* This is necessary because sometimes we don't want to complain,
for expected errors, when running nested operations.
* The fact that we have to do this is silly, and soon there
will be a solution in glib itself.
* If the default keyring does not exist when storing a secret
try and create it.
* We handle both secrets that correctly return NoSuchObject
and ones that just return the silly DBus UnknownMethod error.
* C callers need to use libsecret-0 pkg-config file for stable and
libsecret-unstable for unstable stuff.
* Vala callers need to '--pkg libsecret-unstable' for unstable
* GObject Introspection callers need to use the SecretUnstable package
* Death by a thousand paper cuts from gir and vapi not liking
the fact that the secret.h file was not usable uninstalled
and installed in the same way.