diff --git a/makefile b/makefile
index 55e1abd..d0a969c 100644
--- a/makefile
+++ b/makefile
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ SRCDIR=src
TOBJS=$(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,instructionsPortable.o TestAluFpu.o)
-ROBJS=$(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,argon2_core.o argon2_ref.o AssemblyGeneratorX86.o blake2b.o CompiledVirtualMachine.o dataset.o JitCompilerX86.o instructionsPortable.o Instruction.o InterpretedVirtualMachine.o main.o Program.o softAes.o VirtualMachine.o t1ha2.o Cache.o virtualMemory.o)
+ROBJS=$(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,argon2_core.o argon2_ref.o AssemblyGeneratorX86.o blake2b.o CompiledVirtualMachine.o dataset.o JitCompilerX86.o instructionsPortable.o Instruction.o InterpretedVirtualMachine.o main.o Program.o softAes.o VirtualMachine.o t1ha2.o Cache.o virtualMemory.o divideByConstantCodegen.o)
ifeq ($(PLATFORM),x86_64)
ROBJS += $(OBJDIR)/JitCompilerX86-static.o
@@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ $(OBJDIR)/CompiledVirtualMachine.o: $(addprefix $(SRCDIR)/,CompiledVirtualMachin
$(OBJDIR)/dataset.o: $(addprefix $(SRCDIR)/,dataset.cpp common.hpp Pcg32.hpp) | $(OBJDIR)
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $(SRCDIR)/dataset.cpp -o $@
+$(OBJDIR)/divideByConstantCodegen.o: $(addprefix $(SRCDIR)/,divideByConstantCodegen.c divideByConstantCodegen.h) | $(OBJDIR)
+ $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c $(SRCDIR)/divideByConstantCodegen.c -o $@
$(OBJDIR)/JitCompilerX86.o: $(addprefix $(SRCDIR)/,JitCompilerX86.cpp JitCompilerX86.hpp Instruction.hpp instructionWeights.hpp) | $(OBJDIR)
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $(SRCDIR)/JitCompilerX86.cpp -o $@
diff --git a/src/AssemblyGeneratorX86.cpp b/src/AssemblyGeneratorX86.cpp
index 1fbf2f2..9389634 100644
--- a/src/AssemblyGeneratorX86.cpp
+++ b/src/AssemblyGeneratorX86.cpp
@@ -17,10 +17,14 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with RandomX. If not, see.
//#define TRACE
#include "AssemblyGeneratorX86.hpp"
#include "Pcg32.hpp"
#include "common.hpp"
#include "instructions.hpp"
+#include "divideByConstantCodegen.h"
namespace RandomX {
@@ -315,34 +319,118 @@ namespace RandomX {
void AssemblyGeneratorX86::h_DIV_64(Instruction& instr, int i) {
genar(instr, i);
if ((instr.locb & 7) >= 6) {
+ if (instr.imm32 != 0) {
+ uint32_t divisor = instr.imm32;
+ asmCode << "\t; magic divide by " << divisor << std::endl;
+ if (divisor & (divisor - 1)) {
+ magicu_info mi = compute_unsigned_magic_info(divisor, sizeof(uint64_t) * 8);
+ if (mi.pre_shift > 0)
+ asmCode << "\tshr rax, " << mi.pre_shift << std::endl;
+ if (mi.increment) {
+ asmCode << "\tadd rax, 1" << std::endl;
+ asmCode << "\tsbb rax, 0" << std::endl;
+ }
+ asmCode << "\tmov rcx, " << mi.multiplier << std::endl;
+ asmCode << "\tmul rcx" << std::endl;
+ asmCode << "\tmov rax, rdx" << std::endl;
+ if (mi.post_shift > 0)
+ asmCode << "\tshr rax, " << mi.post_shift << std::endl;
+ }
+ else { //divisor is a power of two
+ int shift = 0;
+ while (divisor >>= 1)
+ ++shift;
+ if(shift > 0)
+ asmCode << "\tshr rax, " << shift << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
if (instr.imm32 == 0) {
asmCode << "\tmov ecx, 1" << std::endl;
else {
asmCode << "\tmov ecx, " << instr.imm32 << std::endl;
else {
asmCode << "\tmov ecx, 1" << std::endl;
asmCode << "\tmov edx, " << regR32[instr.regb % RegistersCount] << std::endl;
asmCode << "\ttest edx, edx" << std::endl;
asmCode << "\tcmovne ecx, edx" << std::endl;
+ asmCode << "\txor edx, edx" << std::endl;
+ asmCode << "\tdiv rcx" << std::endl;
asmCode << "\txor edx, edx" << std::endl;
asmCode << "\tdiv rcx" << std::endl;
void AssemblyGeneratorX86::h_IDIV_64(Instruction& instr, int i) {
genar(instr, i);
+ if ((instr.locb & 7) >= 6) {
+ int64_t divisor = instr.imm32;
+ asmCode << "\t; magic divide by " << divisor << std::endl;
+ if ((divisor & -divisor) == divisor || (divisor & -divisor) == -divisor) {
+ // +/- power of two
+ bool negative = divisor < 0;
+ if (negative)
+ divisor = -divisor;
+ int shift = 0;
+ uint64_t unsignedDivisor = divisor;
+ while (unsignedDivisor >>= 1)
+ ++shift;
+ if (shift > 0) {
+ asmCode << "\tmov rcx, rax" << std::endl;
+ asmCode << "\tsar rcx, 63" << std::endl;
+ uint32_t mask = (1ULL << shift) + 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ asmCode << "\tand ecx, 0" << std::hex << mask << std::dec << "h" << std::endl;
+ asmCode << "\tadd rax, rcx" << std::endl;
+ asmCode << "\tsar rax, " << shift << std::endl;
+ }
+ if(negative)
+ asmCode << "\tneg rax" << std::endl;
+ } else if(divisor != 0) {
+ magics_info mi = compute_signed_magic_info(divisor);
+ if ((divisor >= 0) != (mi.multiplier >= 0))
+ asmCode << "\tmov rcx, rax" << std::endl;
+ asmCode << "\tmov rdx, " << mi.multiplier << std::endl;
+ asmCode << "\timul rdx" << std::endl;
+ asmCode << "\tmov rax, rdx" << std::endl;
+ asmCode << "\txor edx, edx" << std::endl;
+ bool haveSF = false;
+ if (divisor > 0 && mi.multiplier < 0) {
+ asmCode << "\tadd rax, rcx" << std::endl;
+ haveSF = true;
+ }
+ if (divisor < 0 && mi.multiplier > 0) {
+ asmCode << "\tsub rax, rcx" << std::endl;
+ haveSF = true;
+ }
+ if (mi.shift > 0) {
+ asmCode << "\tsar rax, " << mi.shift << std::endl;
+ haveSF = true;
+ }
+ if (!haveSF)
+ asmCode << "\ttest rax, rax" << std::endl;
+ asmCode << "\tsets dl" << std::endl;
+ asmCode << "\tadd rax, rdx" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
asmCode << "\tmov edx, ";
asmCode << "\tcmp edx, -1" << std::endl;
asmCode << "\tjne short safe_idiv_" << i << std::endl;
- asmCode << "\tmov rcx, rax" << std::endl;
- asmCode << "\trol rcx, 1" << std::endl;
- asmCode << "\tdec rcx" << std::endl;
- asmCode << "\tjz short result_idiv_" << i << std::endl;
+ asmCode << "\tneg rax" << std::endl;
+ asmCode << "\tjmp short result_idiv_" << i << std::endl;
asmCode << "safe_idiv_" << i << ":" << std::endl;
asmCode << "\tmov ecx, 1" << std::endl;
asmCode << "\ttest edx, edx" << std::endl;
@@ -351,6 +439,9 @@ namespace RandomX {
asmCode << "\tcqo" << std::endl;
asmCode << "\tidiv rcx" << std::endl;
asmCode << "result_idiv_" << i << ":" << std::endl;
+ }
diff --git a/src/divideByConstantCodegen.c b/src/divideByConstantCodegen.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b06712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/divideByConstantCodegen.c
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+ Reference implementations of computing and using the "magic number" approach to dividing
+ by constants, including codegen instructions. The unsigned division incorporates the
+ "round down" optimization per ridiculous_fish.
+ This is free and unencumbered software. Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+#include //for CHAR_BIT
+#include "divideByConstantCodegen.h"
+struct magicu_info compute_unsigned_magic_info(uint D, unsigned num_bits) {
+ //The numerator must fit in a uint
+ assert(num_bits > 0 && num_bits <= sizeof(uint) * CHAR_BIT);
+ // D must be larger than zero and not a power of 2
+ assert(D & (D - 1));
+ // The eventual result
+ struct magicu_info result;
+ // Bits in a uint
+ const unsigned UINT_BITS = sizeof(uint) * CHAR_BIT;
+ // The extra shift implicit in the difference between UINT_BITS and num_bits
+ const unsigned extra_shift = UINT_BITS - num_bits;
+ // The initial power of 2 is one less than the first one that can possibly work
+ const uint initial_power_of_2 = (uint)1 << (UINT_BITS - 1);
+ // The remainder and quotient of our power of 2 divided by d
+ uint quotient = initial_power_of_2 / D, remainder = initial_power_of_2 % D;
+ // ceil(log_2 D)
+ unsigned ceil_log_2_D;
+ // The magic info for the variant "round down" algorithm
+ uint down_multiplier = 0;
+ unsigned down_exponent = 0;
+ int has_magic_down = 0;
+ // Compute ceil(log_2 D)
+ ceil_log_2_D = 0;
+ uint tmp;
+ for (tmp = D; tmp > 0; tmp >>= 1)
+ ceil_log_2_D += 1;
+ // Begin a loop that increments the exponent, until we find a power of 2 that works.
+ unsigned exponent;
+ for (exponent = 0; ; exponent++) {
+ // Quotient and remainder is from previous exponent; compute it for this exponent.
+ if (remainder >= D - remainder) {
+ // Doubling remainder will wrap around D
+ quotient = quotient * 2 + 1;
+ remainder = remainder * 2 - D;
+ }
+ else {
+ // Remainder will not wrap
+ quotient = quotient * 2;
+ remainder = remainder * 2;
+ }
+ // We're done if this exponent works for the round_up algorithm.
+ // Note that exponent may be larger than the maximum shift supported,
+ // so the check for >= ceil_log_2_D is critical.
+ if ((exponent + extra_shift >= ceil_log_2_D) || (D - remainder) <= ((uint)1 << (exponent + extra_shift)))
+ break;
+ // Set magic_down if we have not set it yet and this exponent works for the round_down algorithm
+ if (!has_magic_down && remainder <= ((uint)1 << (exponent + extra_shift))) {
+ has_magic_down = 1;
+ down_multiplier = quotient;
+ down_exponent = exponent;
+ }
+ }
+ if (exponent < ceil_log_2_D) {
+ // magic_up is efficient
+ result.multiplier = quotient + 1;
+ result.pre_shift = 0;
+ result.post_shift = exponent;
+ result.increment = 0;
+ }
+ else if (D & 1) {
+ // Odd divisor, so use magic_down, which must have been set
+ assert(has_magic_down);
+ result.multiplier = down_multiplier;
+ result.pre_shift = 0;
+ result.post_shift = down_exponent;
+ result.increment = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ // Even divisor, so use a prefix-shifted dividend
+ unsigned pre_shift = 0;
+ uint shifted_D = D;
+ while ((shifted_D & 1) == 0) {
+ shifted_D >>= 1;
+ pre_shift += 1;
+ }
+ result = compute_unsigned_magic_info(shifted_D, num_bits - pre_shift);
+ assert(result.increment == 0 && result.pre_shift == 0); //expect no increment or pre_shift in this path
+ result.pre_shift = pre_shift;
+ }
+ return result;
+struct magics_info compute_signed_magic_info(sint D) {
+ // D must not be zero and must not be a power of 2 (or its negative)
+ assert(D != 0 && (D & -D) != D && (D & -D) != -D);
+ // Our result
+ struct magics_info result;
+ // Bits in an sint
+ const unsigned SINT_BITS = sizeof(sint) * CHAR_BIT;
+ // Absolute value of D (we know D is not the most negative value since that's a power of 2)
+ const uint abs_d = (D < 0 ? -D : D);
+ // The initial power of 2 is one less than the first one that can possibly work
+ // "two31" in Warren
+ unsigned exponent = SINT_BITS - 1;
+ const uint initial_power_of_2 = (uint)1 << exponent;
+ // Compute the absolute value of our "test numerator,"
+ // which is the largest dividend whose remainder with d is d-1.
+ // This is called anc in Warren.
+ const uint tmp = initial_power_of_2 + (D < 0);
+ const uint abs_test_numer = tmp - 1 - tmp % abs_d;
+ // Initialize our quotients and remainders (q1, r1, q2, r2 in Warren)
+ uint quotient1 = initial_power_of_2 / abs_test_numer, remainder1 = initial_power_of_2 % abs_test_numer;
+ uint quotient2 = initial_power_of_2 / abs_d, remainder2 = initial_power_of_2 % abs_d;
+ uint delta;
+ // Begin our loop
+ do {
+ // Update the exponent
+ exponent++;
+ // Update quotient1 and remainder1
+ quotient1 *= 2;
+ remainder1 *= 2;
+ if (remainder1 >= abs_test_numer) {
+ quotient1 += 1;
+ remainder1 -= abs_test_numer;
+ }
+ // Update quotient2 and remainder2
+ quotient2 *= 2;
+ remainder2 *= 2;
+ if (remainder2 >= abs_d) {
+ quotient2 += 1;
+ remainder2 -= abs_d;
+ }
+ // Keep going as long as (2**exponent) / abs_d <= delta
+ delta = abs_d - remainder2;
+ } while (quotient1 < delta || (quotient1 == delta && remainder1 == 0));
+ result.multiplier = quotient2 + 1;
+ if (D < 0) result.multiplier = -result.multiplier;
+ result.shift = exponent - SINT_BITS;
+ return result;
diff --git a/src/divideByConstantCodegen.h b/src/divideByConstantCodegen.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ac55e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/divideByConstantCodegen.h
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+Copyright (c) 2018 tevador
+This file is part of RandomX.
+RandomX is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+RandomX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with RandomX. If not, see.
+#pragma once
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C" {
+ typedef uint64_t uint;
+ typedef int64_t sint;
+ /* Computes "magic info" for performing signed division by a fixed integer D.
+ The type 'sint' is assumed to be defined as a signed integer type large enough
+ to hold both the dividend and the divisor.
+ Here >> is arithmetic (signed) shift, and >>> is logical shift.
+ To emit code for n/d, rounding towards zero, use the following sequence:
+ m = compute_signed_magic_info(D)
+ emit("result = (m.multiplier * n) >> SINT_BITS");
+ if d > 0 and m.multiplier < 0: emit("result += n")
+ if d < 0 and m.multiplier > 0: emit("result -= n")
+ if m.post_shift > 0: emit("result >>= m.shift")
+ emit("result += (result < 0)")
+ The shifts by SINT_BITS may be "free" if the high half of the full multiply
+ is put in a separate register.
+ The final add can of course be implemented via the sign bit, e.g.
+ result += (result >>> (SINT_BITS - 1))
+ or
+ result -= (result >> (SINT_BITS - 1))
+ This code is heavily indebted to Hacker's Delight by Henry Warren.
+ See http://www.hackersdelight.org/HDcode/magic.c.txt
+ Used with permission from http://www.hackersdelight.org/permissions.htm
+ */
+ struct magics_info {
+ sint multiplier; // the "magic number" multiplier
+ unsigned shift; // shift for the dividend after multiplying
+ };
+ struct magics_info compute_signed_magic_info(sint D);
+ /* Computes "magic info" for performing unsigned division by a fixed positive integer D.
+ The type 'uint' is assumed to be defined as an unsigned integer type large enough
+ to hold both the dividend and the divisor. num_bits can be set appropriately if n is
+ known to be smaller than the largest uint; if this is not known then pass
+ (sizeof(uint) * CHAR_BIT) for num_bits.
+ Assume we have a hardware register of width UINT_BITS, a known constant D which is
+ not zero and not a power of 2, and a variable n of width num_bits (which may be
+ up to UINT_BITS). To emit code for n/d, use one of the two following sequences
+ (here >>> refers to a logical bitshift):
+ m = compute_unsigned_magic_info(D, num_bits)
+ if m.pre_shift > 0: emit("n >>>= m.pre_shift")
+ if m.increment: emit("n = saturated_increment(n)")
+ emit("result = (m.multiplier * n) >>> UINT_BITS")
+ if m.post_shift > 0: emit("result >>>= m.post_shift")
+ or
+ m = compute_unsigned_magic_info(D, num_bits)
+ if m.pre_shift > 0: emit("n >>>= m.pre_shift")
+ emit("result = m.multiplier * n")
+ if m.increment: emit("result = result + m.multiplier")
+ emit("result >>>= UINT_BITS")
+ if m.post_shift > 0: emit("result >>>= m.post_shift")
+ The shifts by UINT_BITS may be "free" if the high half of the full multiply
+ is put in a separate register.
+ saturated_increment(n) means "increment n unless it would wrap to 0," i.e.
+ if n == (1 << UINT_BITS)-1: result = n
+ else: result = n+1
+ A common way to implement this is with the carry bit. For example, on x86:
+ add 1
+ sbb 0
+ Some invariants:
+ 1: At least one of pre_shift and increment is zero
+ 2: multiplier is never zero
+ This code incorporates the "round down" optimization per ridiculous_fish.
+ */
+ struct magicu_info {
+ uint multiplier; // the "magic number" multiplier
+ unsigned pre_shift; // shift for the dividend before multiplying
+ unsigned post_shift; //shift for the dividend after multiplying
+ int increment; // 0 or 1; if set then increment the numerator, using one of the two strategies
+ };
+ struct magicu_info compute_unsigned_magic_info(uint D, unsigned num_bits);
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
\ No newline at end of file