2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
import express from 'express' ;
2019-08-14 16:25:23 +05:30
import { Global } from "../global" ;
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
import { Request , Response , NextFunction } from 'express' ;
import { getRepository , getConnection } from 'typeorm' ;
2019-08-21 11:46:14 +05:30
import { validationMiddleware , redisMiddleware } from '../middlewares' ;
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
import {
InternalServerErrorException ,
NoDataFoundException ,
IntegerValidationException ,
} from '../exceptions' ;
import {
BlockchainBlock ,
BlockchainInput ,
BlockchainOutput ,
BlockchainKernel ,
} from '../entities' ;
import {
BlockchainBlockCreateDto ,
BlockchainBlockSingleViewDto ,
BlockchainBlockUpdateDto ,
BlockchainBlockPaginationDto ,
TotalDifficultyNBlockDto ,
} from '../dtos' ;
import { Paginate } from '../utils' ;
2019-09-04 14:47:26 +05:30
import { latestBlockDetails } from '../utils/common' ;
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
var moment = require ( 'moment' ) ;
2019-08-08 14:45:05 +05:30
moment . updateLocale ( 'en' , {
relativeTime : {
future : "in %s" ,
past : "%s ago" ,
s : "seconds" ,
m : "1 minute" ,
mm : "%d minutes" ,
h : "1 hour" ,
hh : "%d hours" ,
d : "1 day" ,
dd : "%d days" ,
M : "1 month" ,
MM : "%d months" ,
y : "1 year" ,
yy : "%d years"
} ) ;
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
export class BlockchainBlockController {
public path = '/blockchain_block' ;
public router = express . Router ( ) ;
constructor ( ) {
this . IntializeRoutes ( ) ;
nanoEpic ( fee ) {
if ( fee == 0 ) {
return this . epic ( 0 ) ;
} else if ( fee < 1000 ) {
return fee / 1000000000 ;
} else {
return this . microEpic ( parseFloat ( fee ) / 1000 ) ;
microEpic ( fee ) {
if ( fee == 0 ) {
return this . epic ( 0 ) ;
} else if ( fee < 1000 ) {
return ( fee * 1000000 ) / 1000000000 ;
} else {
return this . milliEpic ( parseFloat ( fee ) / 1000 ) ;
milliEpic ( fee ) {
if ( fee == 0 ) {
return this . epic ( 0 ) ;
} else if ( fee < 1000 ) {
return ( fee * 1000 ) / 1000000000 ;
} else {
return this . epic ( parseFloat ( fee ) / 1000 ) ;
epic ( fee ) {
return fee ;
2019-08-09 13:29:55 +05:30
dateDiff ( date2 , insec = false ) {
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
var current_date = new Date ( ) ;
// var current_date = new Date("Sat Apr 2 2018 15:04:00 GMT+0530 (IST)");
var enddaydif =
Math . abs ( date2 . getTime ( ) - current_date . getTime ( ) ) /
( 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 ) ;
var enddayrnd = Math . round ( enddaydif ) ;
// if(enddayrnd < 1) {
var time = this . convertMinsToHrmin (
2019-08-09 13:29:55 +05:30
Math . abs ( date2 . getTime ( ) - current_date . getTime ( ) ) , insec
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
) ;
return time ;
// } else if(enddayrnd == 1) {
// return 'Ends in ' + enddayrnd + ' day';
// }else {
// return 'Ends in ' + enddayrnd + ' days';
// }
// convertMinsToHrmin(millseconds) {
// var seconds = Math.floor(millseconds / 1000);
// var days = Math.floor(seconds / 86400);
// var hours = Math.floor((seconds % 86400) / 3600);
// var minutes = Math.floor(((seconds % 86400) % 3600) / 60);
// var dateTimeDurationString = '';
// if ((days > 0) && (hours === 0 && minutes === 0)) dateTimeDurationString += (days > 1) ? (days + ' days ') : (days + ' day ');
// if ((days > 0) && (hours > 0 || minutes > 0)) dateTimeDurationString += (days > 1) ? (days + ' days, ') : (days + ' day, ');
// if ((hours > 0) && (minutes > 0)) dateTimeDurationString += (hours > 1) ? (hours + ' hours, ') : (hours + ' hour, ');
// if ((hours > 0) && (minutes === 0)) dateTimeDurationString += (hours > 1) ? (hours + ' hours ') : (hours + ' hour ');
// if (minutes > 0) dateTimeDurationString += (minutes > 1) ? (minutes + ' minutes ') : (minutes + ' minute ');
// if (seconds > 0) dateTimeDurationString += (seconds > 1) ? (minutes + ' seconds ') : (minutes + ' second ');
// return dateTimeDurationString;
// }
2019-08-09 13:29:55 +05:30
convertMinsToHrmin ( millseconds , insec ) {
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
var seconds = Math . floor ( millseconds / 1000 ) ;
2019-08-09 13:29:55 +05:30
if ( insec ) {
let sec = Math . floor ( millseconds / 1000 ) ;
return sec ;
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
var days = Math . floor ( seconds / 86400 ) ;
var hours = Math . floor ( ( seconds % 86400 ) / 3600 ) ;
var minutes = Math . floor ( ( ( seconds % 86400 ) % 3600 ) / 60 ) ;
seconds = seconds % 60 ;
var dateTimeDurationString = '' ;
if ( days > 0 && ( hours === 0 && minutes === 0 ) )
dateTimeDurationString += days > 1 ? days + 'd ' : days + 'd ' ;
if ( days > 0 && ( hours > 0 || minutes > 0 ) )
dateTimeDurationString += days > 1 ? days + 'd ' : days + 'd ' ;
if ( hours > 0 && minutes > 0 )
dateTimeDurationString += hours > 1 ? hours + 'h ' : hours + 'h ' ;
if ( hours > 0 && minutes === 0 )
dateTimeDurationString += hours > 1 ? hours + 'h ' : hours + 'h ' ;
if ( minutes > 0 )
dateTimeDurationString += minutes > 1 ? minutes + 'm ' : minutes + 'm ' ;
if ( seconds > 0 )
dateTimeDurationString += seconds > 1 ? seconds + 's ' : seconds + 's ' ;
return dateTimeDurationString ;
public IntializeRoutes() {
/ * *
* @swagger
* / e p i c _ e x p l o r e r / v 1 / b l o c k c h a i n _ b l o c k :
* post :
* tags :
* summary : create a blockchain_block
* description : create a blockchain_block
* consumes :
* - application / json
* produces :
* - application / json
* parameters :
* - name : BlockchainBlock
* description : create a blockchain_block
* in : body
* required : true
* schema :
* $ref : '#/definitions/BlockchainBlockDto'
* responses :
* 200 :
* description : blockchain_block created successfully
* definitions :
* BlockchainBlockDto :
* description : Dto
* properties :
* Hash :
* type : string
* Version :
* type : integer
* Height :
* type : integer
* Timestamp :
* type : string
* OutputRoot :
* type : string
* RangeProofRoot :
* type : string
* KernelRoot :
* type : string
* Nonce :
* type : string
* TotalDifficulty :
* type : string
* Previous :
* type : string
* TotalKernelOffset :
* type : string
* EdgeBits :
* type : integer
* CuckooSolution :
* type : string
* PrevRoot :
* type : string
* SecondaryScaling :
* type : integer
* /
this . router . post (
` ${ this . path } ` ,
validationMiddleware ( BlockchainBlockCreateDto ) ,
2019-08-21 11:46:14 +05:30
redisMiddleware ( process . env . REDIS_EXPIRY ) ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
this . BlockchainBlockCreate ,
) ;
/ * *
* @swagger
2019-08-06 18:40:10 +05:30
* / e p i c _ e x p l o r e r / v 1 / b l o c k c h a i n _ b l o c k / t o t a l d i f f :
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
* get :
* tags :
* description : To get Total Difficulty and Number of Blocks
* summary : To get Total Difficulty and Number of Blocks
* consumes :
* - application / json
* produces :
* - application / json
* parameters :
* - name : FromDate
* description : Enter the From date
* in : query
* type : string
* - name : ToDate
* description : Enter the To date
* in : query
* type : string
* - name : Interval
* description : Try to give Intevals such as 1 week / 15 days / 30 days / 60 days / 3 months
* in : query
* type : string
2019-08-06 19:58:31 +05:30
* - name : Type
* description : Enter the Algorithm Type
* in : query
* type : string
2019-08-07 13:39:41 +05:30
* - name : Difftype
* description : Enter the Difficulty Type
* in : query
* type : string
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
* responses :
* 200 :
2019-08-06 18:40:10 +05:30
* description : Total Difficulty fetched successfully
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
* /
this . router . get (
2019-08-06 18:40:10 +05:30
` ${ this . path } /totaldiff ` ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
validationMiddleware ( TotalDifficultyNBlockDto , true ) ,
2019-08-21 11:46:14 +05:30
redisMiddleware ( process . env . REDIS_EXPIRY ) ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
this . TotalDifficultyNBlock ,
) ;
2019-08-06 19:58:31 +05:30
2019-08-06 18:40:10 +05:30
/ * *
* @swagger
* / e p i c _ e x p l o r e r / v 1 / b l o c k c h a i n _ b l o c k / b l o c k c o u n t :
* get :
* tags :
* description : To get Total Difficulty and Number of Blocks
* summary : To get Total Difficulty and Number of Blocks
* consumes :
* - application / json
* produces :
* - application / json
* parameters :
* - name : FromDate
* description : Enter the From date
* in : query
* type : string
* - name : ToDate
* description : Enter the To date
* in : query
* type : string
* - name : Interval
* description : Try to give Intevals such as 1 week / 15 days / 30 days / 60 days / 3 months
* in : query
* type : string
* responses :
* 200 :
* description : Total Difficulty fetched successfully
* /
this . router . get (
` ${ this . path } /blockcount ` ,
validationMiddleware ( TotalDifficultyNBlockDto , true ) ,
2019-08-21 11:46:14 +05:30
redisMiddleware ( process . env . REDIS_EXPIRY ) ,
2019-08-06 18:40:10 +05:30
this . BlockCount ,
) ;
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
2019-08-14 19:40:01 +05:30
/ * *
* @swagger
* / e p i c _ e x p l o r e r / v 1 / b l o c k c h a i n _ b l o c k / b l o c k i n t e r v a l :
* get :
* tags :
* description : To get Block Interval
* summary : To get Block Interval
* consumes :
* - application / json
* produces :
* - application / json
* parameters :
* - name : Interval
2019-08-16 17:13:15 +05:30
* description : try to get Date
2019-08-14 19:40:01 +05:30
* in : query
* type : string
* responses :
* 200 :
* description : Block Interval fetched successfully
* /
this . router . get (
` ${ this . path } /blockinterval ` ,
validationMiddleware ( TotalDifficultyNBlockDto , true ) ,
2019-08-21 11:46:14 +05:30
redisMiddleware ( process . env . REDIS_EXPIRY ) ,
2019-08-14 19:40:01 +05:30
this . BlockInterval ,
) ;
2019-07-29 16:29:06 +05:30
/ * *
* @swagger
* / e p i c _ e x p l o r e r / v 1 / b l o c k c h a i n _ b l o c k / s t a c k b l o c k :
* get :
* tags :
* description : To get Total Difficulty and Number of Blocks
* summary : To get Total Difficulty and Number of Blocks
* consumes :
* - application / json
* produces :
* - application / json
* parameters :
* - name : FromDate
* description : Enter the From date
* in : query
* type : string
* - name : ToDate
* description : Enter the To date
* in : query
* type : string
* - name : Interval
* description : Try to give Intevals such as 1 week / 15 days / 30 days / 60 days / 3 months
* in : query
* type : string
* responses :
* 200 :
* description : Total Difficulty and No . of blocks fetched successfully
* /
this . router . get (
` ${ this . path } /stackblock ` ,
validationMiddleware ( TotalDifficultyNBlockDto , true ) ,
2019-08-21 11:46:14 +05:30
redisMiddleware ( process . env . REDIS_EXPIRY ) ,
2019-07-29 16:29:06 +05:30
this . StackBlock ,
) ;
2019-07-30 13:13:44 +05:30
/ * *
* @swagger
* / e p i c _ e x p l o r e r / v 1 / b l o c k c h a i n _ b l o c k / b l o c k p i e c h a r t :
* get :
* tags :
* description : To get Total Difficulty and Number of Blocks
* summary : To get Total Difficulty and Number of Blocks
* consumes :
* - application / json
* produces :
* - application / json
* parameters :
* - name : FromDate
* description : Enter the From date
* in : query
* type : string
* - name : ToDate
* description : Enter the To date
* in : query
* type : string
* - name : Interval
* description : Try to give Intevals such as 1 week / 15 days / 30 days / 60 days / 3 months
* in : query
* type : string
* responses :
* 200 :
* description : Total Difficulty and No . of blocks fetched successfully
* /
this . router . get (
` ${ this . path } /blockpiechart ` ,
validationMiddleware ( TotalDifficultyNBlockDto , true ) ,
2019-08-21 11:46:14 +05:30
redisMiddleware ( process . env . REDIS_EXPIRY ) ,
2019-07-30 13:13:44 +05:30
this . BlockPieChart ,
) ;
2019-08-06 19:58:31 +05:30
2019-08-28 11:20:16 +05:30
// /**
// * @swagger
// * /epic_explorer/v1/blockchain_block/hashrate:
// * get:
// * tags:
// * description: To get Hash Rate of AR29 abd AT31
// * summary: To get Hash Rate of AR29 abd AT31
// * consumes:
// * - application/json
// * produces:
// * - application/json
// * parameters:
// * - name: FromDate
// * description: Enter the From date
// * in: query
// * type: string
// * - name: ToDate
// * description: Enter the To date
// * in: query
// * type: string
// * - name: Interval
// * description: Try to give Intevals such as 1 week/ 15 days/ 30 days/ 60 days/ 3 months
// * in: query
// * type: string
// * responses:
// * 200:
// * description: Hash Rate of AR29 abd AT31 fetched successfully
// */
// this.router.get(
// `${this.path}/hashrate`,
// validationMiddleware(TotalDifficultyNBlockDto, true),
// redisMiddleware(process.env.REDIS_EXPIRY),
// this.HashRate,
// );
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
/ * *
* @swagger
* / e p i c _ e x p l o r e r / v 1 / b l o c k c h a i n _ b l o c k / l a t e s b l o c k d e t a i l s :
* get :
* tags :
* description : To get Latest Block Height and Coin in Existence
* summary : To get Latest Block Height and Coin in Existence
* consumes :
* - application / json
* produces :
* - application / json
* responses :
* 200 :
* description : Total Difficulty and No . of blocks fetched successfully
* /
this . router . get (
` ${ this . path } /latesblockdetails ` ,
validationMiddleware ( TotalDifficultyNBlockDto , true ) ,
2019-08-21 11:46:14 +05:30
redisMiddleware ( process . env . REDIS_EXPIRY ) ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
this . LatestDifficultyNBlock ,
) ;
/ * *
* @swagger
* / e p i c _ e x p l o r e r / v 1 / b l o c k c h a i n _ b l o c k / b l o c k s p e r s e c :
* get :
* tags :
* description : period of blocks generation per unit ( second )
* summary : period of blocks generation per unit ( second )
* consumes :
* - application / json
* produces :
* - application / json
* parameters :
* - name : FromDate
* description : Enter the From date
* in : query
* type : string
* - name : ToDate
* description : Enter the To date
* in : query
* type : string
* - name : Interval
* description : Try to give Intevals such as 1 week / 15 days / 30 days / 60 days / 3 months
* in : query
* type : string
* responses :
* 200 :
* description : period of blocks generation per second fetched Successfully
* /
this . router . get (
` ${ this . path } /blockspersec ` ,
validationMiddleware ( TotalDifficultyNBlockDto , true ) ,
2019-08-21 11:46:14 +05:30
redisMiddleware ( process . env . REDIS_EXPIRY ) ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
this . BlockchainBlockPerSecond ,
) ;
/ * *
* @swagger
* / e p i c _ e x p l o r e r / v 1 / b l o c k c h a i n _ b l o c k / s u p p l y g r o w t h :
* get :
* tags :
* description : Supply growth
* summary : Supply growth
* consumes :
* - application / json
* produces :
* - application / json
* parameters :
* - name : FromDate
* description : Enter the From date
* in : query
* type : string
* - name : ToDate
* description : Enter the To date
* in : query
* type : string
* - name : Interval
* description : Try to give Intevals such as 1 week / 15 days / 30 days / 60 days / 3 months
* in : query
* type : string
* responses :
* 200 :
* description : period of blocks generation per second fetched Successfully
* /
this . router . get (
` ${ this . path } /supplygrowth ` ,
validationMiddleware ( TotalDifficultyNBlockDto , true ) ,
2019-08-21 11:46:14 +05:30
redisMiddleware ( process . env . REDIS_EXPIRY ) ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
this . SupplyGrowth ,
) ;
/ * *
* @swagger
* / e p i c _ e x p l o r e r / v 1 / b l o c k c h a i n _ b l o c k / b l o c k m i n e d c h a r t :
* get :
* tags :
* description : To get Total Difficulty and Number of Blocks
* summary : To get Block Mined
* consumes :
* - application / json
* produces :
* - application / json
* parameters :
* - name : FromDate
* description : Enter the From date
* in : query
* type : string
* - name : ToDate
* description : Enter the To date
* in : query
* type : string
* - name : Interval
* description : Try to give Intevals such as 1 week / 15 days / 30 days / 60 days / 3 months
* in : query
* type : string
* responses :
* 200 :
* description : Block Mined chart data fetched successfully
* /
this . router . get (
` ${ this . path } /blockminedchart ` ,
validationMiddleware ( TotalDifficultyNBlockDto , true ) ,
2019-08-21 11:46:14 +05:30
redisMiddleware ( process . env . REDIS_EXPIRY ) ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
this . BlockMineChart ,
) ;
/ * *
* @swagger
* / e p i c _ e x p l o r e r / v 1 / b l o c k c h a i n _ b l o c k / l i s t :
* get :
* tags :
* description : pagination blockchain_block
* summary : pagination blockchain_block
* consumes :
* - application / json
* produces :
* - application / json
* parameters :
* - name : CurrentPage
* description : current page specification
* in : query
* type : integer
* required : true
* - name : PageSize
* description : page size specification
* in : query
* type : integer
* required : true
* responses :
* 200 :
* description : blockchain_block list fetched successfully
* /
this . router . get (
` ${ this . path } /list ` ,
validationMiddleware ( BlockchainBlockPaginationDto ) ,
2019-08-21 11:46:14 +05:30
redisMiddleware ( process . env . REDIS_EXPIRY ) ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
this . BlockchainBlockPagination ,
) ;
/ * *
* @swagger
* / e p i c _ e x p l o r e r / v 1 / b l o c k c h a i n _ b l o c k / { h a s h } :
* get :
* tags :
* summary : get single blockchain_block
* description : get single blockchain_block
* consumes :
* - application / json
* produces :
* - application / json
* parameters :
* - name : hash
* in : path
* description : blockchain_block hash
* required : true
* type : string
* responses :
* 200 :
* description : blockchain_block successfully fetched for given hash . .
* /
this . router . get (
` ${ this . path } /:hash ` ,
validationMiddleware ( BlockchainBlockSingleViewDto , true ) ,
2019-08-21 11:46:14 +05:30
redisMiddleware ( process . env . REDIS_EXPIRY ) ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
this . BlockchainBlockFetch ,
) ;
/ * *
* @swagger
* / e p i c _ e x p l o r e r / v 1 / b l o c k c h a i n _ b l o c k :
* patch :
* tags :
* summary : update a blockchain_block
* description : update a blockchain_block
* consumes :
* - application / json
* produces :
* - application / json
* parameters :
* - name : blockchain_block
* description :
* in : body
* required : true
* schema :
* $ref : '#/definitions/BlockchainBlockDto'
* responses :
* 200 :
* description : blockchain_block updated successfully
* /
this . router . patch (
` ${ this . path } ` ,
validationMiddleware ( BlockchainBlockUpdateDto ) ,
2019-08-21 11:46:14 +05:30
redisMiddleware ( process . env . REDIS_EXPIRY ) ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
this . BlockchainBlockUpdate ,
) ;
/ * *
* @swagger
* / e p i c _ e x p l o r e r / v 1 / b l o c k c h a i n _ b l o c k / h a s h :
* delete :
* tags :
* summary : delete a blockchain_block
* description : delete a blockchain_block
* consumes :
* - application / json
* produces :
* - application / json
* parameters :
* - name : Hash
* in : path
* description : blockchain_block hash
* required : true
* type : string
* responses :
* 200 :
* description : blockchain_block successfully deleted for given hash . .
* /
this . router . delete (
` ${ this . path } /:hash ` ,
validationMiddleware ( BlockchainBlockSingleViewDto ) ,
2019-08-21 11:46:14 +05:30
redisMiddleware ( process . env . REDIS_EXPIRY ) ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
this . BlockchainBlockDelete ,
) ;
private BlockchainBlockCreate = async (
request : Request ,
response : Response ,
next : NextFunction ,
) = > {
try {
const BlockchainBlockRequestData : BlockchainBlockCreateDto = request . body ;
2019-08-14 16:25:23 +05:30
const BlockchainBlockCreateQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network ) . getRepository (
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
BlockchainBlock ,
) . save ( BlockchainBlockRequestData ) ;
response . status ( 200 ) . json ( {
status : 200 ,
timestamp : Date.now ( ) ,
message : 'blockchain_block created successfully' ,
response : BlockchainBlockCreateQuery ,
} ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
next ( new InternalServerErrorException ( error ) ) ;
2019-08-14 16:25:23 +05:30
} ;
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
private BlockchainBlockFetch = async (
request : Request ,
response : Response ,
next : NextFunction ,
) = > {
try {
2019-09-10 15:38:28 +05:30
var BlockchainOutputFetchQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network ) . getRepository (
BlockchainOutput ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
) . findOne ( {
select : [
2019-09-10 15:38:28 +05:30
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
] ,
2019-09-10 15:38:28 +05:30
where : { Commit : request.params.hash } ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
} ) ;
2019-09-10 15:38:28 +05:30
if ( BlockchainOutputFetchQuery ) {
var BlockchainBlockFetchQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network ) . getRepository (
BlockchainBlock ,
) . findOne ( {
select : [
'Hash' ,
'Height' ,
'Timestamp' ,
'TotalDifficultyCuckaroo' ,
'TotalDifficultyCuckatoo' ,
'TotalDifficultyProgpow' ,
'TotalDifficultyRandomx' ,
'PreviousId' ,
'EdgeBits' ,
'SecondaryScaling' ,
'Proof' ,
] ,
where : { Hash : BlockchainOutputFetchQuery.BlockId } ,
} ) ;
} else {
var BlockchainBlockFetchQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network ) . getRepository (
BlockchainBlock ,
) . findOne ( {
select : [
'Hash' ,
'Height' ,
'Timestamp' ,
'TotalDifficultyCuckaroo' ,
'TotalDifficultyCuckatoo' ,
'TotalDifficultyProgpow' ,
'TotalDifficultyRandomx' ,
'PreviousId' ,
'EdgeBits' ,
'SecondaryScaling' ,
'Proof' ,
] ,
where : { Hash : request.params.hash } ,
} ) ;
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
let paramVal = request . params . hash ;
2019-07-16 11:47:19 +05:30
if (
! BlockchainBlockFetchQuery &&
! isNaN ( paramVal ) &&
paramVal . length <= 10 &&
paramVal <= 2147483647
) {
2019-08-14 16:25:23 +05:30
var BlockchainBlockFetchQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network ) . getRepository (
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
BlockchainBlock ,
) . findOne ( {
select : [
'Hash' ,
'Height' ,
'Timestamp' ,
2019-07-29 19:31:27 +05:30
'TotalDifficultyCuckaroo' ,
'TotalDifficultyCuckatoo' ,
'TotalDifficultyProgpow' ,
'TotalDifficultyRandomx' ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
'PreviousId' ,
'EdgeBits' ,
'SecondaryScaling' ,
2019-07-29 19:31:27 +05:30
'Proof' ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
] ,
2019-08-13 12:49:23 +05:30
where : { Height : paramVal } ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
} ) ;
if ( ! BlockchainBlockFetchQuery ) {
next ( new NoDataFoundException ( ) ) ;
2019-08-09 14:17:13 +05:30
} else {
2019-08-14 16:25:23 +05:30
const BlockchainBlockInputFetchQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network ) . getRepository (
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
BlockchainInput ,
) . find ( {
select : [ 'Data' ] ,
where : { BlockId : BlockchainBlockFetchQuery.Hash } ,
} ) ;
2019-08-14 16:25:23 +05:30
const BlockchainBlockOutputFetchQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network ) . getRepository (
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
BlockchainOutput ,
) . find ( {
2019-09-10 15:38:28 +05:30
select : [ 'OutputType' , 'Commit' , 'Spent' , 'MerkleProof' , 'MmrIndex' , 'ProofHash' , 'Proof' ] ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
where : { BlockId : BlockchainBlockFetchQuery.Hash } ,
} ) ;
2019-08-14 16:25:23 +05:30
const BlockchainBlockKernalFetchQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network ) . getRepository (
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
BlockchainKernel ,
) . find ( {
select : [ 'Features' , 'Fee' , 'LockHeight' ] ,
where : { BlockId : BlockchainBlockFetchQuery.Hash } ,
} ) ;
2019-07-29 19:31:27 +05:30
// if (BlockchainBlockFetchQuery.EdgeBits == 29) {
// BlockchainBlockFetchQuery['PoWAlgorithm'] = 'CuckARoo29';
// } else {
// BlockchainBlockFetchQuery['PoWAlgorithm'] = 'CuckAToo31';
// }
2019-08-06 19:58:31 +05:30
BlockchainBlockFetchQuery [ 'TotalCuckoo' ] = parseInt ( BlockchainBlockFetchQuery . TotalDifficultyCuckaroo ) +
2019-08-04 06:10:13 +05:30
parseInt ( BlockchainBlockFetchQuery . TotalDifficultyCuckatoo ) ;
2019-08-12 19:25:18 +05:30
var coin_existence ;
let DAY_HEIGHT = 1440
/// Height of the first epic block emission era
const BLOCK_ERA_1 = DAY_HEIGHT * 334 ;
/// Height of the second epic block emission era
const BLOCK_ERA_2 = BLOCK_ERA_1 + ( DAY_HEIGHT * 470 ) ;
/// Height of the third epic block emission era
const BLOCK_ERA_3 = BLOCK_ERA_2 + ( DAY_HEIGHT * 601 ) ;
/// Height of the fourth epic block emission era
const BLOCK_ERA_4 = BLOCK_ERA_3 + ( DAY_HEIGHT * 800 ) ;
/// Height of the fifth epic block emission era
const BLOCK_ERA_5 = BLOCK_ERA_4 + ( DAY_HEIGHT * 1019 ) ;
/// After the epic block emission era 6, each era will last 4 years (approximately 1460 days)
/// Block Reward that will be assigned after we change from era 5 to era 6.
const BASE_REWARD_ERA_6_ONWARDS = 0.15625 ;
/// Compute the total reward generated by each block in a given height.
2019-08-13 12:49:23 +05:30
if ( BlockchainBlockFetchQuery . Height == 0 ) {
BlockchainBlockFetchQuery [ 'BlockReward' ] = 0 ;
} else if ( BlockchainBlockFetchQuery . Height <= BLOCK_ERA_1 ) {
2019-08-12 19:25:18 +05:30
BlockchainBlockFetchQuery [ 'BlockReward' ] = 16 ;
} else if ( BlockchainBlockFetchQuery . Height <= BLOCK_ERA_2 ) {
BlockchainBlockFetchQuery [ 'BlockReward' ] = 8 ;
} else if ( BlockchainBlockFetchQuery . Height <= BLOCK_ERA_3 ) {
BlockchainBlockFetchQuery [ 'BlockReward' ] = 4 ;
} else if ( BlockchainBlockFetchQuery . Height <= BLOCK_ERA_4 ) {
BlockchainBlockFetchQuery [ 'BlockReward' ] = 2 ;
} else if ( BlockchainBlockFetchQuery . Height <= BLOCK_ERA_5 ) {
BlockchainBlockFetchQuery [ 'BlockReward' ] = 1 ;
} else {
// After the era 6, we reduce the block rewards by half each 1460 days.
// Minus 1 to include multiples in the same index
// (i.e changes greater than to greater or equals to)
let height_with_offset = BlockchainBlockFetchQuery . Height - ( BLOCK_ERA_5 - 1 ) ;
let exp = height_with_offset / BLOCK_ERA_6_ONWARDS ;
BlockchainBlockFetchQuery [ 'BlockReward' ] = BASE_REWARD_ERA_6_ONWARDS / ( 1 << exp ) ;
// if (BlockchainBlockFetchQuery.Height <= 1440) {
// BlockchainBlockFetchQuery['BlockReward'] = 200;
// } else if (BlockchainBlockFetchQuery.Height <= 2880) {
// BlockchainBlockFetchQuery['BlockReward'] = 180;
// } else if (BlockchainBlockFetchQuery.Height <= 4320) {
// BlockchainBlockFetchQuery['BlockReward'] = 160;
// } else if (BlockchainBlockFetchQuery.Height <= 5760) {
// BlockchainBlockFetchQuery['BlockReward'] = 140;
// } else if (BlockchainBlockFetchQuery.Height <= 7200) {
// BlockchainBlockFetchQuery['BlockReward'] = 120;
// } else if (BlockchainBlockFetchQuery.Height <= 8640) {
// BlockchainBlockFetchQuery['BlockReward'] = 100;
// } else if (BlockchainBlockFetchQuery.Height <= 10080) {
// BlockchainBlockFetchQuery['BlockReward'] = 80;
// } else if (BlockchainBlockFetchQuery.Height <= 11520) {
// BlockchainBlockFetchQuery['BlockReward'] = 60;
// } else if (BlockchainBlockFetchQuery.Height <= 12960) {
// BlockchainBlockFetchQuery['BlockReward'] = 50;
// } else {
// BlockchainBlockFetchQuery['BlockReward'] = 25;
// }
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
if ( BlockchainBlockFetchQuery . PreviousId ) {
2019-08-14 16:25:23 +05:30
const BlockchainPreviousBlockFetchQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network ) . getRepository (
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
BlockchainBlock ,
) . findOne ( {
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
select : [ 'TotalDifficultyCuckaroo' , 'TotalDifficultyCuckatoo' , 'TotalDifficultyProgpow' , 'TotalDifficultyRandomx' ] ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
where : { Hash : BlockchainBlockFetchQuery.PreviousId } ,
} ) ;
2019-07-29 19:31:27 +05:30
BlockchainBlockFetchQuery [ 'TargetDifficultyCuckaroo' ] =
parseInt ( BlockchainBlockFetchQuery . TotalDifficultyCuckaroo ) -
parseInt ( BlockchainPreviousBlockFetchQuery . TotalDifficultyCuckaroo ) ;
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
BlockchainBlockFetchQuery [ 'TargetDifficultyCuckatoo' ] =
2019-07-29 19:31:27 +05:30
parseInt ( BlockchainBlockFetchQuery . TotalDifficultyCuckatoo ) -
parseInt ( BlockchainPreviousBlockFetchQuery . TotalDifficultyCuckatoo ) ;
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
BlockchainBlockFetchQuery [ 'TargetDifficultyProgpow' ] =
2019-07-29 19:31:27 +05:30
parseInt ( BlockchainBlockFetchQuery . TotalDifficultyProgpow ) -
parseInt ( BlockchainPreviousBlockFetchQuery . TotalDifficultyProgpow ) ;
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
BlockchainBlockFetchQuery [ 'TargetDifficultyRandomx' ] =
2019-07-29 19:31:27 +05:30
parseInt ( BlockchainBlockFetchQuery . TotalDifficultyRandomx ) -
parseInt ( BlockchainPreviousBlockFetchQuery . TotalDifficultyRandomx ) ;
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
} else {
2019-07-29 19:31:27 +05:30
BlockchainBlockFetchQuery [ 'TargetDifficultyCuckaroo' ] = 'NULL' ;
BlockchainBlockFetchQuery [ 'TargetDifficultyCuckatoo' ] = 'NULL' ;
BlockchainBlockFetchQuery [ 'TargetDifficultyProgpow' ] = 'NULL' ;
BlockchainBlockFetchQuery [ 'TargetDifficultyRandomx' ] = 'NULL' ;
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
var Epicfee = 0 ;
BlockchainBlockKernalFetchQuery . forEach ( e = > {
e . Fee = this . nanoEpic ( e . Fee ) ;
Epicfee = Epicfee + e . Fee ;
} ) ;
BlockchainBlockFetchQuery [ 'Fee' ] = Epicfee ;
BlockchainBlockFetchQuery [ 'Timestamp' ] = moment
. utc ( BlockchainBlockFetchQuery [ 'Timestamp' ] )
. utc ( )
2019-08-14 19:40:01 +05:30
. format ( 'MM-DD-YYYY, HH:MM:SS UTC' ) ;
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
BlockchainBlockFetchQuery [ 'hashstart' ] = BlockchainBlockFetchQuery [
] . slice ( 0 , 2 ) ;
BlockchainBlockFetchQuery [ 'hashend' ] = BlockchainBlockFetchQuery [
] . slice ( 62 , 64 ) ;
let balance = BlockchainBlockFetchQuery [ 'Hash' ] . substring ( 2 , 62 ) ;
let arr = balance . match ( /.{1,6}/g ) ;
BlockchainBlockFetchQuery [ 'hasharray' ] = arr . map ( i = > '#' + i ) ;
2019-09-10 15:38:28 +05:30
var viewType = BlockchainOutputFetchQuery ? 'Commit' : 'HashHeight' ;
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
? response . status ( 200 ) . json ( {
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
status : 200 ,
timestamp : Date.now ( ) ,
message : 'blockchain_blocksuccessfully fetched for given id.' ,
response : {
BlockchainBlockFetchQuery : BlockchainBlockFetchQuery ,
BlockchainBlockInputFetchQuery : BlockchainBlockInputFetchQuery ,
BlockchainBlockOutputFetchQuery : BlockchainBlockOutputFetchQuery ,
BlockchainBlockKernalFetchQuery : BlockchainBlockKernalFetchQuery ,
2019-09-10 15:38:28 +05:30
viewType : viewType
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
} ,
} )
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
: next ( new NoDataFoundException ( ) ) ;
2019-08-09 14:17:13 +05:30
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
} catch ( error ) {
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
console . log ( 'error' , error ) ;
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
next ( new InternalServerErrorException ( error ) ) ;
2019-08-12 18:20:12 +05:30
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
} ;
private BlockchainBlockUpdate = async (
request : Request ,
response : Response ,
next : NextFunction ,
) = > {
try {
const BlockchainBlockRequestData : BlockchainBlockUpdateDto = request . body ;
2019-08-14 16:25:23 +05:30
const BlockchainBlockUpdateQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network ) . getRepository (
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
BlockchainBlock ,
) . update ( BlockchainBlockRequestData . Hash , BlockchainBlockRequestData ) ;
response . status ( 200 ) . json ( {
status : 200 ,
timestamp : Date.now ( ) ,
message : 'blockchain_block updated succesfully' ,
response : { . . . BlockchainBlockUpdateQuery } ,
} ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
next ( new InternalServerErrorException ( error ) ) ;
} ;
private BlockchainBlockDelete = async (
request : Request ,
response : Response ,
next : NextFunction ,
) = > {
try {
2019-08-14 16:25:23 +05:30
const BlockchainBlockDeleteQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network ) . getRepository (
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
BlockchainBlock ,
) . delete ( request . params . Hash ) ;
? response . status ( 200 ) . json ( {
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
status : 200 ,
timestamp : Date.now ( ) ,
message : 'blockchain_block successfully deleted for given hash.' ,
response : { . . . BlockchainBlockDeleteQuery } ,
} )
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
: next ( new NoDataFoundException ( ) ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
next ( new InternalServerErrorException ( error ) ) ;
} ;
private BlockchainBlockPagination = async (
request : Request ,
response : Response ,
next : NextFunction ,
) = > {
try {
const {
CurrentPage ,
// MaxPages,
PageSize ,
} : BlockchainBlockPaginationDto = request . query ;
if ( parseInt ( CurrentPage ) == NaN ) {
next ( new IntegerValidationException ( 'CurrentPage' ) ) ;
} else if ( parseInt ( PageSize ) == NaN ) {
next ( new IntegerValidationException ( 'PageSize' ) ) ;
// else if (parseInt(MaxPages) == NaN) {
// next(new IntegerValidationException('MaxPages'));
// }
else {
2019-08-14 16:25:23 +05:30
const BlockchainBlockCountQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network ) . getRepository ( BlockchainBlock )
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
. createQueryBuilder ( )
. getCount ( ) ;
if ( BlockchainBlockCountQuery ) {
const PaginationReponseData = Paginate (
BlockchainBlockCountQuery ,
parseInt ( CurrentPage ) ,
parseInt ( PageSize ) ,
// parseInt(MaxPages),
) ;
// const BlockchainBlockPaginationQuery = await getRepository(
// BlockchainBlock,
// ).find({
// skip: PaginationReponseData.startIndex,
// take: PaginationReponseData.pageSize,
// order: {
// Hash: 'DESC',
// },
// });
2019-08-14 16:25:23 +05:30
const BlockchainBlockPaginationQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network ) . getRepository (
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
BlockchainBlock ,
. createQueryBuilder ( 'blockchain_block' )
. select ( [
'blockchain_block.Hash' ,
'blockchain_block.Timestamp' ,
2019-08-04 06:10:13 +05:30
'(blockchain_block.TotalDifficultyCuckaroo + blockchain_block.TotalDifficultyCuckatoo) as TotalCuckoo' ,
2019-07-29 19:31:27 +05:30
'blockchain_block.TotalDifficultyCuckaroo' ,
'blockchain_block.TotalDifficultyCuckatoo' ,
'blockchain_block.TotalDifficultyProgpow' ,
'blockchain_block.TotalDifficultyRandomx' ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
'blockchain_block.previous_id' ,
2019-09-10 17:40:22 +05:30
'EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (blockchain_block.timestamp - LAG(blockchain_block.timestamp) OVER (ORDER BY blockchain_block.timestamp))) as timetaken' ,
2019-07-29 19:31:27 +05:30
'blockchain_block.total_difficulty_cuckaroo - LAG(blockchain_block.total_difficulty_cuckaroo) OVER (ORDER BY blockchain_block.total_difficulty_cuckaroo) AS target_difficulty_cuckaroo' ,
'blockchain_block.total_difficulty_cuckatoo - LAG(blockchain_block.total_difficulty_cuckatoo) OVER (ORDER BY blockchain_block.total_difficulty_cuckatoo) AS target_difficulty_cuckatoo' ,
'blockchain_block.total_difficulty_progpow - LAG(blockchain_block.total_difficulty_progpow) OVER (ORDER BY blockchain_block.total_difficulty_progpow) AS target_difficulty_progpow' ,
'blockchain_block.total_difficulty_randomx - LAG(blockchain_block.total_difficulty_randomx) OVER (ORDER BY blockchain_block.total_difficulty_randomx) AS target_difficulty_randomx' ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
'blockchain_block.Height' ,
'blockchain_block.EdgeBits' ,
'COUNT(DISTINCT(blockchain_input.block_id)) AS input_count' ,
'COUNT(DISTINCT(blockchain_kernel.block_id)) AS kernal_count' ,
'COUNT(DISTINCT(blockchain_output.block_id)) AS output_count' ,
2019-07-29 19:31:27 +05:30
'blockchain_block.Proof As PoWAlgo' ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
] )
2019-07-29 19:31:27 +05:30
// .addSelect(
// `CASE
// WHEN blockchain_block.EdgeBits = 29 THEN 'CuckARoo29'
// WHEN blockchain_block.EdgeBits = 31 THEN 'CuckAToo31'
// END`,
// 'PoWAlgo',
// )
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
. leftJoin ( 'blockchain_block.BlockchainInputs' , 'blockchain_input' )
. leftJoin ( 'blockchain_block.BlockchainKernels' , 'blockchain_kernel' )
. leftJoin ( 'blockchain_block.BlockchainOutputs' , 'blockchain_output' )
. skip ( PaginationReponseData . startIndex )
. take ( PaginationReponseData . pageSize )
. orderBy ( 'blockchain_block.Timestamp' , 'DESC' )
. groupBy ( 'blockchain_block.Hash' )
. getRawAndEntities ( ) ;
let BlockchainBlockResult = BlockchainBlockPaginationQuery . raw ;
let lastElemt =
BlockchainBlockResult [ BlockchainBlockResult . length - 1 ] ;
2019-08-14 16:25:23 +05:30
const BlockchainPreviousBlockFetchQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network ) . getRepository (
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
BlockchainBlock ,
) . findOne ( {
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
select : [ 'TotalDifficultyCuckaroo' , 'TotalDifficultyCuckatoo' , 'TotalDifficultyProgpow' , 'TotalDifficultyRandomx' ] ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
where : { Hash : lastElemt.previous_id } ,
} ) ;
BlockchainBlockResult [ BlockchainBlockResult . length - 1 ] [
2019-07-29 19:31:27 +05:30
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
] = BlockchainPreviousBlockFetchQuery &&
BlockchainPreviousBlockFetchQuery != undefined ?
( parseInt ( lastElemt . blockchain_block_total_difficulty_cuckaroo )
? parseInt ( lastElemt . blockchain_block_total_difficulty_cuckaroo )
: 0 ) -
( parseInt ( BlockchainPreviousBlockFetchQuery . TotalDifficultyCuckaroo ) ? parseInt ( BlockchainPreviousBlockFetchQuery . TotalDifficultyCuckaroo ) : 0 )
: 0 ;
BlockchainBlockResult [ BlockchainBlockResult . length - 1 ] [
] = BlockchainPreviousBlockFetchQuery &&
BlockchainPreviousBlockFetchQuery != undefined ?
2019-07-29 19:31:27 +05:30
( parseInt ( lastElemt . blockchain_block_total_difficulty_cuckatoo )
? parseInt ( lastElemt . blockchain_block_total_difficulty_cuckatoo )
: 0 ) -
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
( parseInt ( BlockchainPreviousBlockFetchQuery . TotalDifficultyCuckatoo ) ? parseInt ( BlockchainPreviousBlockFetchQuery . TotalDifficultyCuckatoo ) : 0 )
: 0 ;
BlockchainBlockResult [ BlockchainBlockResult . length - 1 ] [
] = BlockchainPreviousBlockFetchQuery &&
BlockchainPreviousBlockFetchQuery != undefined ?
( parseInt ( lastElemt . blockchain_block_total_difficulty_progpow )
? parseInt ( lastElemt . blockchain_block_total_difficulty_progpow )
: 0 ) -
( parseInt ( BlockchainPreviousBlockFetchQuery . TotalDifficultyProgpow ) ? parseInt ( BlockchainPreviousBlockFetchQuery . TotalDifficultyProgpow ) : 0 )
: 0 ;
BlockchainBlockResult [ BlockchainBlockResult . length - 1 ] [
] = BlockchainPreviousBlockFetchQuery &&
BlockchainPreviousBlockFetchQuery != undefined ?
( parseInt ( lastElemt . blockchain_block_total_difficulty_randomx )
? parseInt ( lastElemt . blockchain_block_total_difficulty_randomx )
: 0 ) -
( parseInt ( BlockchainPreviousBlockFetchQuery . TotalDifficultyRandomx ) ? parseInt ( BlockchainPreviousBlockFetchQuery . TotalDifficultyRandomx ) : 0 )
: 0 ;
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
BlockchainBlockResult . forEach ( e = > {
var latest_block = this . dateDiff ( e . blockchain_block_timestamp ) ;
e [ 'hashstart' ] = e . blockchain_block_hash . slice ( 0 , 2 ) ;
e [ 'hashend' ] = e . blockchain_block_hash . slice ( 62 , 64 ) ;
let balance = e . blockchain_block_hash . substring ( 2 , 62 ) ;
let arr = balance . match ( /.{1,6}/g ) ;
e [ 'hasharray' ] = arr . map ( i = > '#' + i ) ;
e [ 'age' ] = latest_block ;
} ) ;
response . status ( 200 ) . json ( {
status : 200 ,
timestamp : Date.now ( ) ,
message : 'blockchain_block list fetched successfully' ,
response : {
. . . PaginationReponseData ,
BlockchainBlockResult ,
} ,
} ) ;
} else {
next ( new NoDataFoundException ( ) ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
console . log ( 'error' , error ) ;
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
next ( new InternalServerErrorException ( error ) ) ;
} ;
2019-08-06 19:58:31 +05:30
2019-08-06 18:40:10 +05:30
private BlockCount = async (
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
request : Request ,
response : Response ,
next : NextFunction ,
) = > {
try {
const TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData : TotalDifficultyNBlockDto =
request . query ;
if ( TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . Interval ) {
var timeIntervalQry =
"timestamp at time zone '" +
process . env . TIME_ZONE +
"' > current_date - interval '" +
TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . Interval +
"'" ;
} else if (
TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . FromDate ||
TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . ToDate
) {
let fromdate = moment ( TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . FromDate )
. utc ( )
. format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ;
let todate = moment ( TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . ToDate )
. utc ( )
. format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ;
var timeIntervalQry =
"timestamp at time zone '" +
process . env . TIME_ZONE +
fromdate +
"' AND '" +
todate +
"'" ;
} else {
2019-08-06 18:40:10 +05:30
var timeIntervalQry =
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
"timestamp at time zone '" +
process . env . TIME_ZONE +
2019-08-09 13:29:55 +05:30
"' > current_date - interval '1 day'" ;
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
2019-08-14 16:25:23 +05:30
const BlockQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network )
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
. query (
2019-07-30 12:43:24 +05:30
" select 1 as hash , max ( total_difficulty_cuckaroo ) as total_difficulty_cuckaroo , \
max ( total_difficulty_cuckatoo ) as total_difficulty_cuckatoo , \
max ( total_difficulty_progpow ) as total_difficulty_progpow , \
max ( total_difficulty_randomx ) as total_difficulty_randomx , date ( DATE_TRUNC ( 'day' , timestamp at time zone ' " +
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
process . env . TIME_ZONE +
2019-09-04 14:47:26 +05:30
" ' ) ) as date , count ( DISTINCT hash ) as blocks \
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
from blockchain_block where " +
2019-08-06 18:40:10 +05:30
timeIntervalQry +
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
"group by DATE_TRUNC('day', timestamp at time zone '" +
process . env . TIME_ZONE +
"') order by date" ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
. catch ( err_msg = > {
next ( err_msg ) ;
} ) ;
2019-08-06 18:40:10 +05:30
let date = [ ] ,
blockDate = [ ] ,
blocks = [ ] ;
BlockQuery . forEach ( e = > {
blockDate . push ( moment ( e . date ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ) ;
blocks . push ( parseInt ( e . blocks ) ) ;
} ) ;
2019-08-19 13:33:05 +05:30
2019-08-19 13:45:19 +05:30
if ( blockDate . length == 0 ) {
2019-08-19 13:33:05 +05:30
date = [ moment ( Date . now ( ) ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ] ;
blockDate = [ moment ( Date . now ( ) ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ] ;
blocks = [ 0 ] ;
2019-08-06 18:40:10 +05:30
response . status ( 200 ) . json ( {
status : 200 ,
timestamp : Date.now ( ) ,
message : 'Total Difficulty and Blocks Data fetched Successfully' ,
response : {
Date : date ,
Blocks : blocks ,
blockDate :blockDate
} ,
} ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
next ( new InternalServerErrorException ( error ) ) ;
} ;
2019-08-14 19:40:01 +05:30
private BlockInterval = async (
request : Request ,
response : Response ,
next : NextFunction ,
) = > {
try {
const TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData : TotalDifficultyNBlockDto =
request . query ;
if ( TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . Interval ) {
2019-08-16 17:13:15 +05:30
var IntervalDate = TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . Interval ;
} else {
var current_date = Date . now ( ) ;
var IntervalDate = "" ;
IntervalDate = moment ( current_date ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ;
2019-08-14 19:40:01 +05:30
const BlockQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network )
. query (
2019-08-22 18:31:01 +05:30
"SELECT bb.height, coalesce(max(bb.alter), 0) as alter, bb.timestamp FROM (SELECT height, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (timestamp - LAG(timestamp) OVER (ORDER BY timestamp))) AS alter, timestamp FROM blockchain_block where timestamp::date = date '" + IntervalDate + "' AND height != 0 order by height asc) as bb group by bb.height , bb.timestamp;" ,
2019-08-14 19:40:01 +05:30
. catch ( err_msg = > {
next ( err_msg ) ;
} ) ;
let date = [ ] ,
2019-08-16 17:13:15 +05:30
alter = [ ] ,
2019-08-14 19:40:01 +05:30
blocks = [ ] ;
BlockQuery . forEach ( e = > {
2019-08-16 17:13:15 +05:30
//date.push(moment(e.timestamp).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'));
alter . push ( parseInt ( e . alter ) ) ;
blocks . push ( parseInt ( e . height ) ) ;
2019-08-14 19:40:01 +05:30
} ) ;
response . status ( 200 ) . json ( {
status : 200 ,
timestamp : Date.now ( ) ,
message : 'Block Interval Data fetched Successfully' ,
response : {
2019-08-16 17:13:15 +05:30
//Date: date,
2019-08-14 19:40:01 +05:30
Blocks : blocks ,
2019-08-16 17:13:15 +05:30
alter :alter
2019-08-14 19:40:01 +05:30
} ,
} ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
next ( new InternalServerErrorException ( error ) ) ;
} ;
2019-08-06 18:40:10 +05:30
private TotalDifficultyNBlock = async (
request : Request ,
response : Response ,
next : NextFunction ,
) = > {
try {
const TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData : TotalDifficultyNBlockDto =
request . query ;
if ( TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . Interval ) {
var timeIntervalQry =
"timestamp at time zone '" +
process . env . TIME_ZONE +
"' > current_date - interval '" +
TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . Interval +
"'" ;
} else if (
TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . FromDate ||
TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . ToDate
) {
let fromdate = moment ( TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . FromDate )
. utc ( )
. format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ;
let todate = moment ( TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . ToDate )
. utc ( )
. format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ;
var timeIntervalQry =
"timestamp at time zone '" +
process . env . TIME_ZONE +
fromdate +
"' AND '" +
todate +
"'" ;
} else {
var timeIntervalQry =
"timestamp at time zone '" +
process . env . TIME_ZONE +
"' > current_date - interval '1 day'" ;
2019-08-06 19:58:31 +05:30
2019-08-06 18:40:10 +05:30
2019-08-06 19:58:31 +05:30
var alog_type = TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . Type ;
2019-08-07 13:39:41 +05:30
var Difftype = TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . Difftype ;
if ( TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . Interval && TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . Interval != '1 day' ) {
2019-08-08 12:06:56 +05:30
var dateFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss' ;
var tickFormat = '%m-%d' ;
2019-08-07 13:39:41 +05:30
} else {
2019-08-08 12:06:56 +05:30
var dateFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss' ;
var tickFormat = '%H-%M' ;
2019-08-07 13:39:41 +05:30
2019-08-12 18:20:12 +05:30
if ( Difftype == "target" ) {
2019-08-14 16:25:23 +05:30
var TotalDifficultyNBlockQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network )
2019-08-07 13:39:41 +05:30
. query (
2019-08-12 18:20:12 +05:30
" SELECT a . hash , a . total_difficulty_randomx , a . total_difficulty_cuckatoo , a . total_difficulty_progpow , a . date FROM ( select 1 as hash , ( total_difficulty_cuckatoo - LAG ( total_difficulty_cuckatoo ) OVER ( ORDER BY total_difficulty_cuckatoo ) ) AS total_difficulty_cuckatoo , \
( total_difficulty_progpow - LAG ( total_difficulty_progpow ) OVER ( ORDER BY total_difficulty_progpow ) ) AS total_difficulty_progpow , \
( total_difficulty_randomx - LAG ( total_difficulty_randomx ) OVER ( ORDER BY total_difficulty_randomx ) ) AS total_difficulty_randomx , \
2019-08-07 13:39:41 +05:30
DATE_TRUNC ( 'minute' , timestamp at time zone ' " +
process . env . TIME_ZONE +
" ' ) as date \
from blockchain_block where " +
timeIntervalQry +
2019-08-12 18:20:12 +05:30
" order by height) as a WHERE a.total_difficulty_randomx IS NOT NULL AND a.total_difficulty_progpow IS NOT NULL AND a.total_difficulty_cuckatoo IS NOT NULL AND a.total_difficulty_cuckatoo != '0' AND a.total_difficulty_randomx != '0' AND a.total_difficulty_progpow != '0'" ,
2019-08-07 13:39:41 +05:30
. catch ( err_msg = > {
next ( err_msg ) ;
} ) ;
} else if ( Difftype == "total" ) {
2019-08-14 16:25:23 +05:30
var TotalDifficultyNBlockQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network )
2019-08-07 13:39:41 +05:30
. query (
2019-08-12 18:20:12 +05:30
" select 1 as hash , total_difficulty_cuckatoo , total_difficulty_progpow , total_difficulty_randomx , \
2019-08-07 13:39:41 +05:30
DATE_TRUNC ( 'minute' , timestamp at time zone ' " +
process . env . TIME_ZONE +
" ' ) as date \
from blockchain_block where " +
timeIntervalQry +
" order by height" ,
. catch ( err_msg = > {
next ( err_msg ) ;
} ) ;
2019-08-13 16:07:53 +05:30
// let date = [],
// DifficultyCuckatoo = [],
// DifficultyProgpow = [],
// DifficultyRandomx = [];
2019-08-06 18:40:10 +05:30
2019-08-13 16:07:53 +05:30
var DifficultyCuckatoo = TotalDifficultyNBlockQuery . map ( function ( e ) {
return parseInt ( e . total_difficulty_cuckatoo ) ;
2019-07-31 19:43:06 +05:30
} ) ;
2019-08-13 16:07:53 +05:30
var DifficultyProgpow = TotalDifficultyNBlockQuery . map ( function ( e ) {
return parseInt ( e . total_difficulty_progpow ) ;
} ) ;
var DifficultyRandomx = TotalDifficultyNBlockQuery . map ( function ( e ) {
return parseInt ( e . total_difficulty_randomx ) ;
} ) ;
var date = TotalDifficultyNBlockQuery . map ( function ( e ) {
return moment ( e . date ) . format ( dateFormat ) ;
} ) ;
2019-08-19 13:33:05 +05:30
if ( date . length == 0 ) {
date = [ moment ( Date . now ( ) ) . format ( dateFormat ) ] ;
DifficultyCuckatoo = [ 0 ] ;
DifficultyProgpow = [ 0 ] ;
DifficultyRandomx = [ 0 ] ;
2019-08-13 16:07:53 +05:30
// TotalDifficultyNBlockQuery.forEach(e => {
// date.push(moment(e.date).format(dateFormat));
// DifficultyCuckatoo.push(parseInt(e.total_difficulty_cuckatoo));
// DifficultyProgpow.push(parseInt(e.total_difficulty_progpow));
// DifficultyRandomx.push(parseInt(e.total_difficulty_randomx));
// });
// var Maxrange;
// var Minrange;
// if(alog_type == "cuckatoo"){
// Maxrange = Math.max.apply(Math, DifficultyCuckatoo);
// Minrange = Math.min.apply(Math, DifficultyCuckatoo);
// if(Minrange != 0){
// Minrange = (Minrange - (Minrange * 0.2));
// }
// Maxrange = (Maxrange + (Maxrange * 0.2));
// }else if(alog_type == "progpow"){
// Maxrange = Math.max.apply(Math, DifficultyProgpow);
// Minrange = Math.min.apply(Math, DifficultyProgpow);
// if(Minrange != 0){
// Minrange = (Minrange - (Minrange * 0.2));
// }
// Maxrange = (Maxrange + (Maxrange * 0.2));
// }else if(alog_type == "randomx"){
// Maxrange = Math.max.apply(Math, DifficultyRandomx);
// Minrange = Math.min.apply(Math, DifficultyRandomx);
// if(Minrange != 0){
// Minrange = (Minrange - (Minrange * 0.2));
// }
// Maxrange = (Maxrange + (Maxrange * 0.2));
// }else{
// var Maxrange1 = Math.max.apply(Math, TotalDifficultyNBlockQuery.map(function(o) { return o.total_difficulty_cuckatoo; }));
// var Minrange1 = Math.min.apply(Math, TotalDifficultyNBlockQuery.map(function(o) { return o.total_difficulty_cuckatoo; }));
// var Maxrange2 = Math.max.apply(Math, TotalDifficultyNBlockQuery.map(function(o) { return o.total_difficulty_progpow; }));
// var Minrange2 = Math.min.apply(Math, TotalDifficultyNBlockQuery.map(function(o) { return o.total_difficulty_progpow; }));
// var Maxrange3 = Math.max.apply(Math, TotalDifficultyNBlockQuery.map(function(o) { return o.total_difficulty_randomx; }));
// var Minrange3 = Math.min.apply(Math, TotalDifficultyNBlockQuery.map(function(o) { return o.total_difficulty_randomx; }));
// Maxrange = Math.max(Maxrange1, Maxrange2, Maxrange3);
// Minrange = Math.min(Minrange1, Minrange2, Minrange3);
// if(Minrange != 0){
// Minrange = (Minrange - (Minrange * 0.2));
// }
// Maxrange = (Maxrange + (Maxrange * 0.2));
// }
2019-08-08 18:17:55 +05:30
2019-08-07 17:58:41 +05:30
// Minrange = parseInt(Minrange);
// var Minrange2 = parseInt(Minrange * 0.3);
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
response . status ( 200 ) . json ( {
status : 200 ,
timestamp : Date.now ( ) ,
2019-08-07 13:44:06 +05:30
message : 'Difficulty and Blocks Data fetched Successfully' ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
response : {
Date : date ,
2019-08-12 18:20:12 +05:30
DifficultyCuckatoo : DifficultyCuckatoo ,
DifficultyRandomx : DifficultyRandomx ,
DifficultyProgpow : DifficultyProgpow ,
2019-08-13 16:07:53 +05:30
//Maxrange: Maxrange,
//Minrange: Minrange,
2019-08-08 12:06:56 +05:30
tickFormat : tickFormat
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
} ,
} ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
next ( new InternalServerErrorException ( error ) ) ;
} ;
2019-07-29 16:29:06 +05:30
private StackBlock = async (
request : Request ,
response : Response ,
next : NextFunction ,
) = > {
try {
const TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData : TotalDifficultyNBlockDto =
request . query ;
if ( TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . Interval ) {
var timeIntervalQry =
"timestamp at time zone '" +
process . env . TIME_ZONE +
"' > current_date - interval '" +
TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . Interval +
"'" ;
} else if (
TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . FromDate ||
TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . ToDate
) {
let fromdate = moment ( TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . FromDate )
. utc ( )
. format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ;
let todate = moment ( TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . ToDate )
. utc ( )
. format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ;
var timeIntervalQry =
"timestamp at time zone '" +
process . env . TIME_ZONE +
fromdate +
"' AND '" +
todate +
"'" ;
} else {
var timeIntervalQry =
"timestamp at time zone '" +
process . env . TIME_ZONE +
"' > current_date - interval '30 days'" ;
2019-08-14 16:25:23 +05:30
const stackNBlockQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network )
2019-07-29 16:29:06 +05:30
. query (
2019-07-30 12:43:24 +05:30
"select 1 as hash, date(DATE_TRUNC('day', timestamp at time zone '" +
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
process . env . TIME_ZONE +
" ')) as date, Count( CASE WHEN proof = ' RandomX ' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END ) AS RandomX , \
2019-08-01 13:08:45 +05:30
Count ( CASE WHEN proof = 'Cuckoo' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END ) AS Cuckoo , \
2019-07-29 16:29:06 +05:30
Count ( CASE WHEN proof = 'ProgPow' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END ) AS ProgPow \
from blockchain_block where " +
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
timeIntervalQry +
"group by DATE_TRUNC('day', timestamp at time zone '" +
process . env . TIME_ZONE +
"') order by date" ,
2019-07-29 16:29:06 +05:30
. catch ( err_msg = > {
next ( err_msg ) ;
} ) ;
let date = [ ] ,
2019-07-30 12:43:24 +05:30
Blocks = [ ] ,
2019-08-01 13:08:45 +05:30
Cuckoo = [ ] ,
2019-07-30 12:43:24 +05:30
ProgPow = [ ] ,
RandomX = [ ] ;
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
stackNBlockQuery . forEach ( e = > {
2019-07-29 16:29:06 +05:30
date . push ( moment ( e . date ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ) ;
2019-07-30 16:18:20 +05:30
// Blocks.push({Cuckaroo: parseInt(e.cuckaroo), Cuckatoo : parseInt(e.cuckatoo), ProgPow : parseInt(e.progpow), RandomX : parseInt(e.randomx)})
2019-08-01 13:08:45 +05:30
Cuckoo . push ( parseInt ( e . cuckoo ) ) ;
2019-07-30 12:43:24 +05:30
ProgPow . push ( parseInt ( e . progpow ) ) ;
RandomX . push ( parseInt ( e . randomx ) ) ;
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
} ) ;
2019-08-19 13:33:05 +05:30
if ( date . length == 0 ) {
date = [ moment ( Date . now ( ) ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ] ;
Cuckoo = [ 0 ] ;
ProgPow = [ 0 ] ;
RandomX = [ 0 ] ;
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
response . status ( 200 ) . json ( {
status : 200 ,
timestamp : Date.now ( ) ,
2019-07-30 16:18:20 +05:30
message : 'Stack Data fetched Successfully' ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
response : {
Date : date ,
2019-08-01 13:08:45 +05:30
Cuckoo :Cuckoo ,
2019-07-30 16:18:20 +05:30
ProgPow :ProgPow ,
RandomX :RandomX
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
} ,
} ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
next ( new InternalServerErrorException ( error ) ) ;
} ;
2019-07-30 13:13:44 +05:30
private BlockPieChart = async (
request : Request ,
response : Response ,
next : NextFunction ,
) = > {
try {
const TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData : TotalDifficultyNBlockDto =
request . query ;
if ( TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . Interval ) {
var timeIntervalQry =
"timestamp at time zone '" +
process . env . TIME_ZONE +
"' > current_date - interval '" +
TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . Interval +
"'" ;
} else if (
TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . FromDate ||
TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . ToDate
) {
let fromdate = moment ( TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . FromDate )
. utc ( )
. format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ;
let todate = moment ( TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . ToDate )
. utc ( )
. format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ;
var timeIntervalQry =
"timestamp at time zone '" +
process . env . TIME_ZONE +
fromdate +
"' AND '" +
todate +
"'" ;
} else {
var timeIntervalQry =
"timestamp at time zone '" +
process . env . TIME_ZONE +
"' > current_date - interval '30 days'" ;
2019-08-14 16:25:23 +05:30
const stackNBlockQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network )
2019-07-30 13:13:44 +05:30
. query (
2019-08-01 13:08:45 +05:30
" SELECT hash , total_edge_bits , RandomX , Cuckoo , ProgPow , Round ( RandomX * 100.0 / total_edge_bits , 2 ) AS RandomXper , Round ( Cuckoo * 100.0 / total_edge_bits , 2 ) AS Cuckooper , Round ( ProgPow * 100.0 / total_edge_bits , 2 ) AS ProgPowper from ( select 1 as hash , COUNT ( edge_bits ) AS total_edge_bits , \
2019-07-30 13:13:44 +05:30
Count ( CASE WHEN proof = 'RandomX' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END ) AS RandomX , \
2019-08-01 13:08:45 +05:30
Count ( CASE WHEN proof = 'Cuckoo' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END ) AS Cuckoo , \
2019-07-30 13:13:44 +05:30
Count ( CASE WHEN proof = 'ProgPow' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END ) AS ProgPow \
from blockchain_block where " +
timeIntervalQry +
. catch ( err_msg = > {
next ( err_msg ) ;
} ) ;
2019-07-30 16:18:20 +05:30
let label = [ ] ,
value = [ ] ;
stackNBlockQuery . forEach ( e = > {
2019-08-01 13:08:45 +05:30
label . push ( "Cuckoo" , "ProgPow" , "RandomX" ) ;
value . push ( parseInt ( e . cuckoo ) , parseInt ( e . progpow ) , parseInt ( e . randomx ) ) ;
2019-07-30 16:18:20 +05:30
} ) ;
2019-07-30 13:13:44 +05:30
response . status ( 200 ) . json ( {
status : 200 ,
timestamp : Date.now ( ) ,
message : 'Piechart for block is fetched Successfully' ,
response : {
2019-07-30 16:18:20 +05:30
label ,
2019-07-30 13:13:44 +05:30
} ,
} ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
next ( new InternalServerErrorException ( error ) ) ;
} ;
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
private HashRate = async (
request : Request ,
response : Response ,
next : NextFunction ,
) = > {
try {
const TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData : TotalDifficultyNBlockDto =
request . query ;
if ( TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . Interval ) {
var timeIntervalQry =
"timestamp > current_date - interval '" +
TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . Interval +
"'" ;
var seriesquery =
"now() - interval '" +
TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . Interval +
"', now()" ;
} else if (
TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . FromDate ||
TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . ToDate
) {
let fromdate = moment ( TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . FromDate )
. utc ( )
. format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ;
let todate = moment ( TotalDifficultyNBlockRequestData . ToDate )
. utc ( )
. format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ;
var timeIntervalQry =
'timestamp BETWEEN SYMMETRIC ' + fromdate + ' AND ' + todate ;
var seriesquery = "'" + fromdate + "'::timestamp, '" + todate + "'" ;
} else {
var timeIntervalQry = "timestamp > current_date - interval '30 days'" ;
var seriesquery = "now() - interval '30 days', now()" ;
2019-08-14 16:25:23 +05:30
const HashRateQueryAR29 = await getConnection ( Global . network )
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
. query (
'with hours as ( SELECT hour::date from generate_series(' +
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
seriesquery +
", '1 day') as hour),tblDifference AS(select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY DATE_TRUNC('day', timestamp)) AS RowNumber, max(total_difficulty) as total_difficulty, date(DATE_TRUNC('day', timestamp)) as date, count(hash) as blocks from blockchain_block where " +
timeIntervalQry +
" and edge_bits=29 group by DATE_TRUNC('day', timestamp) order by date) select coalesce(max(t1.total_difficulty), 0) as total_difficulty, coalesce(max(t1.difficulty), 0) as difficulty, hours.hour, coalesce(max(t1.blocks), 0) as blocks, coalesce(max(t1.hashrate), 0) as hashrate from hours left join(SELECT cur.total_difficulty, cur.total_difficulty - previous.total_difficulty as difficulty, cur.date, cur.blocks, ((cast(cur.blocks as decimal) / 1440) * (cur.total_difficulty - previous.total_difficulty) * (2^32 / 60)) as hashrate FROM tblDifference cur LEFT OUTER JOIN tblDifference previous ON cur.RowNumber = previous.RowNumber + 1) as t1 on t1.date = hours.hour group by hours.hour order by hours.hour" ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
. catch ( err_msg = > {
next ( err_msg ) ;
} ) ;
2019-08-14 16:25:23 +05:30
const HashRateQueryAT31 = await getConnection ( Global . network )
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
. query (
'with hours as ( SELECT hour::date from generate_series(' +
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
seriesquery +
", '1 day') as hour),tblDifference AS(select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY DATE_TRUNC('day', timestamp)) AS RowNumber, max(total_difficulty) as total_difficulty, date(DATE_TRUNC('day', timestamp)) as date, count(hash) as blocks from blockchain_block where " +
timeIntervalQry +
" and edge_bits=31 group by DATE_TRUNC('day', timestamp) order by date) select coalesce(max(t1.total_difficulty), 0) as total_difficulty , coalesce(max(t1.difficulty), 0) as difficulty, hours.hour, coalesce(max(t1.blocks), 0) as blocks, coalesce(max(t1.hashrate), 0) as hashrate from hours left join(SELECT cur.total_difficulty, cur.total_difficulty - previous.total_difficulty as difficulty, cur.date, cur.blocks, ((cast(cur.blocks as decimal) / 1440) * (cur.total_difficulty - previous.total_difficulty) * (2^32 / 60)) as hashrate FROM tblDifference cur LEFT OUTER JOIN tblDifference previous ON cur.RowNumber = previous.RowNumber + 1) as t1 on t1.date = hours.hour group by hours.hour order by hours.hour" ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
. catch ( err_msg = > {
next ( err_msg ) ;
} ) ;
let date = [ ] ,
hashrate29 = [ ] ,
hashrate31 = [ ] ;
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
HashRateQueryAR29 . forEach ( function ( e , index ) {
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
if ( index > 0 ) {
date . push ( moment ( e . hour ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ) ;
hashrate29 . push (
Math . round ( ( parseInt ( e . hashrate ) / 1000000000 ) * 100 ) / 100 ,
) ;
} ) ;
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
HashRateQueryAT31 . forEach ( function ( e , index ) {
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
if ( index > 0 ) {
hashrate31 . push (
Math . round ( ( parseInt ( e . hashrate ) / 1000000000 ) * 100 ) / 100 ,
) ;
} ) ;
response . status ( 200 ) . json ( {
status : 200 ,
timestamp : Date.now ( ) ,
message : 'Total Difficulty and Blocks Data fetched Successfully' ,
response : {
date ,
hashrate29 ,
hashrate31 ,
} ,
} ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
next ( new InternalServerErrorException ( error ) ) ;
} ;
2019-09-04 14:47:26 +05:30
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
private LatestDifficultyNBlock = async (
request : Request ,
response : Response ,
next : NextFunction ,
) = > {
try {
2019-09-04 14:47:26 +05:30
let result = await latestBlockDetails ( )
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
response . status ( 200 ) . json ( {
status : 200 ,
timestamp : Date.now ( ) ,
message : 'Latest Block Details fetched Successfully' ,
response : {
2019-09-04 14:47:26 +05:30
. . . result
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
} ,
} ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
next ( new InternalServerErrorException ( error ) ) ;
} ;
private BlockchainBlockPerSecond = async (
request : Request ,
response : Response ,
next : NextFunction ,
) = > {
try {
const BlockchainBlockPerSecondData : TotalDifficultyNBlockDto =
request . query ;
if ( BlockchainBlockPerSecondData . Interval ) {
var timeIntervalQry =
2019-09-09 15:08:36 +05:30
"timestamp > current_date - interval '" +
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
BlockchainBlockPerSecondData . Interval +
"'" ;
} else if (
BlockchainBlockPerSecondData . FromDate ||
BlockchainBlockPerSecondData . ToDate
) {
let fromdate = moment ( BlockchainBlockPerSecondData . FromDate )
. utc ( )
. format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ;
let todate = moment ( BlockchainBlockPerSecondData . ToDate )
. utc ( )
. format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ;
var timeIntervalQry =
'timestamp BETWEEN SYMMETRIC ' + fromdate + ' AND ' + todate ;
} else {
2019-09-09 15:08:36 +05:30
var timeIntervalQry = "timestamp > current_date - interval '30 days'" ;
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
2019-08-14 16:25:23 +05:30
const BlockchainBlockPerSecondQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network )
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
. query (
" select date ( DATE_TRUNC ( 'day' , timestamp ) ) as date , count ( hash ) as blocks , 86400 / count ( hash ) as period \
from blockchain_block where " +
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
timeIntervalQry +
2019-09-09 15:08:36 +05:30
"AND height != 0 AND timestamp < current_date group by DATE_TRUNC('day', timestamp) order by date" ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
. catch ( err_msg = > {
next ( err_msg ) ;
} ) ;
let date = [ ] ,
period = [ ] ;
BlockchainBlockPerSecondQuery . forEach ( e = > {
date . push ( moment ( e . date ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ) ;
period . push ( parseInt ( e . period ) ) ;
} ) ;
2019-08-19 13:33:05 +05:30
if ( date . length == 0 ) {
date = [ moment ( Date . now ( ) ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ] ;
period = [ 0 ] ;
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
response . status ( 200 ) . json ( {
status : 200 ,
timestamp : Date.now ( ) ,
message : 'period of blocks generation per second fetched Successfully' ,
response : {
date ,
period ,
} ,
} ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
next ( new InternalServerErrorException ( error ) ) ;
} ;
private SupplyGrowth = async (
request : Request ,
response : Response ,
next : NextFunction ,
) = > {
try {
const BlockchainBlockPerSecondData : TotalDifficultyNBlockDto =
request . query ;
if ( BlockchainBlockPerSecondData . Interval ) {
var timeIntervalQry =
"timestamp > current_date - interval '" +
BlockchainBlockPerSecondData . Interval +
"'" ;
} else if (
BlockchainBlockPerSecondData . FromDate ||
BlockchainBlockPerSecondData . ToDate
) {
let fromdate = moment ( BlockchainBlockPerSecondData . FromDate )
. utc ( )
. format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ;
let todate = moment ( BlockchainBlockPerSecondData . ToDate )
. utc ( )
. format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ;
var timeIntervalQry =
'timestamp BETWEEN SYMMETRIC ' + fromdate + ' AND ' + todate ;
} else {
var timeIntervalQry = "timestamp > current_date - interval '30 days'" ;
2019-08-13 12:49:23 +05:30
let DAY_HEIGHT = 1440
/// Height of the first epic block emission era
const BLOCK_ERA_1 = DAY_HEIGHT * 334 ;
/// Height of the second epic block emission era
const BLOCK_ERA_2 = BLOCK_ERA_1 + ( DAY_HEIGHT * 470 ) ;
/// Height of the third epic block emission era
const BLOCK_ERA_3 = BLOCK_ERA_2 + ( DAY_HEIGHT * 601 ) ;
/// Height of the fourth epic block emission era
const BLOCK_ERA_4 = BLOCK_ERA_3 + ( DAY_HEIGHT * 800 ) ;
/// Height of the fifth epic block emission era
const BLOCK_ERA_5 = BLOCK_ERA_4 + ( DAY_HEIGHT * 1019 ) ;
/// After the epic block emission era 6, each era will last 4 years (approximately 1460 days)
/// Block Reward that will be assigned after we change from era 5 to era 6.
const BASE_REWARD_ERA_6_ONWARDS = 0.15625 ;
2019-08-14 16:25:23 +05:30
const BlockchainBlockPerSecondQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network )
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
. query (
2019-08-13 12:54:01 +05:30
' select x . timestamp , SUM ( x . reward ) as total_reward_per_day \
2019-08-13 13:20:34 +05:30
from ( SELECT DISTINCT height , hash , CAST ( timestamp AS DATE ) , \
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
2019-08-13 12:49:23 +05:30
WHEN height <= '+BLOCK_ERA_1+' THEN 16 \
WHEN height <= '+BLOCK_ERA_2+' THEN 8 \
WHEN height <= '+BLOCK_ERA_3+' THEN 4 \
WHEN height <= '+BLOCK_ERA_4+' THEN 2 \
WHEN height <= '+BLOCK_ERA_5+' THEN 1 \
ELSE '+BASE_REWARD_ERA_6_ONWARDS+' / ( 1 << ( ( height - ( '+BLOCK_ERA_5+' - 1 ) ) / '+BLOCK_ERA_6_ONWARDS+' ) ) \
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
END AS reward \
2019-08-13 12:49:23 +05:30
FROM blockchain_block where height > 0 AND ' +
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
timeIntervalQry +
') as x group by x.timestamp Order by x.timestamp ASC' ,
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
. catch ( err_msg = > {
next ( err_msg ) ;
} ) ;
2019-08-13 12:49:23 +05:30
/// Compute the total reward generated by each block in a given height.
// if (BlockchainBlockFetchQuery.Height <= BLOCK_ERA_1) {
// BlockchainBlockFetchQuery['BlockReward'] = 16;
// } else if (BlockchainBlockFetchQuery.Height <= BLOCK_ERA_2) {
// BlockchainBlockFetchQuery['BlockReward'] = 8;
// } else if (BlockchainBlockFetchQuery.Height <= BLOCK_ERA_3) {
// BlockchainBlockFetchQuery['BlockReward'] = 4;
// } else if (BlockchainBlockFetchQuery.Height <= BLOCK_ERA_4) {
// BlockchainBlockFetchQuery['BlockReward'] = 2;
// } else if (BlockchainBlockFetchQuery.Height <= BLOCK_ERA_5) {
// BlockchainBlockFetchQuery['BlockReward'] = 1;
// } else {
// // After the era 6, we reduce the block rewards by half each 1460 days.
// // Minus 1 to include multiples in the same index
// // (i.e changes greater than to greater or equals to)
// let height_with_offset = BlockchainBlockFetchQuery.Height - (BLOCK_ERA_5 - 1);
// let exp = height_with_offset / BLOCK_ERA_6_ONWARDS;
// BlockchainBlockFetchQuery['BlockReward'] = BASE_REWARD_ERA_6_ONWARDS / (1 << exp);
// }
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
let date = [ ] ,
total_reward_per_day = [ ] ,
addedreward = [ ] ,
prev_value = 0 ;
BlockchainBlockPerSecondQuery . forEach ( e = > {
date . push ( moment ( e . timestamp ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ) ;
total_reward_per_day . push ( parseInt ( e . total_reward_per_day ) ) ;
addedreward . push ( prev_value + parseInt ( e . total_reward_per_day ) ) ;
prev_value = prev_value + parseInt ( e . total_reward_per_day ) ;
} ) ;
2019-08-19 13:33:05 +05:30
if ( date . length == 0 ) {
date = [ moment ( Date . now ( ) ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ] ;
total_reward_per_day = [ 0 ] ;
addedreward = [ 0 ] ;
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
response . status ( 200 ) . json ( {
status : 200 ,
timestamp : Date.now ( ) ,
message : 'period of blocks generation per second fetched Successfully' ,
response : {
date ,
total_reward_per_day ,
addedreward ,
} ,
} ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
next ( new InternalServerErrorException ( error ) ) ;
} ;
private BlockMineChart = async (
request : Request ,
response : Response ,
next : NextFunction ,
) = > {
try {
const BlockchainBlockPerSecondData : TotalDifficultyNBlockDto =
request . query ;
if ( BlockchainBlockPerSecondData . Interval ) {
var timeIntervalQry =
"timestamp at time zone '" +
process . env . TIME_ZONE +
"' > current_date - interval '" +
BlockchainBlockPerSecondData . Interval +
"'" ;
} else if (
BlockchainBlockPerSecondData . FromDate ||
BlockchainBlockPerSecondData . ToDate
) {
let fromdate = moment ( BlockchainBlockPerSecondData . FromDate )
. utc ( )
. format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ;
let todate = moment ( BlockchainBlockPerSecondData . ToDate )
. utc ( )
. format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ;
var timeIntervalQry =
"timestamp at time zone '" +
process . env . TIME_ZONE +
fromdate +
"' AND '" +
todate +
"'" ;
} else {
var timeIntervalQry =
"timestamp at time zone '" +
process . env . TIME_ZONE +
"' > current_date - interval '30 days'" ;
2019-08-14 16:25:23 +05:30
const BlockMineChartQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network )
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
. query (
2019-08-01 13:08:45 +05:30
" SELECT hash , date , total_edge_bits , RandomX , Cuckoo , ProgPow , Round ( RandomX * 100.0 / total_edge_bits , 2 ) AS RandomXper , Round ( Cuckoo * 100.0 / total_edge_bits , 2 ) AS Cuckooper , Round ( ProgPow * 100.0 / total_edge_bits , 2 ) AS ProgPowper \
2019-07-29 11:31:50 +05:30
FROM ( SELECT 1 as hash , \
date ( DATE_TRUNC ( 'day' , timestamp at time zone ' " +
process . env . TIME_ZONE +
" ' ) ) as date , \
COUNT ( edge_bits ) AS total_edge_bits , \
Count ( CASE WHEN proof = 'RandomX' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END ) AS RandomX , \
2019-08-01 13:08:45 +05:30
Count ( CASE WHEN proof = 'Cuckoo' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END ) AS Cuckoo , \
2019-07-29 11:31:50 +05:30
Count ( CASE WHEN proof = 'ProgPow' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END ) AS ProgPow \
FROM blockchain_block \
where " +
timeIntervalQry +
"GROUP BY DATE_TRUNC('day', timestamp at time zone '" +
process . env . TIME_ZONE +
"')) t order by date" ,
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
. catch ( err_msg = > {
next ( err_msg ) ;
} ) ;
let date = [ ] ,
RandomXper = [ ] ,
2019-08-01 13:08:45 +05:30
Cuckooper = [ ] ,
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
ProgPowper = [ ] ,
RandomX = [ ] ,
2019-08-01 13:08:45 +05:30
Cuckoo = [ ] ,
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
ProgPow = [ ] ;
BlockMineChartQuery . forEach ( e = > {
date . push ( moment ( e . date ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ) ;
RandomXper . push ( parseFloat ( e . randomxper ) ) ;
2019-08-01 15:21:43 +05:30
Cuckooper . push ( parseFloat ( e . cuckooper ) ) ;
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
ProgPowper . push ( parseFloat ( e . progpowper ) ) ;
RandomX . push ( parseInt ( e . randomx ) ) ;
2019-08-14 16:25:23 +05:30
Cuckoo . push ( parseInt ( e . cuckoo ) ) ;
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
ProgPow . push ( parseInt ( e . progpow ) ) ;
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30
} ) ;
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
2019-08-19 13:33:05 +05:30
if ( date . length == 0 ) {
date = [ moment ( Date . now ( ) ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) ] ;
RandomXper = [ 0 ] ;
Cuckooper = [ 0 ] ;
ProgPowper = [ 0 ] ;
RandomX = [ 0 ] ;
Cuckoo = [ 0 ] ;
ProgPow = [ 0 ] ;
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
response . status ( 200 ) . json ( {
status : 200 ,
timestamp : Date.now ( ) ,
message : 'period of blocks generation per second fetched Successfully' ,
response : {
date ,
RandomXper ,
2019-08-01 13:08:45 +05:30
Cuckooper ,
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
ProgPowper ,
RandomX ,
2019-08-01 13:08:45 +05:30
Cuckoo ,
2019-07-30 10:42:23 +05:30
} ,
} ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
next ( new InternalServerErrorException ( error ) ) ;
} ;
2019-07-09 14:52:36 +05:30