2019-09-19 06:40:17 +00:00
import { getConnection , AdvancedConsoleLogger } from "typeorm" ;
2019-09-04 09:17:26 +00:00
import { Global } from "../global" ;
2019-09-18 07:45:27 +00:00
import { async } from '@angular/core/testing' ;
2019-09-04 09:17:26 +00:00
2020-05-26 08:52:42 +00:00
const { promisify } = require ( 'util' ) ;
const exec = promisify ( require ( 'child_process' ) . exec )
2019-09-04 09:17:26 +00:00
function convertMinsToHrmin ( millseconds , insec ) {
var seconds = Math . floor ( millseconds / 1000 ) ;
if ( insec ) {
let sec = Math . floor ( millseconds / 1000 ) ;
return sec ;
var days = Math . floor ( seconds / 86400 ) ;
var hours = Math . floor ( ( seconds % 86400 ) / 3600 ) ;
var minutes = Math . floor ( ( ( seconds % 86400 ) % 3600 ) / 60 ) ;
seconds = seconds % 60 ;
var dateTimeDurationString = '' ;
if ( days > 0 && ( hours === 0 && minutes === 0 ) )
dateTimeDurationString += days > 1 ? days + 'd ' : days + 'd ' ;
if ( days > 0 && ( hours > 0 || minutes > 0 ) )
dateTimeDurationString += days > 1 ? days + 'd ' : days + 'd ' ;
if ( hours > 0 && minutes > 0 )
dateTimeDurationString += hours > 1 ? hours + 'h ' : hours + 'h ' ;
if ( hours > 0 && minutes === 0 )
dateTimeDurationString += hours > 1 ? hours + 'h ' : hours + 'h ' ;
if ( minutes > 0 )
dateTimeDurationString += minutes > 1 ? minutes + 'm ' : minutes + 'm ' ;
if ( seconds > 0 )
dateTimeDurationString += seconds > 1 ? seconds + 's ' : seconds + 's ' ;
return dateTimeDurationString ;
function dateDiff ( date2 , insec = false ) {
var current_date = new Date ( ) ;
// var current_date = new Date("Sat Apr 2 2018 15:04:00 GMT+0530 (IST)");
var enddaydif =
Math . abs ( date2 . getTime ( ) - current_date . getTime ( ) ) /
( 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 ) ;
var enddayrnd = Math . round ( enddaydif ) ;
// if(enddayrnd < 1) {
var time = convertMinsToHrmin (
Math . abs ( date2 . getTime ( ) - current_date . getTime ( ) ) , insec
) ;
return time ;
// } else if(enddayrnd == 1) {
// return 'Ends in ' + enddayrnd + ' day';
// }else {
// return 'Ends in ' + enddayrnd + ' days';
// }
2020-01-13 07:23:43 +00:00
/ * *
* Function returns total coins based on height
* /
const getTotalRewardByHeight = async ( height ) = > {
var coin_existence ;
let DAY_HEIGHT = 1440
/// Height of the first epic block emission era
const BLOCK_ERA_1 = DAY_HEIGHT * 334 ;
/// Height of the second epic block emission era
const BLOCK_ERA_2 = BLOCK_ERA_1 + ( DAY_HEIGHT * 470 ) ;
/// Height of the third epic block emission era
const BLOCK_ERA_3 = BLOCK_ERA_2 + ( DAY_HEIGHT * 601 ) ;
/// Height of the fourth epic block emission era
const BLOCK_ERA_4 = BLOCK_ERA_3 + ( DAY_HEIGHT * 800 ) ;
/// Height of the fifth epic block emission era
const BLOCK_ERA_5 = BLOCK_ERA_4 + ( DAY_HEIGHT * 1019 ) ;
/// After the epic block emission era 6, each era will last 4 years (approximately 1460 days)
/// Block Reward that will be assigned after we change from era 5 to era 6.
const BASE_REWARD_ERA_6_ONWARDS = 0.15625 ;
let remaining_height = 0 ;
let currentReward = 16 ;
/// Compute the total reward generated by each block in a given height.
if ( height <= BLOCK_ERA_1 ) {
coin_existence = height * 16 ;
currentReward = 16 ;
} else if ( height <= BLOCK_ERA_2 ) {
remaining_height = height - BLOCK_ERA_1 ;
coin_existence = ( 16 * BLOCK_ERA_1 ) + 8 * remaining_height ;
currentReward = 8 ;
} else if ( height <= BLOCK_ERA_3 ) {
remaining_height = height - BLOCK_ERA_2 ;
2022-12-28 00:22:25 +00:00
coin_existence = ( 16 * BLOCK_ERA_1 ) + ( 8 * ( BLOCK_ERA_2 - BLOCK_ERA_1 ) ) + 4 * remaining_height ;
2020-01-13 07:23:43 +00:00
currentReward = 4 ;
} else if ( height <= BLOCK_ERA_4 ) {
remaining_height = height - BLOCK_ERA_3 ;
coin_existence = ( 16 * BLOCK_ERA_1 ) + ( 8 * BLOCK_ERA_2 ) + ( 4 * BLOCK_ERA_3 ) + 2 * remaining_height ;
currentReward = 2 ;
} else if ( height <= BLOCK_ERA_5 ) {
remaining_height = height - BLOCK_ERA_4 ;
coin_existence = ( 16 * BLOCK_ERA_1 ) + ( 8 * BLOCK_ERA_2 ) + ( 4 * BLOCK_ERA_3 ) + ( 2 * BLOCK_ERA_4 ) + 1 * remaining_height ;
currentReward = 1 ;
} else {
// After the era 6, we reduce the block rewards by half each 1460 days.
// Minus 1 to include multiples in the same index
// (i.e changes greater than to greater or equals to)
let preious_circulation = ( 16 * BLOCK_ERA_1 ) + ( 8 * BLOCK_ERA_2 ) + ( 4 * BLOCK_ERA_3 ) + ( 2 * BLOCK_ERA_4 ) + ( 1 * BLOCK_ERA_5 ) ;
let height_with_offset = height - ( BLOCK_ERA_5 - 1 ) ;
let exp = height_with_offset / BLOCK_ERA_6_ONWARDS ;
let reward_emission = BASE_REWARD_ERA_6_ONWARDS / ( 1 << exp ) ;
coin_existence = preious_circulation + reward_emission ;
currentReward = reward_emission ;
return coin_existence ;
// function returns foundation reward
const circulationsupply = async ( height ) = > {
let first_duration = 1440 * 120 ;
let year_height = 365 * 1440 ;
let foundationpercentage = [ 8.8 , 7.7 , 6.6 , 5.5 , 4.4 , 3.3 , 2.2 , 1.1 ]
let circulatingsuppy = 0
if ( height < first_duration ) {
let coin = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( height )
circulatingsuppy = ( coin / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 0 ]
else if ( height < ( first_duration + year_height ) ) {
let firstyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration )
let firstyearcoin = ( firstyear / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 0 ]
let secondyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( height )
let secondyearcoin = ( ( secondyear - firstyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 1 ]
circulatingsuppy = firstyearcoin + secondyearcoin
else if ( height < ( first_duration + ( 2 * year_height ) ) ) {
let firstyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration )
let firstyearcoin = ( firstyear / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 0 ]
let secondyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration + year_height )
let secondyearcoin = ( ( secondyear - firstyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 1 ]
let thirdyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( height )
let thirdyearcoin = ( ( thirdyear - secondyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 2 ]
circulatingsuppy = firstyearcoin + secondyearcoin + thirdyearcoin
else if ( height < ( first_duration + ( 3 * year_height ) ) ) {
let firstyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration )
let firstyearcoin = ( firstyear / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 0 ]
let secondyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration + year_height )
let secondyearcoin = ( ( secondyear - firstyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 1 ]
let thirdyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration + ( 2 * year_height ) )
let thirdyearcoin = ( ( thirdyear - secondyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 2 ]
let forthyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( height )
let forthyearcoin = ( ( forthyear - thirdyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 3 ]
circulatingsuppy = firstyearcoin + secondyearcoin + thirdyearcoin + forthyearcoin
else if ( height < ( first_duration + ( 4 * year_height ) ) ) {
let firstyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration )
let firstyearcoin = ( firstyear / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 0 ]
let secondyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration + year_height )
let secondyearcoin = ( ( secondyear - firstyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 1 ]
let thirdyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration + ( 2 * year_height ) )
let thirdyearcoin = ( ( thirdyear - secondyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 2 ]
let forthyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration + ( 3 * year_height ) )
let forthyearcoin = ( ( forthyear - thirdyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 3 ]
let fifthyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( height )
let fifthyearcoin = ( ( fifthyear - forthyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 4 ]
circulatingsuppy = firstyearcoin + secondyearcoin + thirdyearcoin + forthyearcoin + fifthyearcoin
else if ( height < ( first_duration + ( 5 * year_height ) ) ) {
let firstyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration )
let firstyearcoin = ( firstyear / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 0 ]
let secondyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration + year_height )
let secondyearcoin = ( ( secondyear - firstyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 1 ]
let thirdyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration + ( 2 * year_height ) )
let thirdyearcoin = ( ( thirdyear - secondyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 2 ]
let forthyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration + ( 3 * year_height ) )
let forthyearcoin = ( ( forthyear - thirdyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 3 ]
let fifthyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration + ( 4 * year_height ) )
let fifthyearcoin = ( ( fifthyear - forthyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 4 ]
let sixthyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( height )
let sixthyearcoin = ( ( sixthyear - fifthyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 5 ]
circulatingsuppy = firstyearcoin + secondyearcoin + thirdyearcoin + forthyearcoin + fifthyearcoin + sixthyearcoin
else if ( height < ( first_duration + ( 6 * year_height ) ) ) {
let firstyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration )
let firstyearcoin = ( firstyear / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 0 ]
let secondyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration + year_height )
let secondyearcoin = ( ( secondyear - firstyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 1 ]
let thirdyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration + ( 2 * year_height ) )
let thirdyearcoin = ( ( thirdyear - secondyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 2 ]
let forthyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration + ( 3 * year_height ) )
let forthyearcoin = ( ( forthyear - thirdyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 3 ]
let fifthyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration + ( 4 * year_height ) )
let fifthyearcoin = ( ( fifthyear - forthyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 4 ]
let sixthyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration + ( 5 * year_height ) )
let sixthyearcoin = ( ( sixthyear - fifthyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 5 ]
let seventhyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( height )
let seventhyearcoin = ( ( seventhyear - sixthyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 6 ]
circulatingsuppy = firstyearcoin + secondyearcoin + thirdyearcoin + forthyearcoin + fifthyearcoin + sixthyearcoin + seventhyearcoin
else if ( height < ( first_duration + ( 7 * year_height ) ) ) {
let firstyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration )
let firstyearcoin = ( firstyear / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 0 ]
let secondyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration + year_height )
let secondyearcoin = ( ( secondyear - firstyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 1 ]
let thirdyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration + ( 2 * year_height ) )
let thirdyearcoin = ( ( thirdyear - secondyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 2 ]
let forthyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration + ( 3 * year_height ) )
let forthyearcoin = ( ( forthyear - thirdyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 3 ]
let fifthyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration + ( 4 * year_height ) )
let fifthyearcoin = ( ( fifthyear - forthyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 4 ]
let sixthyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration + ( 5 * year_height ) )
let sixthyearcoin = ( ( sixthyear - fifthyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 5 ]
let seventhyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( first_duration + ( 6 * year_height ) )
let seventhyearcoin = ( ( seventhyear - sixthyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 6 ]
let eigthyear = await getTotalRewardByHeight ( height )
let eigthyearcoin = ( ( eigthyear - seventhyear ) / 100 ) * foundationpercentage [ 7 ]
circulatingsuppy = firstyearcoin + secondyearcoin + thirdyearcoin + forthyearcoin + fifthyearcoin + sixthyearcoin + seventhyearcoin + eigthyearcoin
return circulatingsuppy
2019-09-04 09:17:26 +00:00
const latestBlockDetails = async ( ) = > {
let block_height = '' ,
letest_block ,
letest_block_num = '' ,
letest_block_duration = '' ;
const BlockchainLatestBlockQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network )
. query (
'SELECT timestamp,height,edge_bits,hash,secondary_scaling, previous_id, total_difficulty_cuckaroo, total_difficulty_cuckatoo, total_difficulty_progpow, total_difficulty_randomx FROM blockchain_block ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1' ,
. catch ( err_msg = > {
return ( err_msg ) ;
} ) ;
const BlockchainPreviousBlockQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network )
. query (
'SELECT total_difficulty_cuckaroo, total_difficulty_cuckatoo, total_difficulty_progpow, total_difficulty_randomx FROM blockchain_block WHERE hash=' +
"'" +
BlockchainLatestBlockQuery [ 0 ] . previous_id +
"'" ,
. catch ( err_msg = > {
return ( err_msg ) ;
} ) ;
2022-11-03 18:48:09 +00:00
const space = await exec ( 'du -sh /root/.epic/main/chain_data/ --exclude=*.zip' ) ;
2020-05-26 08:52:42 +00:00
let disk_space = space . stdout . split ( '\t' ) [ 0 ] ;
2022-11-03 18:48:09 +00:00
const space_new = await exec ( 'du -sk /root/.epic/main/chain_data/ --exclude=*.zip' ) ;
2020-06-09 11:50:32 +00:00
//let disk_space_kb = space_new.stdout.split('\t')[0];
2020-06-09 11:53:09 +00:00
let disk_space_kb = ( space_new . stdout . split ( '\t' ) [ 0 ] / 1000000 ) . toFixed ( 2 ) + "G" ;
2019-09-04 09:17:26 +00:00
let height = BlockchainLatestBlockQuery [ 0 ] . height ;
var coin_existence ;
// if (height > 12960) {
// var remain_block = height - 12960;
// var coin_existence =
// 1440 * 200 +
// 1440 * 180 +
// 1440 * 160 +
// 1440 * 140 +
// 1440 * 120 +
// 1440 * 100 +
// 1440 * 80 +
// 1440 * 60 +
// 1440 * 50 +
// 25 * remain_block;
// } else if (height > 11520) {
// var remain_block = height - 11520;
// var coin_existence =
// 1440 * 200 +
// 1440 * 180 +
// 1440 * 160 +
// 1440 * 140 +
// 1440 * 120 +
// 1440 * 100 +
// 1440 * 80 +
// 1440 * 60 +
// remain_block * 50;
// } else if (height > 10080) {
// var remain_block = height - 10080;
// var coin_existence =
// 1440 * 200 +
// 1440 * 180 +
// 1440 * 160 +
// 1440 * 140 +
// 1440 * 120 +
// 1440 * 100 +
// 1440 * 80 +
// remain_block * 60;
// } else if (height > 8640) {
// var remain_block = height - 8640;
// var coin_existence =
// 1440 * 200 +
// 1440 * 180 +
// 1440 * 160 +
// 1440 * 140 +
// 1440 * 120 +
// 1440 * 100 +
// remain_block * 80;
// } else if (height > 7200) {
// var remain_block = height - 7200;
// var coin_existence =
// 1440 * 200 +
// 1440 * 180 +
// 1440 * 160 +
// 1440 * 140 +
// 1440 * 120 +
// remain_block * 100;
// } else if (height > 5760) {
// var remain_block = height - 5760;
// var coin_existence =
// 1440 * 200 +
// 1440 * 180 +
// 1440 * 160 +
// 1440 * 140 +
// remain_block * 120;
// } else if (height > 4320) {
// var remain_block = height - 4320;
// var coin_existence =
// 1440 * 200 + 1440 * 180 + 1440 * 160 + remain_block * 140;
// } else if (height > 2880) {
// var remain_block = height - 2880;
// var coin_existence = 1440 * 200 + 1440 * 180 + remain_block * 160;
// } else if (height > 1440) {
// var remain_block = height - 1440;
// var coin_existence = 1440 * 200 + remain_block * 180;
// } else {
// var coin_existence = height * 200;
// }
let DAY_HEIGHT = 1440
/// Height of the first epic block emission era
const BLOCK_ERA_1 = DAY_HEIGHT * 334 ;
/// Height of the second epic block emission era
const BLOCK_ERA_2 = BLOCK_ERA_1 + ( DAY_HEIGHT * 470 ) ;
/// Height of the third epic block emission era
const BLOCK_ERA_3 = BLOCK_ERA_2 + ( DAY_HEIGHT * 601 ) ;
/// Height of the fourth epic block emission era
const BLOCK_ERA_4 = BLOCK_ERA_3 + ( DAY_HEIGHT * 800 ) ;
/// Height of the fifth epic block emission era
const BLOCK_ERA_5 = BLOCK_ERA_4 + ( DAY_HEIGHT * 1019 ) ;
/// After the epic block emission era 6, each era will last 4 years (approximately 1460 days)
/// Block Reward that will be assigned after we change from era 5 to era 6.
const BASE_REWARD_ERA_6_ONWARDS = 0.15625 ;
let remaining_height = 0 ;
let currentReward = 16 ;
/// Compute the total reward generated by each block in a given height.
if ( height <= BLOCK_ERA_1 ) {
coin_existence = height * 16 ;
currentReward = 16 ;
} else if ( height <= BLOCK_ERA_2 ) {
remaining_height = height - BLOCK_ERA_1 ;
coin_existence = ( 16 * BLOCK_ERA_1 ) + 8 * remaining_height ;
currentReward = 8 ;
} else if ( height <= BLOCK_ERA_3 ) {
remaining_height = height - BLOCK_ERA_2 ;
2022-12-28 00:22:25 +00:00
coin_existence = ( 16 * BLOCK_ERA_1 ) + ( 8 * ( BLOCK_ERA_2 - BLOCK_ERA_1 ) ) + 4 * remaining_height ;
2019-09-04 09:17:26 +00:00
currentReward = 4 ;
} else if ( height <= BLOCK_ERA_4 ) {
remaining_height = height - BLOCK_ERA_3 ;
coin_existence = ( 16 * BLOCK_ERA_1 ) + ( 8 * BLOCK_ERA_2 ) + ( 4 * BLOCK_ERA_3 ) + 2 * remaining_height ;
currentReward = 2 ;
} else if ( height <= BLOCK_ERA_5 ) {
remaining_height = height - BLOCK_ERA_4 ;
coin_existence = ( 16 * BLOCK_ERA_1 ) + ( 8 * BLOCK_ERA_2 ) + ( 4 * BLOCK_ERA_3 ) + ( 2 * BLOCK_ERA_4 ) + 1 * remaining_height ;
currentReward = 1 ;
} else {
// After the era 6, we reduce the block rewards by half each 1460 days.
// Minus 1 to include multiples in the same index
// (i.e changes greater than to greater or equals to)
let preious_circulation = ( 16 * BLOCK_ERA_1 ) + ( 8 * BLOCK_ERA_2 ) + ( 4 * BLOCK_ERA_3 ) + ( 2 * BLOCK_ERA_4 ) + ( 1 * BLOCK_ERA_5 ) ;
let height_with_offset = height - ( BLOCK_ERA_5 - 1 ) ;
let exp = height_with_offset / BLOCK_ERA_6_ONWARDS ;
let reward_emission = BASE_REWARD_ERA_6_ONWARDS / ( 1 << exp ) ;
coin_existence = preious_circulation + reward_emission ;
currentReward = reward_emission ;
letest_block = dateDiff ( BlockchainLatestBlockQuery [ 0 ] . timestamp , true ) ;
letest_block_num = letest_block ; // "72"
letest_block_duration = letest_block == 1 ? 'second ago' : 'seconds ago' ;
const BASE_EDGE_BITS = 24 ;
if ( BlockchainLatestBlockQuery [ 0 ] . edge_bits == SECOND_POW_EDGE_BITS ) {
var hashvalue = BlockchainLatestBlockQuery [ 0 ] . hash ;
var diff =
( BlockchainLatestBlockQuery [ 0 ] . secondary_scaling * 2 * * 64 ) /
parseInt ( hashvalue . substring ( 0 , 16 ) , 16 ) ;
var result = Math . min ( diff , 0xffffffffffffffff ) ;
var difficulty = Math . round ( result ) ;
} else {
var graph_weight =
2 *
2 * * ( BlockchainLatestBlockQuery [ 0 ] . edge_bits - BASE_EDGE_BITS ) *
BlockchainLatestBlockQuery [ 0 ] . edge_bits ;
var hashvalue = BlockchainLatestBlockQuery [ 0 ] . hash ;
var diff =
( graph_weight * 2 * * 64 ) / parseInt ( hashvalue . substring ( 0 , 16 ) , 16 ) ;
var result = Math . min ( diff , 0xffffffffffffffff ) ;
var difficulty = Math . round ( result ) ;
if ( BlockchainLatestBlockQuery [ 0 ] . previous_id ) {
var targetdifficultycuckaroo =
BlockchainLatestBlockQuery [ 0 ] . total_difficulty_cuckaroo -
BlockchainPreviousBlockQuery [ 0 ] . total_difficulty_cuckaroo ;
var targetdifficultycuckatoo =
BlockchainLatestBlockQuery [ 0 ] . total_difficulty_cuckatoo -
BlockchainPreviousBlockQuery [ 0 ] . total_difficulty_cuckatoo ;
var targetdifficultyprogpow =
BlockchainLatestBlockQuery [ 0 ] . total_difficulty_progpow -
BlockchainPreviousBlockQuery [ 0 ] . total_difficulty_progpow ;
var targetdifficultyrandomx =
BlockchainLatestBlockQuery [ 0 ] . total_difficulty_randomx -
BlockchainPreviousBlockQuery [ 0 ] . total_difficulty_randomx ;
block_height = BlockchainLatestBlockQuery [ 0 ] . height ;
var TotalCuckoo = parseInt ( BlockchainLatestBlockQuery [ 0 ] . total_difficulty_cuckatoo ) +
parseInt ( BlockchainLatestBlockQuery [ 0 ] . total_difficulty_cuckaroo ) ;
/// After the first foundation levy era, we decrease the foundation levy each year
/// The foundation levy in each era
0.0888 , 0.0777 , 0.0666 , 0.0555 , 0.0444 , 0.0333 , 0.0222 , 0.0111 , 0.0111 ,
] ;
/// Compute the foundation levy for each block.
let foundationReward = 16 * FOUNDATION_LEVY [ 0 ] ;
let userReward = 16 - ( FOUNDATION_LEVY [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( height <= 0 ) {
foundationReward = 0 ;
userReward = 0 ;
} else if ( height <= FOUNDATION_LEVY_ERA_1 ) {
foundationReward = currentReward * FOUNDATION_LEVY [ 0 ] ;
userReward = currentReward - foundationReward ;
} else {
// We subtract 1 to include the last block of an era.
let height_with_offset = height - FOUNDATION_LEVY_ERA_1 - 1 ;
// We used the index 0 in the first era, therefore we offset the index by 1
let index = ( height_with_offset / FOUNDATION_LEVY_ERA_2_ONWARDS ) + 1 ;
if ( index < FOUNDATION_LEVY . length ) {
foundationReward = currentReward * FOUNDATION_LEVY [ index ] ;
userReward = currentReward - foundationReward ;
} else {
foundationReward = 0 ;
userReward = 0 ;
2020-01-10 06:29:54 +00:00
let cuckoohashrate = await network_hashrate ( block_height , 31 , targetdifficultycuckatoo + targetdifficultycuckaroo , "Cuckoo" ) ;
let progpowhashrate = await network_hashrate ( block_height , 16 , targetdifficultyprogpow , "ProgPow" ) ;
let randomxhashrate = await network_hashrate ( block_height , 16 , targetdifficultyrandomx , "RandomX" ) ;
2020-01-08 09:42:36 +00:00
cuckoohashrate = Math . round ( cuckoohashrate )
progpowhashrate = Math . round ( progpowhashrate )
randomxhashrate = Math . round ( randomxhashrate )
2020-01-13 07:23:43 +00:00
2020-01-13 09:08:21 +00:00
// // Test purpose
// let test_cuckoo = await testavgBlockTime(block_height,"Cuckoo")
// let test_randomx = await testavgBlockTime(block_height,"RandomX")
// let test_progpow = await testavgBlockTime(block_height,"ProgPow")
// console.log("-----------------")
// console.log("Cuckoo avg block time ", test_cuckoo)
// console.log("randomx avg block time ", test_randomx)
// console.log("Progpow avg block time ", test_progpow)
2020-01-13 08:02:25 +00:00
2020-01-13 07:23:43 +00:00
// Total foundation reward
let totalFoundationReward = await circulationsupply ( height )
2019-09-04 09:17:26 +00:00
return {
block_height ,
letest_block ,
letest_block_num ,
letest_block_duration ,
coin_existence ,
difficulty ,
targetdifficultycuckaroo ,
targetdifficultycuckatoo ,
targetdifficultyprogpow ,
targetdifficultyrandomx ,
TotalCuckoo ,
TotalDifficultyCuckaroo :BlockchainLatestBlockQuery [ 0 ] . total_difficulty_cuckaroo ,
TotalDifficultyCuckatoo :BlockchainLatestBlockQuery [ 0 ] . total_difficulty_cuckatoo ,
TotalDifficultyProgpow :BlockchainLatestBlockQuery [ 0 ] . total_difficulty_progpow ,
TotalDifficultyRandomx :BlockchainLatestBlockQuery [ 0 ] . total_difficulty_randomx ,
currentReward ,
foundationReward ,
2020-01-07 08:01:30 +00:00
userReward ,
cuckoohashrate ,
progpowhashrate ,
2020-01-13 07:23:43 +00:00
randomxhashrate ,
2020-05-26 08:52:42 +00:00
totalFoundationReward ,
2020-06-09 11:50:32 +00:00
diskSpace :disk_space_kb ,
2020-06-09 11:36:39 +00:00
diskSpaceKb : disk_space_kb
2019-09-04 09:17:26 +00:00
} ;
2019-09-06 13:22:10 +00:00
async function Details ( height ) {
if ( height ) {
const BlockchainLatestBlockQuery2 = await getConnection ( Global . network )
. query (
"Select hash, height from blockchain_block Where height =" + height . replace ( /[a-z]/gi , '' ) + " OR hash ='" + height + "'" ,
. catch ( err_msg = > {
return ( err_msg ) ;
} ) ;
return BlockchainLatestBlockQuery2 ;
async function GetBlocktime ( height ) {
if ( height ) {
2019-09-16 10:26:13 +00:00
// const BlockchainLatestBlockQuery3 = await getConnection(Global.network)
// .query(
// "SELECT coalesce(max(bb.alter), 0) as alter FROM (SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (timestamp - LAG(timestamp) OVER (ORDER BY timestamp))) AS alter FROM blockchain_block where height="+height+" OR height="+(height-1)+") as bb",
// )
// .catch(err_msg => {
// return(err_msg);
// });
2019-09-06 13:22:10 +00:00
const BlockchainLatestBlockQuery3 = await getConnection ( Global . network )
. query (
2019-09-16 10:26:13 +00:00
"SELECT extract(epoch from timestamp at time zone '" + process . env . TIME_ZONE + "') AS alter FROM blockchain_block where height=" + height ,
2019-09-06 13:22:10 +00:00
. catch ( err_msg = > {
return ( err_msg ) ;
} ) ;
2019-09-16 10:26:13 +00:00
2019-09-06 13:22:10 +00:00
return BlockchainLatestBlockQuery3 ;
2019-09-18 07:45:27 +00:00
const averageblockdifficulty = async ( ) = > {
const BlockchainBlockPerSecondQuery = await getConnection ( Global . network )
. query (
2019-09-18 08:04:54 +00:00
" select count ( hash ) as mhash , 86400 / count ( hash ) as period \
2019-09-18 07:45:27 +00:00
from blockchain_block \
2019-09-18 08:04:54 +00:00
where height != 0 AND timestamp at time zone '" +process.env.TIME_ZONE+ "' > NOW ( ) - INTERVAL '24 HOURS' "
2019-09-18 07:45:27 +00:00
. catch ( err_msg = > {
return ( err_msg ) ;
2019-09-18 08:22:45 +00:00
} ) ;
2019-09-18 07:45:27 +00:00
return BlockchainBlockPerSecondQuery [ 0 ] [ 'period' ] ;
2019-09-19 06:40:17 +00:00
2020-01-13 08:02:25 +00:00
async function testavgBlockTime ( height , proof ) {
// let query1 = "SELECT coalesce(avg(bb.alter), 0) as alter FROM (SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (timestamp - LAG(timestamp) OVER (ORDER BY timestamp))) AS alter FROM blockchain_block where height > "+(height - 1440)+" AND height < "+height+" ) as bb"
let query1 = "SELECT coalesce(avg(bb.alter), 0) as alter FROM (SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (timestamp - LAG(timestamp) OVER (ORDER BY timestamp))) AS alter FROM blockchain_block where height > " + ( height - 1440 ) + " AND height < " + height + " and proof = '" + proof + "' ) as bb"
const blockaveragetime = await getConnection ( Global . network )
. query (
query1 ,
. catch ( err_msg = > {
return ( err_msg ) ;
} ) ;
return blockaveragetime [ 0 ] [ 'alter' ]
2019-09-19 06:40:17 +00:00
2020-01-10 06:29:54 +00:00
async function avgBlockTime ( height , proof ) {
2020-01-08 08:14:04 +00:00
2020-01-10 07:15:21 +00:00
let query1 = "SELECT coalesce(avg(bb.alter), 0) as alter FROM (SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (timestamp - LAG(timestamp) OVER (ORDER BY timestamp))) AS alter FROM blockchain_block where height > " + ( height - 1440 ) + " AND height < " + height + " ) as bb"
let query2 = "SELECT coalesce(avg(bb.alter), 0) as alter FROM (SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (timestamp - LAG(timestamp) OVER (ORDER BY timestamp))) AS alter FROM blockchain_block where height > " + ( height - 1440 ) + " AND height < " + height + " and proof = '" + proof + "' ) as bb"
2020-01-08 08:14:04 +00:00
const blockaveragetime = await getConnection ( Global . network )
. query (
2020-01-10 07:15:21 +00:00
query1 ,
2020-01-08 08:14:04 +00:00
. catch ( err_msg = > {
return ( err_msg ) ;
} ) ;
2020-01-10 07:08:35 +00:00
2020-01-08 09:26:13 +00:00
return blockaveragetime [ 0 ] [ 'alter' ]
2020-01-08 08:14:04 +00:00
2020-01-10 06:29:54 +00:00
async function network_hashrate ( height , edge_bits , difficulty , proof ) {
let graph_wight = await avgBlockTime ( height , proof )
2020-01-08 09:20:39 +00:00
return ( difficulty / graph_wight ) ;
async function network_hashrate_old ( height , edge_bits , difficulty ) {
2019-09-19 06:40:17 +00:00
let graph_wight = await graph_weight ( height , edge_bits )
return ( 42.0 * ( difficulty / graph_wight ) / 60.0 ) ;
async function graph_weight ( height , edge_bits ) {
let xpr_edge_bits = edge_bits ;
let min_edge_bits = 19 ;
if ( min_edge_bits == 19 ) {
min_edge_bits += 12 ;
let bits_over_min = Math . max ( 0 , ( edge_bits - min_edge_bits ) ) ;
let expiry_height = ( 1 << bits_over_min ) * 524160 ;
if ( height >= expiry_height ) {
xpr_edge_bits = Math . max ( 0 , ( xpr_edge_bits - ( 1 + ( height - expiry_height ) / 10080 ) ) ) ;
let final_val ;
if ( edge_bits > 24 ) {
final_val = edge_bits - 24 ;
} else {
final_val = 24 - edge_bits ;
return ( 2 << final_val ) * xpr_edge_bits ;
export { network_hashrate } ;
2019-09-18 07:45:27 +00:00
export { averageblockdifficulty } ;
2019-09-06 13:22:10 +00:00
export { latestBlockDetails } ;
2019-09-06 13:49:43 +00:00
export { GetBlocktime } ;
2020-05-26 08:52:42 +00:00
export { Details } ;