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Raw Normal View History

2019-08-07 18:20:34 +05:30
import { getConnection } from "typeorm";
2019-08-09 13:29:55 +05:30
2019-08-08 14:45:05 +05:30
var moment = require("moment");
moment.updateLocale('en', {
relativeTime: {
2019-08-12 18:33:50 +05:30
future: "in %s",
past: "%s ago",
s: "seconds",
m: "1 minute",
mm: "%d minutes",
h: "1 hour",
hh: "%d hours",
d: "1 day",
dd: "%d days",
M: "1 month",
MM: "%d months",
y: "1 year",
yy: "%d years"
2019-08-08 14:45:05 +05:30
2019-08-07 18:20:34 +05:30
2019-08-09 13:29:55 +05:30
function dateDiff(date2, insec = false) {
var current_date = new Date();
// var current_date = new Date("Sat Apr 2 2018 15:04:00 GMT+0530 (IST)");
var enddaydif =
Math.abs(date2.getTime() - current_date.getTime()) /
(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
var enddayrnd = Math.round(enddaydif);
// if(enddayrnd < 1) {
var time = convertMinsToHrmin(
2019-08-12 18:33:50 +05:30
Math.abs(date2.getTime() - current_date.getTime()), insec
2019-08-09 13:29:55 +05:30
return time;
// } else if(enddayrnd == 1) {
// return 'Ends in ' + enddayrnd + ' day';
// }else {
// return 'Ends in ' + enddayrnd + ' days';
// }
2019-08-12 18:33:50 +05:30
function convertMinsToHrmin(millseconds, insec) {
2019-08-09 13:29:55 +05:30
var seconds = Math.floor(millseconds / 1000);
2019-08-12 18:33:50 +05:30
if (insec) {
2019-08-09 13:29:55 +05:30
let sec = Math.floor(millseconds / 1000);
return sec;
2019-08-09 14:00:01 +05:30
//console.log('secnds djfhksjdfdsf',seconds);
2019-08-09 13:29:55 +05:30
var days = Math.floor(seconds / 86400);
var hours = Math.floor((seconds % 86400) / 3600);
var minutes = Math.floor(((seconds % 86400) % 3600) / 60);
seconds = seconds % 60;
var dateTimeDurationString = '';
if (days > 0 && (hours === 0 && minutes === 0))
dateTimeDurationString += days > 1 ? days + 'd ' : days + 'd ';
if (days > 0 && (hours > 0 || minutes > 0))
dateTimeDurationString += days > 1 ? days + 'd ' : days + 'd ';
if (hours > 0 && minutes > 0)
dateTimeDurationString += hours > 1 ? hours + 'h ' : hours + 'h ';
if (hours > 0 && minutes === 0)
dateTimeDurationString += hours > 1 ? hours + 'h ' : hours + 'h ';
if (minutes > 0)
dateTimeDurationString += minutes > 1 ? minutes + 'm ' : minutes + 'm ';
if (seconds > 0)
dateTimeDurationString += seconds > 1 ? seconds + 's ' : seconds + 's ';
return dateTimeDurationString;
2019-08-07 18:20:34 +05:30
export async function universalGetLatestBlockDetails(socket) {
2019-08-09 14:00:01 +05:30
2019-08-07 19:19:33 +05:30
2019-08-07 18:20:34 +05:30
let block_height = "",
2019-08-09 13:29:55 +05:30
2019-08-07 18:20:34 +05:30
letest_block_num = "",
letest_block_duration = "";
const BlockchainLatestBlockQuery = await getConnection().query(
2019-08-08 11:50:39 +05:30
"SELECT bb.timestamp,bb.proof,bb.height,bb.edge_bits,bb.hash,bb.secondary_scaling, bb.previous_id, bb.total_difficulty_cuckaroo, bb.total_difficulty_cuckatoo, bb.total_difficulty_progpow, bb.total_difficulty_randomx, COUNT(DISTINCT(bi.block_id)) AS input_count, COUNT(DISTINCT(bk.block_id)) AS kernel_count, COUNT(DISTINCT(bo.block_id)) AS output_count FROM blockchain_block bb LEFT JOIN blockchain_input bi ON bi.block_id = bb.hash LEFT JOIN blockchain_kernel bk ON bk.block_id = bb.hash LEFT JOIN blockchain_output bo ON bo.block_id = bb.hash group by bb.hash, bb.timestamp ORDER BY bb.timestamp DESC LIMIT 1");
2019-08-07 18:20:34 +05:30
const BlockchainPreviousBlockQuery = await getConnection().query(
"SELECT total_difficulty_cuckaroo, total_difficulty_cuckatoo, total_difficulty_progpow, total_difficulty_randomx FROM blockchain_block WHERE hash=" +
2019-08-12 18:33:50 +05:30
"'" +
BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].previous_id +
2019-08-07 18:20:34 +05:30
let height = BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].height;
2019-08-12 18:33:50 +05:30
// if (height > 12960) {
// var remain_block = height - 12960;
// var coin_existence =
// 1440 * 200 +
// 1440 * 180 +
// 1440 * 160 +
// 1440 * 140 +
// 1440 * 120 +
// 1440 * 100 +
// 1440 * 80 +
// 1440 * 60 +
// 1440 * 50 +
// 25 * remain_block;
// } else if (height > 11520) {
// var remain_block = height - 11520;
// var coin_existence =
// 1440 * 200 +
// 1440 * 180 +
// 1440 * 160 +
// 1440 * 140 +
// 1440 * 120 +
// 1440 * 100 +
// 1440 * 80 +
// 1440 * 60 +
// remain_block * 50;
// } else if (height > 10080) {
// var remain_block = height - 10080;
// var coin_existence =
// 1440 * 200 +
// 1440 * 180 +
// 1440 * 160 +
// 1440 * 140 +
// 1440 * 120 +
// 1440 * 100 +
// 1440 * 80 +
// remain_block * 60;
// } else if (height > 8640) {
// var remain_block = height - 8640;
// var coin_existence =
// 1440 * 200 +
// 1440 * 180 +
// 1440 * 160 +
// 1440 * 140 +
// 1440 * 120 +
// 1440 * 100 +
// remain_block * 80;
// } else if (height > 7200) {
// var remain_block = height - 7200;
// var coin_existence =
// 1440 * 200 +
// 1440 * 180 +
// 1440 * 160 +
// 1440 * 140 +
// 1440 * 120 +
// remain_block * 100;
// } else if (height > 5760) {
// var remain_block = height - 5760;
// var coin_existence =
// 1440 * 200 + 1440 * 180 + 1440 * 160 + 1440 * 140 + remain_block * 120;
// } else if (height > 4320) {
// var remain_block = height - 4320;
// var coin_existence =
// 1440 * 200 + 1440 * 180 + 1440 * 160 + remain_block * 140;
// } else if (height > 2880) {
// var remain_block = height - 2880;
// var coin_existence = 1440 * 200 + 1440 * 180 + remain_block * 160;
// } else if (height > 1440) {
// var remain_block = height - 1440;
// var coin_existence = 1440 * 200 + remain_block * 180;
// } else {
// var coin_existence = height * 200;
// }
var coin_existence;
let DAY_HEIGHT = 1440
/// Height of the first epic block emission era
const BLOCK_ERA_1 = DAY_HEIGHT * 334;
/// Height of the second epic block emission era
const BLOCK_ERA_2 = BLOCK_ERA_1 + (DAY_HEIGHT * 470);
/// Height of the third epic block emission era
const BLOCK_ERA_3 = BLOCK_ERA_2 + (DAY_HEIGHT * 601);
/// Height of the fourth epic block emission era
const BLOCK_ERA_4 = BLOCK_ERA_3 + (DAY_HEIGHT * 800);
/// Height of the fifth epic block emission era
const BLOCK_ERA_5 = BLOCK_ERA_4 + (DAY_HEIGHT * 1019);
/// After the epic block emission era 6, each era will last 4 years (approximately 1460 days)
/// Block Reward that will be assigned after we change from era 5 to era 6.
const BASE_REWARD_ERA_6_ONWARDS = 0.15625;
2019-08-12 19:25:18 +05:30
let remaining_height = 0;
2019-08-12 18:33:50 +05:30
/// Compute the total reward generated by each block in a given height.
2019-08-12 19:25:18 +05:30
if (height <= BLOCK_ERA_1) {
coin_existence = height * 16;
} else if (height <= BLOCK_ERA_2) {
remaining_height = height - BLOCK_ERA_1;
coin_existence = (16 * BLOCK_ERA_1) + 8 * remaining_height;
} else if (height <= BLOCK_ERA_3) {
remaining_height = height - BLOCK_ERA_2;
coin_existence = (16 * BLOCK_ERA_1) + (8 * BLOCK_ERA_2) + 4 * remaining_height;
} else if (height <= BLOCK_ERA_4) {
remaining_height = height - BLOCK_ERA_3;
coin_existence = (16 * BLOCK_ERA_1) + (8 * BLOCK_ERA_2) + (4 * BLOCK_ERA_3) + 2 * remaining_height;
} else if (height <= BLOCK_ERA_5) {
remaining_height = height - BLOCK_ERA_4;
coin_existence = (16 * BLOCK_ERA_1) + (8 * BLOCK_ERA_2) + (4 * BLOCK_ERA_3) + (2 * BLOCK_ERA_4) +1 * remaining_height;
} else {
// After the era 6, we reduce the block rewards by half each 1460 days.
// Minus 1 to include multiples in the same index
// (i.e changes greater than to greater or equals to)
let preious_circulation = (16 * BLOCK_ERA_1) + (8 * BLOCK_ERA_2) + (4 * BLOCK_ERA_3) + (2 * BLOCK_ERA_4) + (1 * BLOCK_ERA_5);
let height_with_offset = height - (BLOCK_ERA_5 - 1);
let exp = height_with_offset / BLOCK_ERA_6_ONWARDS;
let reward_emission = BASE_REWARD_ERA_6_ONWARDS / (1 << exp);
coin_existence = preious_circulation + reward_emission ;
2019-08-07 18:20:34 +05:30
2019-08-09 13:29:55 +05:30
letest_block = dateDiff(BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].timestamp, true);
letest_block_num = letest_block // "72"
letest_block_duration = letest_block == 1 ? 'second ago' : 'seconds ago'; // "tocirah sneab"
2019-08-07 18:20:34 +05:30
const BASE_EDGE_BITS = 24;
if (BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].edge_bits == SECOND_POW_EDGE_BITS) {
var hashvalue = BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].hash;
var diff =
(BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].secondary_scaling * 2 ** 64) /
parseInt(hashvalue.substring(0, 16), 16);
var result = Math.min(diff, 0xffffffffffffffff);
var difficulty = Math.round(result);
} else {
var graph_weight =
2 *
2 ** (BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].edge_bits - BASE_EDGE_BITS) *
var hashvalue = BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].hash;
var diff =
(graph_weight * 2 ** 64) / parseInt(hashvalue.substring(0, 16), 16);
var result = Math.min(diff, 0xffffffffffffffff);
var difficulty = Math.round(result);
if (BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].previous_id) {
var targetdifficultycuckaroo =
BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].total_difficulty_cuckaroo -
var targetdifficultycuckatoo =
BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].total_difficulty_cuckatoo -
var targetdifficultyprogpow =
BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].total_difficulty_progpow -
var targetdifficultyrandomx =
BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].total_difficulty_randomx -
2019-08-12 18:33:50 +05:30
if (BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].proof == "RandomX") {
var Difficulty = targetdifficultyrandomx;
} else if (BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].proof == "ProgPow") {
2019-08-08 11:50:39 +05:30
var Difficulty = targetdifficultyprogpow;
2019-08-12 18:33:50 +05:30
} else if (BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].proof == "Cuckoo") {
2019-08-08 11:50:39 +05:30
var Difficulty = targetdifficultycuckatoo;
2019-08-07 18:20:34 +05:30
block_height = BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].height;
2019-08-09 14:00:01 +05:30
var dateTimeDurationString = dateDiff(BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].timestamp, false);
2019-08-08 11:50:39 +05:30
2019-08-07 18:20:34 +05:30
var TotalCuckoo =
parseInt(BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].total_difficulty_cuckatoo) +
2019-08-12 18:33:50 +05:30
let balance = BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].hash.substring(2, 62);
let arr = balance.match(/.{1,6}/g);
var hasharray = arr.map(i => '#' + i);
2019-08-07 18:20:34 +05:30
socket.emit("latestblockdetail", {
2019-08-12 18:33:50 +05:30
age: dateTimeDurationString,
2019-08-08 11:50:39 +05:30
input_count: BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].input_count,
2019-08-08 12:06:56 +05:30
kernel_count: BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].kernel_count,
2019-08-08 11:50:39 +05:30
output_count: BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].output_count,
2019-08-08 15:42:31 +05:30
hash: BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].hash,
2019-08-08 11:50:39 +05:30
proof: BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].proof,
hasharray: hasharray,
2019-08-08 12:48:51 +05:30
Difficulty: Difficulty,
2019-08-12 18:33:50 +05:30
hashstart: BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].hash.slice(0, 2),
hashend: BlockchainLatestBlockQuery[0].hash.slice(62, 64),
2019-08-07 18:20:34 +05:30