/* test-vala-unstable.c generated by valac, the Vala compiler * generated from test-vala-unstable.vala, do not modify */ #include #include #include "secret.h" #include #include #include "mock-service.h" #define _g_object_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_object_unref (var), NULL))) #define _g_free0(var) (var = (g_free (var), NULL)) #define _g_error_free0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_error_free (var), NULL))) #define _vala_assert(expr, msg) if G_LIKELY (expr) ; else g_assertion_message_expr (G_LOG_DOMAIN, __FILE__, __LINE__, G_STRFUNC, msg); void test_read_alias (void); gint _vala_main (gchar** args, int args_length1); static void _test_read_alias_gtest_data_func (gpointer self); void test_read_alias (void) { GError * _inner_error_ = NULL; { SecretService* _tmp0_ = NULL; SecretService* service; SecretService* _tmp1_; gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL; gchar* path; const gchar* _tmp3_; _tmp0_ = secret_service_get_sync (SECRET_SERVICE_NONE, NULL, &_inner_error_); service = _tmp0_; if (_inner_error_ != NULL) { goto __catch0_g_error; } _tmp1_ = service; _tmp2_ = secret_service_read_alias_dbus_path_sync (_tmp1_, "default", NULL, &_inner_error_); path = _tmp2_; if (_inner_error_ != NULL) { _g_object_unref0 (service); goto __catch0_g_error; } _tmp3_ = path; _vala_assert (_tmp3_ != NULL, "path != null"); _g_free0 (path); _g_object_unref0 (service); } goto __finally0; __catch0_g_error: { GError* e = NULL; const gchar* _tmp4_; e = _inner_error_; _inner_error_ = NULL; _tmp4_ = e->message; g_error ("test-vala-unstable.vala:7: %s", _tmp4_); _g_error_free0 (e); } __finally0: if (_inner_error_ != NULL) { g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code); g_clear_error (&_inner_error_); return; } } static void _test_read_alias_gtest_data_func (gpointer self) { test_read_alias (); } gint _vala_main (gchar** args, int args_length1) { gint result = 0; gint _tmp1_ = 0; gint res; GError * _inner_error_ = NULL; g_test_init (&args_length1, &args, NULL); { mock_service_start ("mock-service-normal.py", &_inner_error_); if (_inner_error_ != NULL) { goto __catch1_g_error; } } goto __finally1; __catch1_g_error: { GError* e = NULL; const gchar* _tmp0_; e = _inner_error_; _inner_error_ = NULL; _tmp0_ = e->message; g_error ("test-vala-unstable.vala:17: Unable to start mock service: %s", _tmp0_); _g_error_free0 (e); } __finally1: if (_inner_error_ != NULL) { g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code); g_clear_error (&_inner_error_); return 0; } g_test_add_data_func ("/vala/unstable/read-alias", NULL, _test_read_alias_gtest_data_func); _tmp1_ = g_test_run (); res = _tmp1_; mock_service_stop (); result = res; return result; } int main (int argc, char ** argv) { g_type_init (); return _vala_main (argv, argc); }