This are some files also from OpenTransactions / otshell project,
developed thanks to the awesome OpenTransaction project, organization and developers :)

Parts of code here was also developed thanks to the excellent Monero project,
thanks to Monero project, organization and developers :)

[Some] files/code here (in external/otshell_utils) are under licence defined in
src/doc/LICENCE-otshell.txt ;
Others are from monero, with licence in src/doc/LICENCE-monero.txt ;

For me (rfree) the licence seem compatbile so no problem, personally (as author of many parts of the code,
possibly not all) I do not worry who uses it how; I'am not a lawyer.

Please share :-) This licence can be used e.g. for parts of code that are usable in both open-source FOSS project
Monero and Open Transactions, to share and develop both faster.