diff --git a/src/LightProgramGenerator.cpp b/src/LightProgramGenerator.cpp
index dc8fa4e..eaf5efe 100644
--- a/src/LightProgramGenerator.cpp
+++ b/src/LightProgramGenerator.cpp
@@ -22,43 +22,29 @@ along with RandomX. If not, see.
#include "Program.hpp"
#include "blake2/endian.h";
namespace RandomX {
- namespace LightInstruction {
- constexpr int IADD_R = 0;
- constexpr int IADD_RC = 1;
- constexpr int ISUB_R = 2;
- constexpr int IMUL_9C = 3;
- constexpr int IMUL_R = 4;
- constexpr int IMULH_R = 5;
- constexpr int ISMULH_R = 6;
- constexpr int IMUL_RCP = 7;
- constexpr int IXOR_R = 8;
- constexpr int IROR_R = 9;
- constexpr int COND_R = 10;
- constexpr int COUNT = 11;
+ // Intel Ivy Bridge reference
+ namespace LightInstructionType { //uOPs (decode) execution ports latency code size
+ constexpr int IADD_R = 0; //1 p015 1 3
+ constexpr int IADD_C = 1; //1 p015 1 7
+ constexpr int IADD_RC = 2; //1 p1 3 8
+ constexpr int ISUB_R = 3; //1 p015 1 3
+ constexpr int IMUL_9C = 4; //1 p1 3 8
+ constexpr int IMUL_R = 5; //1 p1 3 4
+ constexpr int IMUL_C = 6; //1 p1 3 7
+ constexpr int IMULH_R = 7; //1+2+1 0+(p1,p5)+0 3 3+3+3
+ constexpr int ISMULH_R = 8; //1+2+1 0+(p1,p5)+0 3 3+3+3
+ constexpr int IMUL_RCP = 9; //1+1 p015+p1 4 10+4
+ constexpr int IXOR_R = 10; //1 p015 1 3
+ constexpr int IXOR_C = 11; //1 p015 1 7
+ constexpr int IROR_R = 12; //1+2 0+(p0,p5) 1 3+3
+ constexpr int IROR_C = 13; //1 p05 1 4
+ constexpr int COND_R = 14; //1+1+1+1+1+1 p015+p5+0+p015+p05+p015 3 7+13+3+7+3+3
+ constexpr int COUNT = 15;
- const int lightInstruction[] = {
- LightInstruction::IADD_RC,
- LightInstruction::IADD_RC,
- LightInstruction::ISUB_R,
- LightInstruction::ISUB_R,
- LightInstruction::IMUL_9C,
- LightInstruction::IMUL_R,
- LightInstruction::IMUL_R,
- LightInstruction::IMUL_R,
- LightInstruction::IMULH_R,
- LightInstruction::ISMULH_R,
- LightInstruction::IMUL_RCP,
- LightInstruction::IXOR_R,
- LightInstruction::IXOR_R,
- LightInstruction::IROR_R,
- LightInstruction::IROR_R,
- LightInstruction::COND_R
- };
namespace LightInstructionOpcode {
constexpr int IADD_R = 0;
@@ -67,26 +53,605 @@ namespace RandomX {
constexpr int IMUL_R = IMUL_9C + RANDOMX_FREQ_IMUL_9C;
const int lightInstructionOpcode[] = {
+ LightInstructionOpcode::IADD_R,
+ LightInstructionOpcode::IMUL_R,
+ LightInstructionOpcode::IXOR_R,
+ LightInstructionOpcode::IROR_R,
+ const int lightInstruction[] = {
+ LightInstructionType::IADD_R,
+ LightInstructionType::IADD_C,
+ LightInstructionType::IADD_RC,
+ LightInstructionType::ISUB_R,
+ LightInstructionType::IMUL_9C,
+ LightInstructionType::IMUL_R,
+ LightInstructionType::IMUL_R,
+ LightInstructionType::IMUL_C,
+ LightInstructionType::IMULH_R,
+ LightInstructionType::ISMULH_R,
+ LightInstructionType::IMUL_RCP,
+ LightInstructionType::IXOR_R,
+ LightInstructionType::IXOR_C,
+ LightInstructionType::IROR_R,
+ LightInstructionType::IROR_C,
+ LightInstructionType::COND_R
+ };
+ namespace ExecutionPort {
+ using type = int;
+ constexpr type Null = 0;
+ constexpr type P0 = 1;
+ constexpr type P1 = 2;
+ constexpr type P5 = 4;
+ constexpr type P05 = 6;
+ constexpr type P015 = 7;
+ }
+ class Blake2Generator {
+ public:
+ Blake2Generator(const void* seed) : dataIndex(sizeof(data)) {
+ memset(data, 0, sizeof(data));
+ memcpy(data, seed, SeedSize);
+ data[60] = 39;
+ }
+ uint8_t getByte() {
+ checkData(1);
+ return data[dataIndex++];
+ }
+ uint32_t getInt32() {
+ checkData(4);
+ auto ret = load32(&data[dataIndex]);
+ dataIndex += 4;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private:
+ uint8_t data[64];
+ size_t dataIndex;
+ void checkData(const size_t bytesNeeded) {
+ if (dataIndex + bytesNeeded > sizeof(data)) {
+ blake2b(data, sizeof(data), data, sizeof(data), nullptr, 0);
+ dataIndex = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ class MacroOp {
+ public:
+ MacroOp(const char* name, int size)
+ : name_(name), size_(size), latency_(0), uop1_(ExecutionPort::Null), uop2_(ExecutionPort::Null) {}
+ MacroOp(const char* name, int size, int latency, ExecutionPort::type uop)
+ : name_(name), size_(size), latency_(latency), uop1_(uop), uop2_(ExecutionPort::Null) {}
+ MacroOp(const char* name, int size, int latency, ExecutionPort::type uop1, ExecutionPort::type uop2)
+ : name_(name), size_(size), latency_(latency), uop1_(uop1), uop2_(uop2) {}
+ const char* getName() const {
+ return name_;
+ }
+ int getSize() const {
+ return size_;
+ }
+ int getLatency() const {
+ return latency_;
+ }
+ ExecutionPort::type getUop1() const {
+ return uop1_;
+ }
+ ExecutionPort::type getUop2() const {
+ return uop2_;
+ }
+ bool isSimple() const {
+ return uop2_ == ExecutionPort::Null;
+ }
+ bool isEliminated() const {
+ return uop1_ == ExecutionPort::Null;
+ }
+ static const MacroOp Add_rr;
+ static const MacroOp Add_ri;
+ static const MacroOp Lea_sib;
+ static const MacroOp Sub_rr;
+ static const MacroOp Imul_rr;
+ static const MacroOp Imul_rri;
+ static const MacroOp Imul_r;
+ static const MacroOp Mul_r;
+ static const MacroOp Mov_rr;
+ static const MacroOp Mov_ri64;
+ static const MacroOp Xor_rr;
+ static const MacroOp Xor_ri;
+ static const MacroOp Ror_rcl;
+ static const MacroOp Ror_ri;
+ static const MacroOp TestJmp_fused;
+ static const MacroOp Xor_self;
+ static const MacroOp Cmp_ri;
+ static const MacroOp Setcc_r;
+ private:
+ const char* name_;
+ int size_;
+ int latency_;
+ ExecutionPort::type uop1_;
+ ExecutionPort::type uop2_;
+ };
+ const MacroOp MacroOp::Add_rr = MacroOp("add r,r", 3, 1, ExecutionPort::P015);
+ const MacroOp MacroOp::Add_ri = MacroOp("add r,i", 7, 1, ExecutionPort::P015);
+ const MacroOp MacroOp::Lea_sib = MacroOp("lea r,m", 8, 3, ExecutionPort::P1);
+ const MacroOp MacroOp::Sub_rr = MacroOp("sub r,r", 3, 1, ExecutionPort::P015);
+ const MacroOp MacroOp::Imul_rr = MacroOp("imul r,r", 4, 3, ExecutionPort::P1);
+ const MacroOp MacroOp::Imul_rri = MacroOp("imul r,r,i", 7, 3, ExecutionPort::P1);
+ const MacroOp MacroOp::Imul_r = MacroOp("imul r", 3, 3, ExecutionPort::P1, ExecutionPort::P5);
+ const MacroOp MacroOp::Mul_r = MacroOp("mul r", 3, 3, ExecutionPort::P1, ExecutionPort::P5);
+ const MacroOp MacroOp::Mov_rr = MacroOp("mov r,r", 3);
+ const MacroOp MacroOp::Mov_ri64 = MacroOp("mov rax,i64", 10, 1, ExecutionPort::P015);
+ const MacroOp MacroOp::Xor_rr = MacroOp("xor r,r", 3, 1, ExecutionPort::P015);
+ const MacroOp MacroOp::Xor_ri = MacroOp("xor r,i", 7, 1, ExecutionPort::P015);
+ const MacroOp MacroOp::Ror_rcl = MacroOp("ror r,cl", 3, 1, ExecutionPort::P0, ExecutionPort::P5);
+ const MacroOp MacroOp::Ror_ri = MacroOp("ror r,i", 4, 1, ExecutionPort::P05);
+ const MacroOp MacroOp::Xor_self = MacroOp("xor rcx,rcx", 3);
+ const MacroOp MacroOp::Cmp_ri = MacroOp("cmp r,i", 7, 1, ExecutionPort::P015);
+ const MacroOp MacroOp::Setcc_r = MacroOp("setcc cl", 3, 1, ExecutionPort::P05);
+ const MacroOp MacroOp::TestJmp_fused = MacroOp("testjmp r,i", 13, 0, ExecutionPort::P5);
+ template
+ T* begin(T(&arr)[N]) { return &arr[0]; }
+ template
+ T* end(T(&arr)[N]) { return &arr[0] + N; }
+ const MacroOp* IMULH_R_ops_array[] = { &MacroOp::Mov_rr, &MacroOp::Mul_r, &MacroOp::Mov_rr };
+ const MacroOp* ISMULH_R_ops_array[] = { &MacroOp::Mov_rr, &MacroOp::Imul_r, &MacroOp::Mov_rr };
+ const MacroOp* IMUL_RCP_ops_array[] = { &MacroOp::Mov_ri64, &MacroOp::Imul_rr };
+ const MacroOp* IROR_R_ops_array[] = { &MacroOp::Mov_rr, &MacroOp::Ror_rcl };
+ const MacroOp* COND_R_ops_array[] = { &MacroOp::Add_ri, &MacroOp::TestJmp_fused, &MacroOp::Xor_self, &MacroOp::Cmp_ri, &MacroOp::Setcc_r, &MacroOp::Add_rr };
+ class LightInstructionInfo {
+ public:
+ LightInstructionInfo(const char* name, const MacroOp* op)
+ : name_(name), op_(op), opsCount_(1), latency_(op->getLatency()) {}
+ template
+ LightInstructionInfo(const char* name, const MacroOp*(&arr)[N])
+ : name_(name), ops_(arr), opsCount_(N), latency_(0) {
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
+ latency_ += arr[i]->getLatency();
+ }
+ static_assert(N > 1, "Invalid array size");
+ }
+ template
+ LightInstructionInfo(const char* name, const MacroOp*(&arr)[N], int latency)
+ : name_(name), ops_(arr), opsCount_(N), latency_(latency) {
+ static_assert(N > 1, "Invalid array size");
+ }
+ const char* getName() const {
+ return name_;
+ }
+ int getSize() const {
+ return opsCount_;
+ }
+ bool isSimple() const {
+ return opsCount_ == 1;
+ }
+ int getLatency() const {
+ return latency_;
+ }
+ const MacroOp* getOp(int index) const {
+ return opsCount_ > 1 ? ops_[index] : op_;
+ }
+ static const LightInstructionInfo IADD_R;
+ static const LightInstructionInfo IADD_C;
+ static const LightInstructionInfo IADD_RC;
+ static const LightInstructionInfo ISUB_R;
+ static const LightInstructionInfo IMUL_9C;
+ static const LightInstructionInfo IMUL_R;
+ static const LightInstructionInfo IMUL_C;
+ static const LightInstructionInfo IMULH_R;
+ static const LightInstructionInfo ISMULH_R;
+ static const LightInstructionInfo IMUL_RCP;
+ static const LightInstructionInfo IXOR_R;
+ static const LightInstructionInfo IXOR_C;
+ static const LightInstructionInfo IROR_R;
+ static const LightInstructionInfo IROR_C;
+ static const LightInstructionInfo COND_R;
+ static const LightInstructionInfo NOP;
+ private:
+ const char* name_;
+ union {
+ const MacroOp** ops_;
+ const MacroOp* op_;
+ };
+ int opsCount_;
+ int latency_;
+ LightInstructionInfo(const char* name)
+ : name_(name), opsCount_(0), latency_(0) {}
+ };
+ const LightInstructionInfo LightInstructionInfo::IADD_R = LightInstructionInfo("IADD_R", &MacroOp::Add_rr);
+ const LightInstructionInfo LightInstructionInfo::IADD_C = LightInstructionInfo("IADD_C", &MacroOp::Add_ri);
+ const LightInstructionInfo LightInstructionInfo::IADD_RC = LightInstructionInfo("IADD_RC", &MacroOp::Lea_sib);
+ const LightInstructionInfo LightInstructionInfo::ISUB_R = LightInstructionInfo("ISUB_R", &MacroOp::Sub_rr);
+ const LightInstructionInfo LightInstructionInfo::IMUL_9C = LightInstructionInfo("IMUL_9C", &MacroOp::Lea_sib);
+ const LightInstructionInfo LightInstructionInfo::IMUL_R = LightInstructionInfo("IMUL_R", &MacroOp::Imul_rr);
+ const LightInstructionInfo LightInstructionInfo::IMUL_C = LightInstructionInfo("IMUL_C", &MacroOp::Imul_rri);
+ const LightInstructionInfo LightInstructionInfo::IMULH_R = LightInstructionInfo("IMULH_R", IMULH_R_ops_array);
+ const LightInstructionInfo LightInstructionInfo::ISMULH_R = LightInstructionInfo("ISMULH_R", ISMULH_R_ops_array);
+ const LightInstructionInfo LightInstructionInfo::IMUL_RCP = LightInstructionInfo("IMUL_RCP", IMUL_RCP_ops_array);
+ const LightInstructionInfo LightInstructionInfo::IXOR_R = LightInstructionInfo("IXOR_R", &MacroOp::Xor_rr);
+ const LightInstructionInfo LightInstructionInfo::IXOR_C = LightInstructionInfo("IXOR_C", &MacroOp::Xor_ri);
+ const LightInstructionInfo LightInstructionInfo::IROR_R = LightInstructionInfo("IROR_R", IROR_R_ops_array);
+ const LightInstructionInfo LightInstructionInfo::IROR_C = LightInstructionInfo("IROR_C", &MacroOp::Ror_ri);
+ const LightInstructionInfo LightInstructionInfo::COND_R = LightInstructionInfo("COND_R", COND_R_ops_array);
+ const LightInstructionInfo LightInstructionInfo::NOP = LightInstructionInfo("NOP");
+ const int buffer0[] = { 3, 3, 10 };
+ const int buffer1[] = { 7, 3, 3, 3 };
+ const int buffer2[] = { 3, 3, 3, 7 };
+ const int buffer3[] = { 4, 8, 4 };
+ const int buffer4[] = { 4, 4, 4, 4 };
+ const int buffer5[] = { 3, 7, 3, 3 };
+ const int buffer6[] = { 3, 3, 7, 3 };
+ const int buffer7[] = { 13, 3 };
+ class DecoderBuffer {
+ public:
+ static DecoderBuffer Default;
+ template
+ DecoderBuffer(const char* name, int index, const int(&arr)[N])
+ : name_(name), index_(index), counts_(arr), opsCount_(N) {}
+ const int* getCounts() const {
+ return counts_;
+ }
+ int getSize() const {
+ return opsCount_;
+ }
+ int getIndex() const {
+ return index_;
+ }
+ const char* getName() const {
+ return name_;
+ }
+ const DecoderBuffer& fetchNext(int prevType, Blake2Generator& gen) {
+ if (prevType == LightInstructionType::IMULH_R || prevType == LightInstructionType::ISMULH_R)
+ return decodeBuffers[0];
+ if (index_ == 0) {
+ if ((gen.getByte() % 2) == 0)
+ return decodeBuffers[3];
+ else
+ return decodeBuffers[4];
+ }
+ if (index_ == 2) {
+ return decodeBuffers[7];
+ }
+ if (index_ == 7) {
+ return decodeBuffers[1];
+ }
+ return fetchNextDefault(gen);
+ }
+ private:
+ const char* name_;
+ int index_;
+ const int* counts_;
+ int opsCount_;
+ DecoderBuffer() : index_(-1) {}
+ static const DecoderBuffer decodeBuffers[8];
+ const DecoderBuffer& fetchNextDefault(Blake2Generator& gen) {
+ int select;
+ do {
+ select = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ } while (select == 7);
+ return decodeBuffers[select];
+ }
+ };
+ const DecoderBuffer DecoderBuffer::decodeBuffers[8] = {
+ DecoderBuffer("3,3,10", 0, buffer0),
+ DecoderBuffer("7,3,3,3", 1, buffer1),
+ DecoderBuffer("3,3,3,7", 2, buffer2),
+ DecoderBuffer("4,8,4", 3, buffer3),
+ DecoderBuffer("4,4,4,4", 4, buffer4),
+ DecoderBuffer("3,7,3,3", 5, buffer5),
+ DecoderBuffer("3,3,7,3", 6, buffer6),
+ DecoderBuffer("13,3", 7, buffer7),
+ };
+ DecoderBuffer DecoderBuffer::Default = DecoderBuffer();
+ const int slot_3[] = { LightInstructionType::IADD_R, LightInstructionType::ISUB_R, LightInstructionType::IXOR_R, LightInstructionType::IADD_R };
+ const int slot_3L[] = { LightInstructionType::IADD_R, LightInstructionType::ISUB_R, LightInstructionType::IXOR_R, LightInstructionType::IMULH_R, LightInstructionType::ISMULH_R, LightInstructionType::IXOR_R, LightInstructionType::IMULH_R, LightInstructionType::ISMULH_R };
+ const int slot_3F[] = { LightInstructionType::IADD_R, LightInstructionType::ISUB_R, LightInstructionType::IXOR_R, LightInstructionType::IROR_R };
+ const int slot_4[] = { LightInstructionType::IMUL_R, LightInstructionType::IROR_C };
+ const int slot_7[] = { LightInstructionType::IADD_C, LightInstructionType::IMUL_C, LightInstructionType::IXOR_C, LightInstructionType::IXOR_C };
+ const int slot_7L = LightInstructionType::COND_R;
+ const int slot_8[] = { LightInstructionType::IADD_RC, LightInstructionType::IMUL_9C };
+ const int slot_10 = LightInstructionType::IMUL_RCP;
+ class LightInstruction {
+ public:
+ Instruction toInstr() {
+ Instruction instr;
+ instr.opcode = lightInstructionOpcode[type_];
+ instr.dst = dst_;
+ instr.src = src_ >= 0 ? src_ : dst_;
+ instr.mod = mod_;
+ instr.setImm32(imm32_);
+ return instr;
+ }
+ static LightInstruction createForSlot(Blake2Generator& gen, int slotSize, bool isLast = false, bool isFirst = false) {
+ switch (slotSize)
+ {
+ case 3:
+ if (isLast) {
+ return create(slot_3L[gen.getByte() & 7], gen);
+ }
+ else if (isFirst) {
+ return create(slot_3F[gen.getByte() & 3], gen);
+ }
+ else {
+ return create(slot_3[gen.getByte() & 3], gen);
+ }
+ case 4:
+ return create(slot_4[gen.getByte() & 1], gen);
+ case 7:
+ if (isLast) {
+ return create(slot_7L, gen);
+ }
+ else {
+ return create(slot_7[gen.getByte() & 3], gen);
+ }
+ case 8:
+ return create(slot_8[gen.getByte() & 1], gen);
+ case 10:
+ return create(slot_10, gen);
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ static LightInstruction create(int type, Blake2Generator& gen) {
+ LightInstruction li;
+ li.type_ = type;
+ li.opGroup_ = type;
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case LightInstructionType::IADD_R: {
+ li.dst_ = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ do {
+ li.src_ = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ } while (li.dst_ == li.src_);
+ li.mod_ = 0;
+ li.imm32_ = 0;
+ li.info_ = &LightInstructionInfo::IADD_R;
+ li.opGroup_ = LightInstructionType::IADD_R;
+ li.opGroupPar_ = li.src_;
+ } break;
+ case LightInstructionType::IADD_C: {
+ li.dst_ = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ li.src_ = -1;
+ li.mod_ = 0;
+ li.imm32_ = gen.getInt32();
+ li.info_ = &LightInstructionInfo::IADD_C;
+ li.opGroup_ = LightInstructionType::IADD_R;
+ li.opGroupPar_ = li.src_;
+ } break;
+ case LightInstructionType::IADD_RC: {
+ li.dst_ = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ do {
+ li.src_ = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ } while (li.dst_ == li.src_);
+ li.mod_ = 0;
+ li.imm32_ = gen.getInt32();
+ li.info_ = &LightInstructionInfo::IADD_RC;
+ li.opGroup_ = LightInstructionType::IADD_R;
+ li.opGroupPar_ = li.src_;
+ } break;
+ case LightInstructionType::ISUB_R: {
+ li.dst_ = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ do {
+ li.src_ = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ } while (li.dst_ == li.src_);
+ li.mod_ = 0;
+ li.imm32_ = 0;
+ li.info_ = &LightInstructionInfo::ISUB_R;
+ li.opGroup_ = LightInstructionType::IADD_R;
+ li.opGroupPar_ = li.src_;
+ } break;
+ case LightInstructionType::IMUL_9C: {
+ li.dst_ = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ do {
+ li.src_ = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ } while (li.dst_ == li.src_);
+ li.mod_ = 0;
+ li.imm32_ = gen.getInt32();
+ li.info_ = &LightInstructionInfo::IMUL_9C;
+ li.opGroup_ = LightInstructionType::IMUL_C;
+ li.opGroupPar_ = -1;
+ } break;
+ case LightInstructionType::IMUL_R: {
+ li.dst_ = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ do {
+ li.src_ = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ } while (li.dst_ == li.src_);
+ li.mod_ = 0;
+ li.imm32_ = 0;
+ li.info_ = &LightInstructionInfo::IMUL_R;
+ li.opGroup_ = LightInstructionType::IMUL_R;
+ li.opGroupPar_ = gen.getInt32();
+ } break;
+ case LightInstructionType::IMUL_C: {
+ li.dst_ = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ li.src_ = -1;
+ li.mod_ = 0;
+ li.imm32_ = gen.getInt32();
+ li.info_ = &LightInstructionInfo::IMUL_C;
+ li.opGroup_ = LightInstructionType::IMUL_C;
+ li.opGroupPar_ = li.src_;
+ } break;
+ case LightInstructionType::IMULH_R: {
+ li.dst_ = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ li.src_ = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ li.mod_ = 0;
+ li.imm32_ = 0;
+ li.info_ = &LightInstructionInfo::IMULH_R;
+ li.opGroup_ = LightInstructionType::IMULH_R;
+ li.opGroupPar_ = gen.getInt32();
+ } break;
+ case LightInstructionType::ISMULH_R: {
+ li.dst_ = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ li.src_ = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ li.mod_ = 0;
+ li.imm32_ = 0;
+ li.info_ = &LightInstructionInfo::ISMULH_R;
+ li.opGroup_ = LightInstructionType::ISMULH_R;
+ li.opGroupPar_ = gen.getInt32();
+ } break;
+ case LightInstructionType::IMUL_RCP: {
+ li.dst_ = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ li.src_ = -1;
+ li.mod_ = 0;
+ li.imm32_ = gen.getInt32();
+ li.info_ = &LightInstructionInfo::IMUL_RCP;
+ li.opGroup_ = LightInstructionType::IMUL_C;
+ li.opGroupPar_ = -1;
+ } break;
+ case LightInstructionType::IXOR_R: {
+ li.dst_ = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ do {
+ li.src_ = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ } while (li.dst_ == li.src_);
+ li.mod_ = 0;
+ li.imm32_ = 0;
+ li.info_ = &LightInstructionInfo::IXOR_R;
+ li.opGroup_ = LightInstructionType::IXOR_R;
+ li.opGroupPar_ = li.src_;
+ } break;
+ case LightInstructionType::IXOR_C: {
+ li.dst_ = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ li.src_ = -1;
+ li.mod_ = 0;
+ li.imm32_ = gen.getInt32();
+ li.info_ = &LightInstructionInfo::IXOR_C;
+ li.opGroup_ = LightInstructionType::IXOR_R;
+ li.opGroupPar_ = li.src_;
+ } break;
+ case LightInstructionType::IROR_R: {
+ li.dst_ = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ do {
+ li.src_ = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ } while (li.dst_ == li.src_);
+ li.mod_ = 0;
+ li.imm32_ = 0;
+ li.info_ = &LightInstructionInfo::IROR_R;
+ li.opGroup_ = LightInstructionType::IROR_R;
+ li.opGroupPar_ = -1;
+ } break;
+ case LightInstructionType::IROR_C: {
+ li.dst_ = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ li.src_ = -1;
+ li.mod_ = 0;
+ li.imm32_ = gen.getByte();
+ li.info_ = &LightInstructionInfo::IROR_C;
+ li.opGroup_ = LightInstructionType::IROR_R;
+ li.opGroupPar_ = -1;
+ } break;
+ case LightInstructionType::COND_R: {
+ li.dst_ = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ li.src_ = gen.getByte() & 7;
+ li.mod_ = gen.getByte();
+ li.imm32_ = gen.getInt32();
+ li.info_ = &LightInstructionInfo::COND_R;
+ li.opGroup_ = LightInstructionType::COND_R;
+ li.opGroupPar_ = li.imm32_;
+ } break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return li;
+ }
+ int getType() {
+ return type_;
+ }
+ int getSource() {
+ return src_;
+ }
+ int getDestination() {
+ return dst_;
+ }
+ int getGroup() {
+ return opGroup_;
+ }
+ int getGroupPar() {
+ return opGroupPar_;
+ }
+ const LightInstructionInfo* getInfo() {
+ return info_;
+ }
+ static const LightInstruction Null;
+ private:
+ int type_;
+ int src_;
+ int dst_;
+ int mod_;
+ uint32_t imm32_;
+ const LightInstructionInfo* info_;
+ int opGroup_;
+ int opGroupPar_;
+ LightInstruction() {}
+ LightInstruction(int type, const LightInstructionInfo* info) : type_(type), info_(info) {}
+ };
+ class RegisterInfo {
+ public:
+ RegisterInfo() : lastOpGroup(-1), source(-1), value(0), latency(0) {}
+ int lastOpGroup;
+ int source;
+ int value;
+ int latency;
+ };
+ const LightInstruction LightInstruction::Null = LightInstruction(-1, &LightInstructionInfo::NOP);
constexpr int ALU_COUNT_MUL = 1;
constexpr int ALU_COUNT = 4;
constexpr int LIGHT_OPCODE_BITS = 4;
@@ -106,16 +671,61 @@ namespace RandomX {
+ void generateLightProg2(LightProgram& prog, const void* seed, int indexRegister) {
+ bool portBusy[RANDOMX_LPROG_LATENCY][3];
+ RegisterInfo registers[8];
+ bool decoderBusy[RANDOMX_LPROG_LATENCY][4];
+ Blake2Generator gen(seed);
+ std::vector instructions;
+ DecoderBuffer& fetchLine = DecoderBuffer::Default;
+ LightInstruction currentInstruction = LightInstruction::Null;
+ int instrIndex = 0;
+ int codeSize = 0;
+ int macroOpCount = 0;
+ int rxOpCount = 0;
+ for (int cycle = 0; cycle < 170; ++cycle) {
+ fetchLine = fetchLine.fetchNext(currentInstruction.getType(), gen);
+ std::cout << "; cycle " << cycle << " buffer " << fetchLine.getName() << std::endl;
+ int mopIndex = 0;
+ while (mopIndex < fetchLine.getSize()) {
+ if (instrIndex >= currentInstruction.getInfo()->getSize()) {
+ currentInstruction = LightInstruction::createForSlot(gen, fetchLine.getCounts()[mopIndex], fetchLine.getSize() == mopIndex + 1, fetchLine.getIndex() == 0 && mopIndex == 0);
+ instrIndex = 0;
+ std::cout << "; " << currentInstruction.getInfo()->getName() << std::endl;
+ rxOpCount++;
+ }
+ if (fetchLine.getCounts()[mopIndex] != currentInstruction.getInfo()->getOp(instrIndex)->getSize()) {
+ std::cout << "ERROR instruction " << currentInstruction.getInfo()->getOp(instrIndex)->getName() << " doesn't fit into slot of size " << fetchLine.getCounts()[mopIndex] << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ std::cout << currentInstruction.getInfo()->getOp(instrIndex)->getName() << std::endl;
+ codeSize += currentInstruction.getInfo()->getOp(instrIndex)->getSize();
+ mopIndex++;
+ instrIndex++;
+ macroOpCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ std::cout << "; code size " << codeSize << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "; x86 macro-ops: " << macroOpCount << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "; RandomX instructions: " << rxOpCount << std::endl;
+ }
void generateLightProgram(LightProgram& prog, const void* seed, int indexRegister) {
// Source: https://www.agner.org/optimize/instruction_tables.pdf
- const int op_latency[LightInstruction::COUNT] = { 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 4, 1, 2, 5 };
+ const int op_latency[LightInstructionType::COUNT] = { 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 4, 1, 2, 5 };
// Instruction latencies for theoretical ASIC implementation
- const int asic_op_latency[LightInstruction::COUNT] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
+ const int asic_op_latency[LightInstructionType::COUNT] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
// Available ALUs for each instruction
uint8_t data[64];
memset(data, 0, sizeof(data));
@@ -147,7 +757,7 @@ namespace RandomX {
uint64_t inst_data[8] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
- bool is_rotation[LightInstruction::COUNT];
+ bool is_rotation[LightInstructionType::COUNT];
bool rotated[8];
int rotate_count = 0;
@@ -156,7 +766,7 @@ namespace RandomX {
memset(alu_busy, 0, sizeof(alu_busy));
memset(is_rotation, 0, sizeof(is_rotation));
memset(rotated, 0, sizeof(rotated));
- is_rotation[LightInstruction::IROR_R] = true;
+ is_rotation[LightInstructionType::IROR_R] = true;
int num_retries = 0;
code_size = 0;
@@ -201,12 +811,12 @@ namespace RandomX {
// 2x IMUL_RCP(a, C) = a * (C * C)
// 2x IXOR_R = NOP
// 2x IROR_R(a, b) = IROR_R(a, 2*b)
- if (instrType != LightInstruction::IMULH_R && instrType != LightInstruction::ISMULH_R && ((inst_data[a] & 0xFFFF00) == (instrType << 8) + ((inst_data[b] & 255) << 16)))
+ if (instrType != LightInstructionType::IMULH_R && instrType != LightInstructionType::ISMULH_R && ((inst_data[a] & 0xFFFF00) == (instrType << 8) + ((inst_data[b] & 255) << 16)))
- if ((instrType == LightInstruction::IADD_RC) || (instrType == LightInstruction::IMUL_9C) || (instrType == LightInstruction::IMUL_RCP) || (instrType == LightInstruction::COND_R) || ((instrType != LightInstruction::IMULH_R) && (instrType != LightInstruction::ISMULH_R) && (a == b)))
+ if ((instrType == LightInstructionType::IADD_RC) || (instrType == LightInstructionType::IMUL_9C) || (instrType == LightInstructionType::IMUL_RCP) || (instrType == LightInstructionType::COND_R) || ((instrType != LightInstructionType::IMULH_R) && (instrType != LightInstructionType::ISMULH_R) && (a == b)))
check_data(data_index, 4, data, sizeof(data));
imm32 = load32(&data[data_index++]);
@@ -222,7 +832,7 @@ namespace RandomX {
if (!alu_busy[next_latency][i])
// ADD is implemented as two 1-cycle instructions on a real CPU, so do an additional availability check
- if ((instrType == LightInstruction::IADD_RC || instrType == LightInstruction::IMUL_9C || instrType == LightInstruction::IMULH_R || instrType == LightInstruction::ISMULH_R) && alu_busy[next_latency + 1][i])
+ if ((instrType == LightInstructionType::IADD_RC || instrType == LightInstructionType::IMUL_9C || instrType == LightInstructionType::IMULH_R || instrType == LightInstructionType::ISMULH_R) && alu_busy[next_latency + 1][i])
@@ -275,7 +885,7 @@ namespace RandomX {
prog(code_size).src = src_index;
- if (instrType == LightInstruction::IADD_RC || instrType == LightInstruction::IMUL_9C || instrType == LightInstruction::IMULH_R || instrType == LightInstruction::ISMULH_R)
+ if (instrType == LightInstructionType::IADD_RC || instrType == LightInstructionType::IMUL_9C || instrType == LightInstructionType::IMULH_R || instrType == LightInstructionType::ISMULH_R)
// ADD instruction is implemented as two 1-cycle instructions on a real CPU, so mark ALU as busy for the next cycle too
alu_busy[next_latency - op_latency[instrType] + 1][alu_index] = true;
@@ -308,7 +918,7 @@ namespace RandomX {
if (asic_latency[i] > asic_latency[max_idx]) max_idx = i;
- const int pattern[3] = { LightInstruction::IMUL_R, LightInstruction::IROR_R, LightInstruction::IMUL_R };
+ const int pattern[3] = { LightInstructionType::IMUL_R, LightInstructionType::IROR_R, LightInstructionType::IMUL_R };
const int instrType = pattern[(code_size - prev_code_size) % 3];
latency[min_idx] = latency[max_idx] + op_latency[instrType];
asic_latency[min_idx] = asic_latency[max_idx] + asic_op_latency[instrType];
diff --git a/src/LightProgramGenerator.hpp b/src/LightProgramGenerator.hpp
index 71c4a7c..a7762b1 100644
--- a/src/LightProgramGenerator.hpp
+++ b/src/LightProgramGenerator.hpp
@@ -21,4 +21,5 @@ along with RandomX. If not, see.
namespace RandomX {
void generateLightProgram(LightProgram& prog, const void* seed, int indexRegister);
+ void generateLightProg2(LightProgram& prog, const void* seed, int indexRegister);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
index 61bb2ff..8c1f64a 100644
--- a/src/main.cpp
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -223,8 +223,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (genLight) {
RandomX::LightProgram p;
- RandomX::generateLightProgram(p, seed, 0);
- std::cout << p << std::endl;
+ RandomX::generateLightProg2(p, seed, 0);
+ //std::cout << p << std::endl;
return 0;
diff --git a/src/program.inc b/src/program.inc
index 46d8093..97a8122 100644
--- a/src/program.inc
+++ b/src/program.inc
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+ mov ebx, 111 ; Start marker bytes
+ db 064h, 067h, 090h ; Start marker bytes
; IROR_R r3, 30
ror r11, 30
@@ -1001,3 +1003,5 @@ randomx_isn_255:
; IROR_R r7, r3
mov ecx, r11d
ror r15, cl
+ mov ebx, 222 ; End marker bytes
+ db 064h, 067h, 090h ; End marker bytes
\ No newline at end of file