +
", '1 day') as hour) select hours.hour, \
t1.totalinput, \
t1.totalkernal, \
t1.totaloutput \
@ -767,8 +782,8 @@ LEFT JOIN (select block_id, count(block_id) as block_id_count from blockchain_ke
LEFT JOIN (select block_id, count(block_id) as block_id_count from blockchain_output group by block_id) as bo \
ON blockchain_block.hash = \
bo.block_id WHERE " +
timeIntervalQry +
" \
timeIntervalQry +
" \
GROUP BY blockchain_block.hash \
ORDER BY blockchain_block.timestamp DESC) as x \
group by to_char(x.timestamp,'YYYY-MM-DD') \

View File

@ -272,9 +272,9 @@
<div class="col-6 col-md-3 tble_col">
<div class="block_div">
<div class="block_div" title="Cuckaroo : {{ peer.total_difficulty.cuckaroo | number }}, Cuckatoo : {{ peer.total_difficulty.cuckatoo | number }}, Progpow : {{ peer.total_difficulty.progpow | number }}, Randomx : {{ peer.total_difficulty.randomx | number }}">
<h6>Total Difficulty</h6>
<span class="blck_value">{{ peer.total_difficulty.cuckaroo }},{{ peer.total_difficulty.cuckatoo}},{{ peer.total_difficulty.randomx}},{{ peer.total_difficulty.progpow}}</span>
<span class="blck_value peers_diff">{{ peer.total_difficulty.cuckaroo }},{{ peer.total_difficulty.cuckatoo}},{{ peer.total_difficulty.progpow}},{{ peer.total_difficulty.randomx}}</span>

View File

@ -47,21 +47,15 @@ export class LatestblocksComponent implements OnInit {
public getpeersList() {
const httpOptions = {
headers: new HttpHeaders({
.subscribe((res) => {
// this.peers = res;
this.peers = [{"id": 1,"capabilities":{"bits":15},"user_agent":"MW/Epic 1.0.0","version":1,"addr":"","direction":"Outbound","total_difficulty":{"cuckaroo":1630,"cuckatoo":706,"randomx":138024,"progpow":49792},"height":10},{"id": 2,"capabilities":{"bits":15},"user_agent":"MW/Epic 1.0.0","version":1,"addr":"","direction":"Outbound","total_difficulty":{"cuckaroo":1630,"cuckatoo":706,"randomx":138024,"progpow":49792},"height":10},{"id": 3,"capabilities":{"bits":15},"user_agent":"MW/Epic 1.0.0","version":1,"addr":"","direction":"Outbound","total_difficulty":{"cuckaroo":2,"cuckatoo":2,"randomx":1024,"progpow":256},"height":0},{"id": 4,"capabilities":{"bits":15},"user_agent":"MW/Epic 1.0.0","version":1,"addr":"","direction":"Outbound","total_difficulty":{"cuckaroo":1630,"cuckatoo":706,"randomx":138024,"progpow":49792},"height":10},{"id": 5,"capabilities":{"bits":15},"user_agent":"MW/Epic 1.0.0","version":1,"addr":"","direction":"Outbound","total_difficulty":{"cuckaroo":1630,"cuckatoo":706,"randomx":138024,"progpow":49792},"height":10}];
res => {
if (res['status'] == 200) {
this.peers = res.response.dataJson;
error => {},
// this.peers = [{"id": 1,"capabilities":{"bits":15},"user_agent":"MW/Epic 1.0.0","version":1,"addr":"","direction":"Outbound","total_difficulty":{"cuckaroo":1630,"cuckatoo":706,"randomx":138024,"progpow":49792},"height":10},{"id": 2,"capabilities":{"bits":15},"user_agent":"MW/Epic 1.0.0","version":1,"addr":"","direction":"Outbound","total_difficulty":{"cuckaroo":1630,"cuckatoo":706,"randomx":138024,"progpow":49792},"height":10},{"id": 3,"capabilities":{"bits":15},"user_agent":"MW/Epic 1.0.0","version":1,"addr":"","direction":"Outbound","total_difficulty":{"cuckaroo":2,"cuckatoo":2,"randomx":1024,"progpow":256},"height":0},{"id": 4,"capabilities":{"bits":15},"user_agent":"MW/Epic 1.0.0","version":1,"addr":"","direction":"Outbound","total_difficulty":{"cuckaroo":1630,"cuckatoo":706,"randomx":138024,"progpow":49792},"height":10},{"id": 5,"capabilities":{"bits":15},"user_agent":"MW/Epic 1.0.0","version":1,"addr":"","direction":"Outbound","total_difficulty":{"cuckaroo":1630,"cuckatoo":706,"randomx":138024,"progpow":49792},"height":10}];

View File

@ -632,3 +632,9 @@ margin-right: 10px;
min-width: 5rem;
padding: 0;
width: 160px;
overflow: hidden;
display: inline-block;
text-overflow: ellipsis;